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As you'll recall from last week, I tweaked this month's release schedule slightly so I could expunge a particularly irksome (and embarrassing) typo in GM's Miscellany: Places of Power (5e) and (SNE). I'm delighted to report I have been victorious and crushed my enemy. 

So, this week all Patreon at the $5 and up levels will get a pile of books. This includes:

  • GM's Miscellany: Places of Power II (Pathfinder)
  • GM's Miscellany: Places of Power (5e)
  • GM's Miscellany: Places of Power (SNE)

And--even better--they'll also be receiving discount codes for physical books at RPGNow. 

The only bit of sad news regards these books is that they are the last Places of Powers for the foreseeable future. At the start of the year, I reviewed our release schedule and realised that something had to give if I was to give  Languard the focus it "deserves". Next month, instead of a Places of Power release everyone at the $2 level and up will receive the first Languard Locations release (which features several locations from my own campaign!) I'm looking forward to unleashing it into your campaigns!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this patrons at the $5 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

I hope the slightly tweaked release schedule wasn't a problem for you this week. As you know, I am tremendously grateful for your support--you have transformed how Raging Swan Press works and I can't wait to push on to our next goals and milestones. Thank you for being a part of that. I'd also like to welcome Chuck Charbeneau, Eric Liberti, Nick Blow and Edward Da Fonseca who have joined our merry band this week.

And that's it--have a fantastic weekend!


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