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This week, the redoubtable Mike Welham returns to the sunken village of Beacon Promontory to give us a more in depth look at this dismal, partially drowned settlement. Standing on the coast between the Duchy of Ashlar and the Picaroon Peninsula it is an isolated dot of civilisation on a harsh and unforgiving coastline. 

Beacon Promontory arose from the watery grave of Beacon Cove after a ferocious storm submerged the village. The handful of doughty survivors rebuilt their homes around Beacon Lighthouse, which lights the way for passing ships, many of which used to make the former village a port of call. Many consider the holdouts insane for staying, considering over half their neighbours left or were killed in the storm, but they feel they have a duty to seafarers who become stranded along the remote stretch of coast. However, the truly insane person may be the lighthouse keeper who believes the deluge that destroyed Beacon Cove was a precursor to an invasion from beneath the waves.

A Village Backdrop by Mike Welham

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

I have also attached tagged and untagged village maps here for your convenience. Please download and enjoy them!

Thank You!

I hope enjoy Beacon Promontory and can find a place for the village in your campaign. 

Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press, and making so much of what we do here possible. Your support enables us to keep producing high quality supplements for so many different systems and campaigns. I love that we can publish material for 5e, OSR, System Neutral and Pathfinder games. Thank you.

Finally, I'd like to welcome Ross Nelson, Julien Masset, Brian and Cheri Fuller who have all joined us this week. Welcome all!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your games! 


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