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Last week, I asked you all “Which one of the games or editions we publish books for would you most like to see Raging Swan Press create adventures and supplements for?” 

168 of you voted, and many of you commented. I thought you’d all like to know the results. 

I must confess, I was surprised at the popularity of our System Neutral supplements. I love dungeon dressing—that’s no secret—and I was delighted to learn so many of you find that kind of book so useful!

 5e—unsurprisingly—won the poll with 37% of the vote, but System Neutral wasn’t far behind with 29% Pathfinder combined comes in at 22% and OSR heroically brings up the rear with 11% of the votes. 

These results don’t mean I’m planning to ditch any of our various editions, but they do mean I’m going to take a long, hard look at how I can add some more System Neutral supplements into the mix. This might involve switching our monthly mini-eventure to a more System Neutral offering akin to the Monstrous Lairs line of last year. This would mean I could allocate greater resources to the books in regards designers and artists. More plotting is required, and I’ll—of course—update you as I stagger nearer to an actual plan. 

Anyway, thank you again for letting me know your game/edition thoughts. 

As always, good luck with your game!



bowing to you, most excellent Creighton. first Brexit, now this. you and your team are battling the metaphorical dragon army at every turn! three cheers to you, and may your island fortress weather these challenges relatively unscathed. namaste, dude.