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Yesterday, I posted up a rough first draft of a two-page spread for the Campaign Codex--a new product line I'm plotting and scheming. 

I've had loads of feedback--thank you--and sat down today to plot version 2. (I'm gaming tonight and the characters are fighting goblins so if seemed a particularly good time to give this some effort). 

The attached file is Version 2 of the goblin spread I posted up yesterday. I've got the message loud and clear that each featured monster should have a two-page spread and loved the idea of making page 1 all about stats and what the GM might need for combat and its immediate aftermath. Page 2 is for role-playing if the characters should resort to communication and the like (instead of violence). The other advantage of this layout is that it makes creating a Pathfinder 1 or Pathfinder 2 version much easier. 

I'm really happy with this enhanced layout, but please let me know what you think! (But please note, I haven't proofed or edited the contents yet).

Again, thank you for the feedback to date; I've found it all tremendously useful.  

(Finally--again and obviously--this is a free post).


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