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Dungeon Backdrop: Delthur's Folly is the first in a new line of supplements from Raging Swan Press. In a similar vein to Village Backdrops, Dungeon Backdrops provide you with a detailed dungeon to stock as you see fit. I hope you enjoy this new line--which comes in Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral editions--and that you find them useful additions to your GM's toolkit. I'd love to know what you think; please leave a comment below. 

About Dungeon Backdrops

You are a GM, but you are busy. You want to write your own modules, but you just don’t have the time. And you don’t want to use commercial modules. You want to make your campaign your own. That’s where the Dungeon Backdrop line comes in! Each Dungeon Backdrop presents a fully fleshed out and lovingly detailed self-contained dungeon ready for you to use as you see fit. Stock the dungeon with your own monsters (and—perhaps—their treasure), decide their back story and you are good to go.  

Every Dungeon Backdrop is carefully designed to be easily inserted into almost any fantasy campaign. Dungeon Backdrops: we describe the dungeon, you add the monsters (and the treasure).

Delthur's Folly

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Creighton Broadhurst

Hidden in the wild uplands beyond the Selka River, the sinkhole-mine of Delthur’s Folly is a byword among the locals for a fool’s errand doomed to fail. The only survivor of the fated expedition—driven mad by his ordeal and raving of “the water’s sibilant whispers”—died shortly after staggering into Dunstone a year or more after Delthur and his miners disappeared into the wilderness. And yet, every year adventurers cross the Selka in search of the mine—gold and silver are said to lie within. Some return empty-handed and some do not return at all. Local legend has it that something terrible dwells in the mine.

Cartography by Dyson Logos

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Also find the tagged and untagged maps for Delthur's Folly attached to this post. I'm a huge fan of Dyson Logos' mapping style and I hope you similarly like his old-school style.

Thank You!

Thank you for your continued support. You are enabling us to experiment and to bring you new, jolly useful, supplements and lines designed to make all our campaigns better and less stressful to run. 

I'd also like to welcome our new members--Anthony M. Valentine, boaz vardi, Wayne Rossi, Brian Perlis, Sarah Trevisiol,  Chris Skuller, Emil Enbuska, Jonathan Garrison, EricKei and Daniel Bevis--who have all joined us this week. Welcome one and all!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your games!


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