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DriveThruRPG has invented a new kind of book—Phone PDFs—designed to be quickly and easily accessed on a phone. Apparently, more and more gamers are using their phone at the table to reference core rulebooks and the like. 

I was wondering if you read RPG books on your phone? Personally, I’m not in this camp—I avoid my phone as much as possible and I don’t commute—so I don’t have any real experience in this way of using RPG books. And to make matters worse, I’m an old fuddy duddy who prefers a physical book whenever possible. 

However, I’m intrigued by this idea, as I can see how using your commute to plot your campaign is a great use of that dead time (assuming you are not driving).

To that end, I've created a free version of one of our 20 Things releases in a variety of formats compatible with Kindle, Apple Books , Kobo and more. I've uploaded the zip file here containing all the various versions of the book. (Alternatively, is the idea of a smaller page size PDF attractive to you?) Downland a copy and take a look, if you fancy it. I’d be keen to know what you think about making some of our books available in this format. Would you use them? Is it a waste of time? Let me know, in the comments below!


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