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I'm dedicated this week's release to one of my players--Tim Ayres. Tim has the rare and special ability to fail any saving throw made to resist petrification. As super powers go, it's pretty terrible, and I must confess to chortling slightly as I designed this Dungeon Backdrop. This is a place, Tim will not want to go. (And yet be might in the coming weeks as I lure my hapless players into a "bandit hunt"). 

I hope your players don't feel the same way, and that they enjoy exploring Deszraul's Hold!

About Deszraul's Hold

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Creighton Broadhurst

Hidden deep in the hills, Deszraul’s Hold has a sinister reputation. The medusa Dezraul claims the caves and evidence of her fell powers—a bewildering array of uncannily lifelike stone statues—stand about her gloomy domain. All that remains of adventurers daring to face the cave’s snake-headed mistress, the statues are a salutary warning on the dangers of facing a medusa in her lair. But does Deszraul still lair within? Has a band of savage, merciless bandits fallen under her sway? Only you can decide. 

This Dungeon Backdrop is designed to work with the Duchy of Ashlar and Gloamhold campaign setting but can be easily inserted into almost any fantasy campaign. 

About Dungeon Backdrops

You are a GM, but you are busy. You want to write your own modules, but you just don’t have the time. And you don’t want to use commercial modules. You want to make your campaign your own. That’s where the Dungeon Backdrop line comes in! Each Dungeon Backdrop presents a fully fleshed out and lovingly detailed self-contained dungeon ready for you to use as you see fit. Stock the dungeon with your own monsters (and—perhaps—their treasure), decide their back story and you are good to go.  

Dungeon Backdrops: we describe the dungeon, you add the monsters (and the treasure).

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

As well as Dungeon Backdrop: Deszraul's Hold we are also sending you a copy of Monstrous Lair #28: Smuggler's Hidden Den

And finally, you'll find tagged and untagged versions of the map for this Dungeon Backdrop attached to this post. 

Thank You!

As always, thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. I hope you get as much use from our products as I do and that they help you run a better game with less prepping hassle. 

I'd also like to welcome our new members--Richard L. Shatto, Steve Benfield, Marcus Flores, Colette McGreevy, Justin Randles, Drive Elizabeth and Bart Wynants--who have fallen into my sinister clutches this week. Welcome, all!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your games. 


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