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Finally, September has come to a close and it's been an epic month. Our sale was amazing. Thank you, if you savaged your wish list (and for your continued support!)

20 Things

We've released two new "20 Things" this week, to compliment the system neutral edition release of GM's Miscellany: Wilderness Dressing

Print them out today and stick them in your GM's folder for when your PCs go off piste. Hopefully, you'll find them jolly useful.

Epic Reviews!

It's been a great week for reviews--and they've all turned up in the last few days. I was quietly wondering where they had all gone and then we got hit with a flurry!

Even better, they are all rather positive.

Sethvir said of Retribution Collector's Edition, "I could certainly see myself running this or playing this as I think it hits all the right buttons for being a classic adventure that is well designed with opportunities for different types of players to have their moments in the sun, or the snow as the case maybe."

For his part, Endzeitgeist said of Town Backdrop: Wolfsbane (while giving it five stars and his seak of approval), "Robert Brookes knows how to write a town that feels unique, that feels alive - and he succeeds in this town to an extent I would not have expected." He followed this up with some jolly kind words about Places of Power: The Fragrant Tower: "this place is concise, fun and a great little set-piece with quite some interesting adventuring potential."

And finally, LordofMuck gave both Scions of Evil and GM's Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing five stars. Of Scions of Evil he said, "this book can almost singlehandedly inspire an entire campaign or adventure!" while he called GM's Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing, "For ANY Pathfinder GM I really would consider this a mandatory GM's resource."

As you can imagine, I'm delighted with all the reviews. I get a real kick out of knowing our books and adventures are being used all over the world. 

Have a super weekend!


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