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This chapter is supposed to be longer than the other two so in the interest of time and so you still have something to see while I'm working on the rest/ other things i split it into two parts (The fight and then the part you voted for which is part 2) 

After part 2 imma finish the angel part3 and evaluate if i wanna continue with this AU or write something new cuz im kinda improvising and its starting to show in the writing so ill have to flush out this AU more or move on...


It was strange in the small second I had to think memories flooded back to that distant past, a life I had not lived in so long. The wild and unyielding blue flames now a small flicker mist the shadow. Yet even from here I could feel its hunger knowing that it could expel the dark with relative ease if it so desired. Darkening the shadows at my feet I took a readied stance as our guest strolled through the entryway. Step upon stone, decay in the air and the flame mad in its ever flickering intent.

Our two guests strolled in slowly, the first draped in royal blue intricate designs just on the edge of my sight as the small flame barely made them visible to me (a rarity in this line of work). A sign of high status and possible nobility. The young man was of similar age to myself, somewhere within his mid twenties. His facial expression is both stoic and divine  if not for the large burn scar that stained his visage. The longer that I peered at him the more I swore I could feel my body shiver. He made my very blood run cold. The scarred youth stopped at the otherside of the threshold, no doubt a physical ward to thwart any notions of escape. As our main foe approached…

Draped in tattered black robes with similar intricate designs to their partner, its details were lost amongst numerous patch repairs and shit stitch work. Dirt stained the edges as they dragged across the ground.  Pale skin riddled with ancient burned scars ran throughout every part of his body. Stopping not but a few feet away from me, he grinded.

“Finally caught up to yah, but you don't seem all too surprised?”

A minor explosion and a light taunting neither individual even taking a readied stance… We were being taken lightly.

Seeing that they probably wanted us alive and Shoji needed time to recover, I decided to take action. Without hesitation I moved in, pulling at the shadows in the back of the room urging them forward. Black tendrils swarmed out like hungry serpents, but instantly were repelled away by thick sheets of ice.I glanced over at the man in the entryway barely an effort needed to counter my initial assault.

“Definitely a student of Keigo, the act fast, think last strategy, AT LEAST IT KEEPS THINGS INTERESTING!”

Quickly turning my full attention back on the opponent in front of me he closed the gap between us and outstretched his hand. I could feel the extreme heat emanating from him before the flames even erupted out. The darkened shadows at my feet erected a thin layer of protection to absorb the blast. I sustained no injuries but just being submerged in the flames for a moment was suffocating. I had to push through it.

If i had to guess both of us were preferred mid-range fighters but, if we both danced evenly on that dark stage i would no doubt lose. Shoji’s close quarter fighting style would be a more ideal match up but i couldn't rely on him here, besides this was my battle…

Bursting out the other side of the flames with shadows engulfing my form I reinforced the weakened bonds and moved in for the counter attack.


Black Abyss

The Next few seconds were a blur. As I donned a cloak of shadows and struck out with razor black claws a mass of bulging hands leapt up from the earth to grab at my opponents boots and hold him in place. No doubt a trap set by Shoji who still posed as hurt, wrapped up in his flesh like cocoon. This revelation was clearly a surprise as the blue flame user had no place to avoid my strike and opted to meet me head on with both hands raised. the world around me seemed to drain of color my vision a monochromatic haze. Even sound seemed to sink into a far off void leaving not, but the whispers. Yet they were now a chant ringing clear within my mind.

‘’In the depths of the greater dark we who serve await thy slumbering heart

To sit at the table reserved for thee

A true night dawns for all to see

O slumbering lord awaken to the truest of nights’’

As the words pierced my ears a magic tear opened between us bringing me back into reality and absorbing and redirecting our attacks before swiftly consuming the two men, leaving Shoji and I alone once more…


Perspective swap next chapter to bad guys 🙂


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