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Every year or so I like to check in with you regards our mix of 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2 and System Neutral books. I want to make sure we are offering the right mix of editions/versions for as many people as possible. 

For example, if no one uses the OSR editions of our books we could (and should) shift focus and resources to books that would better help us all run more awesome games.

So with that in mind, please answer the following question:

Which of the following rule systems/editions do you use?

  • 5e
  • OSR
  • Pathfinder 1
  • Pathfinder 2
  • System Neutral/Other

You should be able to select as many options as you like, so if you run 5e and OSR please select both options.

Obviously, feel free to leave a comment explaining your choice. For example, if you are running Pathfinder 1 but about to switch to Pathfinder 2 I’d love to know.

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Your support has enabled Raging Swan Press to survive the last 18 months or so in relatively decent condition and I am immensely grateful. Thank you--and let me have your thoughts! 


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