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This week, Mike Welham resurrects a vampire-infested Village Backdrop from the good old days. 

Shroudhaven is the last "free-standing" village we'll be releasing in the short-term. Later this month we release the 2019/20 Village Backdrop compilation books (for 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2) and this seemed like a good place to pause the line for a while so we can focus on other things—Urban Dressing, Dungeon Backdrops and the like. That doesn't mean the Village Backdrop line is dead—far from it—but it does mean it will be morphing into something slightly different. I'll have more news about the 2021 release schedule soon. 

About Shroudhaven

Nestled in a deep valley, sunlight has never caressed centuried Shroudhaven. Thick fog—rendered permanent by ancient magics—fills the valley. Here, refugees from a long-forgotten war found sanctuary from their enemies. Most villagers are undead, and a dark reputation hangs over the village. Visitors to the village, though, tell a different story. They speak of the undead battling their basest urges and trying to live peaceful lives.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this week's book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

You'll also find the map files for Shroudhaven attached to this post. 

As Always…

Thank you so much for your epic support—particularly at this hard time. As we head into our second lockdown here in the UK, your support means the world to me and helps us keep the lights on at Global HQ and pay our freelancers a decent word rate for decent work! Thank you. 

If you have any suggestions for more Raging Swan Press products or articles, please leave a note in the comments. 

Good luck with your games!


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