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CaptainCaption here again with more design docs. Since we've gotten some questions about our weird Japan/America hybrid setting, we're showing the design docs for the history of the world in which re:Dreamer takes place to everyone publicly.

re:Dreamer World History (1940-1978) (Google Drive) 

re:Dreamer World History (1978-Present) (Google Drive) 

I know it's a lot, but here are some key difference to note:

  • World War II dragged on for a long time and didn't formally end until 1978.
  • The U.S. kept getting demolished in naval engagements with Imperial Japan, eventually letting them waltz into the West Coast unopposed.
  • America still "exists" in the form of the 13 Original Colonies, but they are not the setting of this story.
  • The West Coast of America is now known as Amerika Kashin Rekkoku (アメリカ家臣列国, though usually called AKR by native citizens and Red Country (赤列国) by Japanese immigrants).
  • AKR is a cultural blender of America frozen in the 1960s and a hyper-modernized Japan as a world leader.
  • Technology is amazingly advanced in a lot of respects but there was never an American/U.S.S.R. space race, which leaves space a wide-open frontier and a great unknown.
  • Anime is everywhere, and so are video games. Everyone from the youngest baby to the oldest grandparents know how to play them.

This is by no means required reading to enjoy re:Dreamer, but its supplemental materiel that exists if you're curious about the setting and want to know more.


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