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As you probably know by now, I love dungeon dressing. I also love dungeons, and I am enjoying immensely updating the Dungeon Dressing line to 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 2. I hope you will get tons of use out of the Dungeon Dressing books and that your players appreciate your extra effort describing the dungeons through which they traipse.

I think statues are epic dungeon features. I have fond memories of many animate statues bearing down on heroes exploring ruined temples, wizard's sanctums and more.  I think my favourite statues appear in the classic module Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure. Any statue that can petrify Mordenkainen is alright by me! (Don't worry: he got better).


Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you.

A Final Note: Patreon have recently changed the way I can send out the codes. I believe I have mastered the new system, but if you don't have your codes by now please drop me a line and I'll leap into action to get them to you.  

Your Support is Awesome

Again, you've helped us to put together a book that hopefully you and other GMs will use for years to come. As you can probably imagine updating and converting four different versions of the same book is time-consuming and requires minions/freelancers with a wide range of skills. Thank you for supporting us and helping us make our books the best they can be. 

I also want to welcome all our new members. Since last week, Kasper Kold, Chris Mooney, Greg Arnold, Max Bischoff, Paul Coulter, Carl Perkins and Mark Hanson have all joined us; welcome all! If you have any questions regards the campaign or how to get your downloads please just leave a note in the comments below and I'll leap into action. 

Up Next

Next week, we've got two epic supplements for you: The Picaroon Peninsula and the Patreon-exclusive Drinking at the Last Chance. See you next week!

Good luck with your games.


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