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This week, Bart Wynants brings us back to Languard for the final part of the Sacred Blood storyline. In this month’s instalment, the party must (perhaps using subtly and tact) break-in to a manor house of singular sinister repute. I’m sure nothing will go wrong.

About Martryn Manor

A dissonant chorus of low moaning and high-pitched laughter echoes from the grand ballroom, where Languard’s lowest elements mingle with its haughty elite. Luxuriating in their black euphoria, they pose no threat to your exploration of Martryn Manor. In fact, the debauchery provides an excellent diversion—with most of the guards tending to the guests’ extravagant needs, you are free to roam the manor unchallenged. Until now, at least… 

Heavy footfalls herald the approach of three thugs patrolling the halls. Instinctively, your hand glides to your sword-hilt, but you resist the impulse to draw steel, instead remembering the words of your companions: “Just act like you belong”. As the men turn the corner, you steady your heartbeat and straighten your shoulders, greeting the ruffians with a curt nod and a wry smile. For a brief moment, three pairs of puzzled eyes lock with yours, and you fight the urge to look away. Several long seconds later, they nod and respond with a grunt which could be a greeting as well as a curse. Breathing a sigh of relief, you duck into the nearest room to continue your search. A dry “click” sounds beneath your feet, causing a pair of iron portcullises to slam down, sealing the chamber. Then, a low, gravelly voice resonates from a brass horn set into the wall: “No one saw you enter. No one has to see you leave…”

By Bart Wynants

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Please Review!

I’m keen to get some reviews and feedback on The Lonely Coast and Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands. I’d like to learn how to make upcoming modules better and to spread the word about Raging Swan Press. Could you help? Would you leave a review or a rating of either (or both) at DriveThruRPG using the direct links below? I’d be tremendously grateful.

The Lonely Coast (5e) 

The Lonely Coast (OSR) 

The Lonely Coast (P1) 

Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands (5e) 

Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands (P1) 

Thank you! 

The Gameatory

This week on the Gameatory, our heroes lose one of their own (again), I talk about the design process behind Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands and I reveal more about running Raging Swan Press and publishing from home.

Many of my posts at the Gameatory are for everyone. A few—mainly pertaining to things my players should not know—are member-only. Sign up for a paid account to see everything (including insights and secrets about the Ashlar campaign setting) and join our exclusive Slack channel. I hope to see you there!

Thank You

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press on Patreon. I much appreciate you being part of the campaign. You help us to do what we love—create flavoursome and detailed supplements designed to help you (and me) run campaigns with less hassle and stress. Thank you.

If you have any suggestions for other dressing subjects, please leave a note in the comments below.

And finally, it should come as no surprise at all the Everything is Better with Tentacles—particularly sinister manor houses in the wrong part of town.



I would love to post reviews on DriveThruRPG but, as a publisher account myself, they don't allow it :(


Done! I've posted reviews for both P1 versions. Thanks for publishing all these great products!


I have to give props to Bart for Into Martryn Manor. This is one of the better rpg products I've read in a while (and I read many). Exceedingly immersive with impeccable attention to detail. I'll assuredly be weaving this into my home campaign. Well done.


As far as suggestions for dressing, I'd like to offer up 1) Noble's Hunting Lodge and 2) Seedy Drug Den.


Thank you, on Bart's behalf! I don't suppose I could talk you into leaving a review at DriveThruRPG could I?


Absolutely, but no need to talk me into it. After I finish reading, I'll leave a review. Looking like a 5-star at this point.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Ethan! It really means a lot. I hope Martryn Manor will bring much enjoyment to what is certainly a marvellous campaign already!


You're very welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to inject into your works the minute details that really help them feel real and come alive. It helps take burden off the DM's shoulders and is much appreciated. The home campaign is approaching a decade in length. The prime antagonist is Hastur, so your allusions to the King in Yellow in this product work perfectly.


FYI, tried to leave a review on DriveThru but received this message, "We're sorry... This title is not available..."


I'm about to set it live to the general public, now. Sorry for the confusion--you should be able to post a review now.