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This week, in Dungeon Backdrop: Undercity Chapel by Bart Wynants, we descend into Languard’s sewers in search of certain answers to certain questions.

Undercity Chapel is available in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2 editions and is the second Dungeon Backdrop in the Sacred Blood storyline. You can download the Storyline document free from the Raging Swan Press store here.

About Undercity Chapel

Nameless things slither against your legs as you wade through the foetid waters of Languard’s sewers. The nauseating stench is thick enough to cut with a blade, causing your eyes to water and your stomach to heave. Even your torch-flame seems affected, flaring and sputtering wildly like a wet candle. There’s no turning back, however. The chittering, squeaking echoes drawing near herald the arrival of a writhing tide of vermin. Behind you, a thousand eyes full of amber malice glow like angry cinders in the dark. Holding aloft your flickering torch, you continue pushing against the sludge’s current in a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the ravening horde. Having reached a crumbling walkway, you hoist yourself up just before the wriggling tide of rats reaches you. A dark doorway looms ahead, and you swiftly duck inside, slamming the door shut behind you. It won’t hold them back forever; you’ve seen them gnaw through stronger doors before, but at least you’ve bought yourself some time. Your relief soon turns to horror as your torch suddenly flares up for the final time. “Sewer gas”. It’s all you can think before the deafening roar erupts inside the room, singing your lungs with blistering hot air...

Other News

Work has begun on converting Retribution to 5e and OSR editions! This is going to be a long job—I was surprised how much work was involved in creating the 5e edition of Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands. Hopefully, I've learnt from my mistakes, however, and the process will be quicker this time! (Doesn't this seem like famous last words?)

What Game or Edition Are You Playing?

I’m conducting my semi-annual check regards what games you play, and which editions of our books you use. Over 200 of you have already voted. If you haven’t yet voted, there is still time to make your voice heard. Please follow this link to vote. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time everyone at the $2 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download code for this book. Just drop it into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you.

Also find the Dungeon Backdrop's maps attached as a zip file.

The Gameatory

This week on the Gameatory, my first game of Call of Cthulhu did not go well for the investigators, I reveal details of a certain blasphemous tome and I realise there is a book for that.

Many of my posts at the Gameatory are for everyone. A few—mainly pertaining to things my players should not know—are member-only. Sign up for a paid account to see everything (including insights and secrets about the Ashland campaign setting) and join our exclusive Slack channel. I hope to see you there!

Thank You

Thank you for helping Raging Swan Press survive the pandemic, and for helping us do what we love. If you have any suggestions as to how to make Raging Swan Press’s releases better please drop me a line.

Have an epic weekend, and remember: Everything is Better with Tentacles—particularly noisome sewers and subterranean temples.


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