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This artist (who did Zach's sprites) has asked to remain anonymous as they want to maintain a family-friendly image working for otome gacha games, but wow. I've seen how professional their art gets and I asked them to go all-out for the CGs (for reasons I will explain), but they exceeded my expectations.

Let me explain these two parts and how they'll be used, starting with the first: the swimming pool surfacing.

To keep details clear with pronouns, I'll be using "Zoey" to refer to the protagonist. I've started to use "Z" and they/them in explanations recently, but it's hard to keep that straight.

As you might have read, Keisuke is trying to create a workout regimen for his busty best friend. Jogging didn’t work as that’s much harder for women with large chests, and Keisuke is worried Zoey is so oblivious that she'll leave with a stranger if she works out in the gym, so they move on to a second plan for exercise: swimming.

As a member of the swim team and someone with a sports scholarship, Keisuke is able to rent an indoor pool at one of the sports facilities on campus for private use.

It's a lot smaller than an Olympic-sized pool nor is it as deep, but it's sufficient for testing Zoey's aptitude for swimming now that she has built-in flotation devices.

But after raiding a locker room for a spare one-piece swimsuit that mostly fits Zoey, and before Zoey can get in the water, Keisuke wants to show off.

Keisuke would never admit until circumstances force him and Zoey to be even closer, but she was the better swimmer as a kid and would routinely beat him the summers they spent swimming in Lake Oswego, the shores of which they were less than a kilometer from and could easily walk to. Keisuke go so good at swimming to surpass his friend because he's supposed to be the athletic jock, and he's rubbing it a bit in Zoey's face while trying to look cool.

He says... something boastful when he surfaces, but Zoey doesn't quite hear it.

It's drowned out by her inner monologue, which either says "Oh no, Keisuke is hot!" or "Oh yeah, Keisuke is hot..."

The reason this art looks so good, even if it doesn't match the art style of the game, is that we see what Zoey sees at this moment, with all the embellishment of a repressed bisexual trying to ignore that she might have a crush on her childhood best friend.

When this art got revealed in the game's Discord server (invite link), I got reactions like these:

Which is to say nothing of how the heterosexual girls reacted:

All of which means the art looking so good did its job.

If you think readers are going to be reacting with confused arousal, wait until you see Zoey reacting at all of this as she turns into a flustered mess during exercise (she can still swim very well), as she keeps sneaking glances of him until she becomes overheated, huddles over the pool lip, and pantingly tells Keisuke she's not sure if she can keep going, because it's not the exercise that's making her like this, it's that exercise being with Keisuke.

The CG is being planned for the pool sex Zoey begs for (and I can't really link references here), but from that point on, Zoey is okay with looking toward Keisuke during sex, and she's got a certain like for how Keisuke always smells faintly of chlorine and sweat to the point of wanting to borrow his swim hoodie.

The second part is more boring, but necessary.

Keisuke's sprite artist, hakei, is now attached to a webcomic publisher and cannot take on commercial commissions work due to his contract and limited availability (you should absolutely check out his webcomics btw; I don't even like BL but he's a super competent artist with a good sense of telling a story ohfuckmaybeZoeyandIarebothrepressedbisexuals).

A-Anyways, personal revelations aside, Keisuke's sprites now have:

  • A wet layer for all 4 sprite poses.
  • A blush layer for all 4 sprites poses.
  • A flaccid penis base for all 4 sprite poses.
  • Swim goggles on the forehead and on the face.

I can't show the flaccid penis here, but it's damned big; instead, let's focus on how this means I can go back to the shower (really, baths) scene on Day 1 of his route and add in the wet layer and flaccid penis, which means polishing up the writing and moving on with his route to fix the Day 3 party, and then going forward with the route and following his outline. 

That is huge, as Keisuke's route is now out of art limbo and I can go back to doing Patron polls for what people want to see every month... like this one now. 



Skippy Hugo

Yeah I was definitely 👀 when I saw that artwork