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Sorry for the delay (I don't really mean the week-long one to rest after getting COVID-19, I mean this coming out after 5 AM in the morning)! The audio design was really complicated for this release, and making the sound feel like Zach was on a stage was a time-consuming process. Also, working on the art things that happened during this update took a long time. Oh yeah, and the writing! That part's important too, which is why there's a fair chunk of story here this release.

re:Dreamer (0.10.8) pushes things ahead with an important segue into what will be the defining focus of the first half of Britney's route: Zach joining the theater crew and being discovered as a woman by the director and her half-brother, and then being reassigned from working on the play to performing in it.


  • New writing with Zach in the theater meeting his crewmate and disassembling a theater set with him. Much like Zach's gender identity, you have to tear something down before you can rebuild it. I'm pretty happy with the pace of this writing, even if I spent a bit too long on the audio design.
  • I polished up a few of Zoey's expressions in the post-transformation scene before Zach meets Ai to meet modern standards and added a few nice details.
  • A few typo fixes in the theater introduction scene with Molly. I say "typos" but it was more refining the intentional Scottish typos that existed.
  • Molly and Patrick O'Brien's relationship has been clarified to "half-siblings." I had mistakenly used "step siblings" before, not realizing that doesn't give a blood relation.
  • Made the text for the World Info entries 25% bigger as I got some complaints about the readability on smaller monitors.
  • Fixed a broken animation in the intro sequence (Zach pulling himself off the floor) that a new version of Ren'Py broke.
  • Fixed one of the sunglasses of the Causal C outfit in Pose B not working properly.
  • Fixed Zoey's teardrops being over her hair. He sweat drops have to go over her hair or else the drops on her cheek are covered up, but I never corrected for the tear drops needing the opposite.
  • Something likely broke in the sprite viewer export with this same Ren'Py update or even earlier, but it's fixed now.
  • Espeon made the sprite viewer easier to use for Britney, Keisuke, and Ai.
  • Some of Ai's sprite code got changed in preparation of making her easier to work with. Also, she now has pink phone background options.
  • Espeon has added the groundwork for a notification system for when your C.H.E.A.T.S. stats and a few other variables are checked. I haven't added it into the game because I need to make the GUI for it, but it's there.

re:Dreamer (0.10.9) drops on Friday, July 29th. I was originally planning on putting up a Patron vote between focus for Britney and Keisuke's route, but the ball is rolling in a big way with the plot for Britney's route right now and I don't want to let it stop.



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