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Good old Bart Wynants. This week, he continues the Secret Name storyline with Dungeon Backdrop: Craghollow Mine. Available in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2 (and as normal patrons at the $2 and up levels get all four editions) Craghollow Mine is set on the Lonely Coast, but could be easily adapted to virtually any campaign. 

About Craghollow Mine

Dawn’s dim light conjures up a chill mist whose phantom tendrils coil amid the trees, to linger upon the thorny brambles and dewy boughs. Another tired blade-stroke descends upon the brush, tearing the wisps into whirling vortices which soon dissipate in the breeze. Your sword arm throbs with the ache of a thousand swings made to carve a path through the Tangled Wood. Over the past few hours, the whooping cries of roving goblin bands have given way to a foreboding silence, broken only by the gentle babbling of a cold forest stream. Twixt the trees, you spy the cavernous maw of a long-abandoned mine, rusted rail tracks leading from it like the forked iron tongue emerging from some monstrous gullet.  

Craghollow Mine is part of the Secret Name storyline. Download a free copy of the storyline here.


Earlier this week, I posted a poll to determine the subject of April's 10-Second Reads. If you haven't voted, now is the time. The poll closes on Monday, and voting is excitingly close. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop it into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Thank you also for supporting us on Patreon. Patreon is Raging Swan Press's beating heart, and I'm tremendously grateful you are here. I hope you can use this Dungeon Backdrop in your game—either as part of the Secret Name storyline or as an "independent" location. 

I'd like to also welcome our new and returning members—Conrad Clough, Skip Leeds, Memphis Cg and Marisa Kolver—who have joined in the last few weeks. Welcome all!

Again thank you. Good luck with your games,



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