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Last month's theme for our 10-Second Reads was "On the Road". The theme proved so popular we are continuing the theme this month!

Find attached to this post, the PDF and text file for February's articles. 

Why include a text file? Simple, so you can quickly and easily import the NPCs directly into your home campaign notes. If you find this format useful, please let me know as I'm falling in love with text files. I love their simplicity and portability. (I may need to get out more--it's been a long year…) 

Don't Forget to Vote

March's 10-Second theme is "On the Road", and voting is underway for April's. If you haven't voted, click here to have your voice heard. At the moment, the three options are neck and neck.

Thank You

As always, thank you for your support. I hope you find this offering useful and it helps make your games more fun for you and your players. 

See you Friday, for Dungeon Backdrop: Craghollow Mine.


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