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This week, with your support, Raging Swan Press releases GM's Monthly Miscellany: October 2015

Featuring material from some of Raging Swan Press’s newest products as well as classic releases of yesteryear, advice articles and material from Creighton’s on-going design of the megadungeon Gloamhold, the GM’s Monthly Miscellany series is a terrific free resource for the busy, time-crunched GM.

This month’s issue features:

  • 20 Things to Find in an Alchemist’s Laboratory
  • Idyll At A Glance (from Village Backdrop: Idyll)
  • Abandoned Village: An Alternate Dungeon (from Alternate Dungeons: Abandoned Village)
  • Mounts: Warhorses (from So What’s the Mount Like, Anyway?)
  • Mounts: War Ponies (from So What’s the Mount Like, Anyway?)
  • 20 Things to Find in an Abandoned Building

Release Schedule News

I’ve slightly re-jgged Raging Swan Press’s release schedule (and updated it through to the end of the year), and I wanted to explain the change and my thoughts behind it. 

Basically, instead of releasing each month’s GM’s Monthly Miscellany at the end of the month, I’ve moved it to the start of the month. This in turn means every other product in

the month “bumps” backwards a week.  I’m doing this for three reasons: 


  • Historically, GM’s Monthly Miscellanies released at the end of the month. This was because I didn’t want to come out at the same time as Pathways from Rite Publishing. However, they seem to have gone to a mid-month release schedule.
  • The GM’s Monthly Miscellany series was originally envisioned as a way to preview Raging Swan’s offering. It seems daft, in retrospect, to have the preview come out after the products themselves have released.
  • Because you chaps get our books early, sometimes the first product of the month "falls” into the previous month. This means that (for example) you could get charged for a September release in August. This happened with Village Backdrop: Kennutcat and I don’t think that’s particularly ideal.

So all in all, it’s a minor change. If anyone was waiting for a specific supplement for their campaign and this new release schedule messes things up, let me know and I’ll work to get you book you need when you need it.

As Always...

Thank you very much for your support. 2015 is shaping up to be an excellent year, and a big part of that is down to your support and the changes they are enabling me to make to how Raging Swan Press works. Things are only going to get better from here on out!

And Finally...

We've had a flurry of new patrons join the campaign so I wanted to mention again the special 10% extra discount those nice chaps at RPGNow have set up for you to use during our birthday sale. 

  • Enter RSBSP2015 at checkout to get an additional 10% off your order. 

The code is good up until the end of the month, so if you want to use it you'll have to hurry!


GM's Monthly Miscellany: October 2015

Featuring material from some of Raging Swan Press's newest products as well as classic releases of yesteryear, advice articles and material from Creighton's on-going design of the megadungeon Gloamhold, the GM's Monthly Miscellany series is a terrific free resource for the busy, time-crunched GM. This month's issue features: 20 Things to Find in an [...]


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