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This week we are releasing (probably) the last instalment in the Campaign Backdrop line (which I think is also the largest release in the line): Campaign Backdrop: Caves & Caverns. Marvellously, the book will also be available in print if you prefer physical copies. 

We are also hurling into the world Monstrous Lair #11: Dark Creeper Village. If you are running any underground campaign, these books should make getting ready for the next session considerably easier!

Inbound Hardbacks

For quite some time, I've wanted to publish more hardback books. As you might recall we already have a half-dozen or so, but haven't released any in the last few years. 

A big part of the problem has been technology. The various programs I use to make the books seem to have a funny fit and fall over when the file sizes get above a certain size (and as you can imagine a 300-page book isn't exactly a small file). 

Well the good news is that I think I've resolved the technical woes that have been standing in my way. Next week, I'll be building some large files and seeing how things go. My plan is to release a slew of hardbacks in time for Christmas (probably throughout November and December). The great news is that because we now have such a large collection of 5e and System Neutral Edition material I'll be able to publish our first non-Pathfinder hardbacks! 

More news--including a release schedule--when I've confirm my victory over the Software Gremlins of Doom. 

Where's My Stuff?

By the time you get this, supporters at the $5 and $10 levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for Campaign Backdrop: Caves & Caverns. Everyone at the $2 and up levels should also have a special link to Monstrous Lair #11: Dark Creeper Village

Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thanks You & Welcome!

As always, thank you for your awesomely epic support. You are enabling us to do some great things (such as the hard back books I discuss above)! Welcome-also--to our new members: Adrian Jones, Frans Verhoef, Mitchell Andreani, Ian Becker, Dean Evans, Rowena Knill and Thomas Talamini who have all joined us recently.

I hope that no matter how long you've been with Raging Swan  you find our books instrumental in helping you run a less stressful, easier to prepare campaign. Have a cracking weekend!



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