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With Keisuke out of art hell, I can go back to doing these!

How these will work is that every month, a week before release, I will give a summary of what each route could be doing for the next release, and then I let you all vote on it, with results on release. To keep things fair, if an option wins 2 months in a row, it is skipped for the next month, and Alone is added in its place.

So, without further ado, let's talk about the plans for the routes so you know what you'll be voting for!


Due to overwhelming support of a crazy idea someone had (and another reason I am not ready to share yet which needs a big announcement), The Mom Route is getting expanded into an 8-hour runtime, which while shorter than the other routes, is still a lot longer than its original intended length of 2 hours (and then 4).

With the coming 0.16.2 release (which got a delay of a week due to a major issue with Samantha's sprites that required a week to fix), things will (hopefully!) leave off with Z and their mom finishing their shopping trip at the mall. Z will hit up a clothes store, reject/back out of going to a salon, visit a carrier store for a new phone only for them to all suck and them having a talk with an employee about how much they suck, and a food court where something happens to trigger their mom's PTSD that gives Z an inkling of the hell of a childhood she endured.

What the 0.17.0 writing would cover, assuming the mall is finished, is Z's dad's return home, an awkward conversation that could involve Zoey coming out to her dad, Z trying to dodge questions of what happened, or Zach trying to imply his mom isn't the woman his dad thinks she is, and hopefully with time for Samantha teaching her (un)willing daughter the ins and outs of being a woman with stuff like beauty care, hygiene, and more, with a planned time skip to Thanksgiving dinner and sorting out Z's legal status.

The writing is going to prioritize Zoey cracking, as that's what people are liking this route for, but I do need to put effort into the other branches as it will still overlap with them to a certain degree.


With the new art for Keisuke, I can both fix up his shower (baths) scene writing and write the prelude to the swimming pool sex. I don't really have much to say besides what the link already explains, but it'll be prioritizing fixing the existing sex scene and Day 2 morning to remove reference of the earlier sex being a mandatory event and polishing the writing (with edits) to be to modern standards.

If I have time, I will polish the Day 2 Mall writing for better expressions and slightly edit and streamline things to fit Keisuke's better-defined personality now, with the goal of keeping the writing much more intact than the earlier start to his route as people seemed to like this mall visit a lot, despite its age.

Ideally, I would like to add a short lunch break for Zach and Keisuke that looks a lot like a date to their waiter, and Zach is annoyed and impressed by how much of a gentleman Keisuke can be, making Zach understand firsthand why girls keep falling for Keisuke, and then when Keisuke makes a few too many crass comments, making Zach understand why girls keep falling out of love with Keisuke.


The SFW variants and NSFW variants of the first real planned yuri CG/HCG outline this very thoroughly through the captions, so I'll not give more of a summary than Britney leverages knowing Zach likes gender bender as a kink for an erotic role play of their own that gets a bit too real with blurred lines between the roles and the people.

There will also be a prelude scene of Zach demoing his chest binder cooling system at dinner, only for the ice water in the cooling reservoir to be too cold and for a jostled bump to loosed one of the caps on the cooling bladders, causing Zach's shirt to form a wet spot akin to a lactation leak that causes them to finish eating early to take care of that and preparing for how Zoey is almost certainly getting periods. Britney finds the gender bender doujins as she opens Zach's bedside drawer to store the tampons and pads, which is where the sex scene begins.

Because I have to spend likely a week polishing the art and it will be a three-week development period, I might not get to the prelude scene in this release without going into overtime, which I am really starting to hate doing. But if you all are okay with that and still want to vote for this option anyways, that's fine.

This poll will end on Friday, August 11th, at 12:00 PM EDT (UTC+4), which is the planned delayed release date of re:Dreamer 0.16.2.


Soul Reaper142

I’m so happy to hear that the mom’s route get longer…It hooked me so well☺️