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What Ho!

This week, we are back in Languard exploring the Shambles--a slum area ripe with memorable locations and NPCs for your players to explore! 

Languard Locations: The Shambles presents ten additional locations designed for use with City Backdrop: Languard. While the locales within are designed with Languard in mind, they are easily convertible for use in your campaign. This instalment deals with locations in the Shambles district.

Storied Languard— the capital of Ashlar and its greatest city—stands hard against Hard Bay’s turbulent, stormy waters. To the north lies the Mottled Spire’s brooding spray-drenched mass, the curse-haunted ruins of Greystone and Gloamhold’s doom-wreathed halls. Ashlar’s greatest—indeed only—city, Languard is a noisy, dirty place. Here, amid broad, muddy streets teeming with life and shadow-mantled, danger-filled alleyways there is little beneath the sun that cannot be had somewhere—for a price.

Mummy's Crypt

Free to everyone at the $2 and up level, Monstrous Lairs #10: Mummy's Crypt gives you the tools to bring to life the mummy's crypts in your campaign!

Wishlists Now Active!

I've been beavering away at the Raging Swan Press store this week. We now have wishlist capability! Head on over to the store and check it out

(And don't forget, if you haven't signed up to our Free Gold for GMs scheme now is the perfect time to get some free gold pieces.)

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

You will also find tagged and untagged versions of this week's maps attached to this post. 

Thank You!

As always, thank you so much for your heroic support. I hope our books are helping you to an easier life of GMing and that you have an excellent weekend,



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