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A bit ago I designed the Haze Imps.  They are the general 'enemy' type that wonder around all the levels in Bito's Box Bash.

They are a type of ghostly imp you can summon for general multi-purpose troupes and hoards.

    Though they are a mischievous and curious bunch and often are left wondering around after their summon gig is complete, sometimes causing a bit of trouble. A quick bop on their head can send them back to the Haze Realm though. They can be a rebellious pest but they don't mean any serious harm.

The people in charge of the Haze Imps are these to tall fellas (who currently lack names).

    Here's also a design for a bulky baddie. It was a look I was at first considering for the male ruler, being reminiscent of a lot of baddie kings from other games, but I think the cocky zoot-suit look works better. The bulky dude will still be used as one of their underlings.

I'm still ironing out the details, but it's going in a good direction.



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