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I love bringing the game world alive for my players. I want them to immerse themselves in the setting and to become connected to the folk with which the interact. Adventurers should have lives outside their incessant questing. That was part of the reason for the Eventure line—a line I’m jolly proud of. I’ve used several of the eventures in my own campaign, and they’ve been a great change of pace to the normal dungeoneering that dominates most game sessions. 

I hope you enjoy the eventures and that you’ll also get a chance to use them in-game at some point (hopefully in the not too distant future). On that subject, because eventures don’t include combat or other challenges that require a ton of dice rolling they are perfect for a casual video-conferencing game. You don’t need a battle mat—the session can be almost 100% role playing which means you won’t have to learn any new complicated online system. 

About GM’s Miscellany: Eventures

GM's Miscellany: Eventures comprises the following eventures:  

  • A Day Out at the Circus 
  • A Day Out at the Executions 
  • Five Night at the Scythe 
  • Four Nights at the Orc's Head 
  • Night of the Masks 
  • Raisa's Auction Most Wondrous 
  • Where There's a Will  

The eventures in GM's Miscellany: Eventures are suitable for any level characters and can be used with any size group. While they are designed for the Ashlar campaign setting they are easily adapted to virtually any GM’s campaign.  

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. 

The exact codes you get will depend on your tier of support:

  • $2 patrons get codes for all four editions of one of the eventures in the book--Raisa's Auction Most Wondrous
  • $5 patrons get the free PDFs of all four versions of GM’s Miscellany: Eventures and a 50% discount on all printed copies of the book.
  • $10 and $25 patrons get a free PDF of all four versions of GM’s Miscellany: Eventures and a copy of all four books at cost.

(If you upgrade to the $5, $10, or $25 tier drop me a line and I’ll send you the relevant codes  as a thank you for upgrading your support.)

Anyway, just drop the codes into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

What’s Your Favourite System?

Earlier this week, I set up a poll here on Patreon to find out which of our editions you enjoy/use most. The results to date have surprised me somewhat—I had no idea System Neutral books were so popular! I much appreciate the many comments the poll has spawned--I've read them all--and  was we speaking I'm pondering how I can insert more system neutral resources into our release schedule.

Thank you if you have already voted. If you haven’t, you’ve got a few days left to let me know what you think. 

Thank You!

As always, thank you for your support. I much appreciate the trust you put in Raging Swan Press. Your support directly enables us to keep producing the kind go GM resources we all use in our campaigns. Thank you. 

Have a great (safe) weekend.



Great Stuff Creighton!!!


Wait, I've already received all of these products before. So this is just giving me what I already have, but consolidated?


Similarly, I received all but one of these before (it was before I joined, I guess).


Yes, this is a compilation of previously released material which is available in print for the first time! We also created Pathfinder 2 versions of all the eventures which hadn’t had such editions before (because they came out before Pathfinder 2 was released). From memory, that was all but the final eventure.