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This week, we are back in Steve Hood’s Tigley taking an extended look at the village and its folk. Tigley is a cracking location. One of the things Steve does really well, in my opinion, is build a believable locale full of interesting folk. I hope you agree and that you can find a spot for the village in your own campaign.

About Tigley

Wracked by disaster, Tigley is a village reborn. Standing on the fringes of the noisome Gnatmarsh, its folk make their living from the swamp and harvesting guano from the caves honeycombing the spire of rock upon which stands much of the village. But all is not peaceful in Tigley. The villagers’ burial rituals have attracted undead to certain nearby sunken ruins and goblins now lurk in the locality. In the village itself, influential figures vie for control of the local industries, a bully uses his influence to spread lies and cause trouble and the village priest hides a terrible secret. Once again, Tigley is a village teetering on the edge of disaster, but this time it is a disaster of the village’s own making.

Campaign Codex Update

Thank you for all your feedback on the nascent Campaign Codex line. I am delighted so many of you have found the draft so useful. Your thoughtful feedback and comments were instrumental in making version 2.0 much better. Thank you! 

I’ll be moving forward with a Campaign Codex line (for 5e, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2) in the near future; all I have to do is work out how to find space in our release schedule! 

(And if you still want to comment you can grab version 2 of my proof of concept here). 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

You'll also find a zip file attached to this post with Tigley’s maps (both tagged and untagged) by the amazing Tommi Salama!

Thank You!

As always, thank you so much for supporting Raging Swan Press on Patreon. I hope our materials continue to make designing, preparing and running your games easier and less hassle. If you have any feedback or comments about how we can make Raging Swan Press’s offering even better, please leave your comments below. 

Finally, I'd like to welcome everyone who has joined us in the last few weeks. Welcome FrostNoxia, Pieter Dewulf, Scott E. Nash, David Asnicar, Giuseppe D’Aristotile, Stephen Uhlenkamp, Michael Drueen, Scott Secor, Lochlan Partington, Tony R, Mark Benfele, Yud, Richard Hone, Mark Marychurch, Matthew Luce, Dorin Dehelean--I hope you enjoy the books coming through from the campaign and that they make your GMing life easier!

Just One More Thing...

I thought I'd leave you with a preview of a new piece of artwork for an upcoming instalment of Dungeon Dressing by the always epic Matt Morrow:


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