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Fire magic is the cornerstone of our magical society and a great equalizer to maintaining the natural balance of things. Compared to anything else we know it is like no other; it disables and erases the entirety of other magics down to their very core.

I raised my hand in the midst of my mentor's lecture, cutting him off as he turned to recognise my hand.

Yes? He responded.

If that's the case then why aren't there more fire users in the field, especially in terms of hunting down rogue mages?

My mentor chuckled at the query. Golden feathers that mindlessly drifted amidst the gentle breeze that swept the room all vibrated at once as if in sink with the rhythm of my mentor's laugh. I raised a non-existent eyebrow.

What do you find so whimsical within my query?

Oh nothing, in truth it is a fine thing to ponder and deserves an answer…

A sudden feeling about the room shifted and without hesitating the golden feathers all about the room moved in unison closing the various openings into the room be they door or shutters. Smile still plastered on his face he began to write arcane equations upon the chalkboard. In depth constructions of fire I could only begin to understand. A few moments go by before the board is filled with complex knowledge that only served as a means of gaining a headache.

Due to the very nature of fire itself, it seeks to consume and thus the more fire users out there the more likely for things to go out of control.

Like the blue flame user?

My mentor hesitated at the mention, I couldn't see his face but I felt his smile fade from behind his golden hair.


Fire is an all consumer; it destroys the very bindings of any magic it comes across and left unchecked or gathered in the hands of many or a monster like that blue flame user destruction is inevitable.

Turning around and clapping his hands, feathers moved to open the shutters all in a single go and the board that was filled to the brim with arcane equations was simultaneously flipped to a fresh unfilled side. A freshly conjured smile plastered on the man's face.

In the same instant as all this took place the main doors to our private lecture room opened with intense force and a large statured man clad in silver armor stormed in.

I need you again, hawks, let's go! The man demanded before turning on his heels without waiting for a reply.

Duty calls little one he remarked heading towards the doorway. I watched as he donned his umber robes and the scattered feathers reformed a pair of golden majestic wings upon his back

You should know by now that I hate when you remark upon my stature in such a way I replied casually after him.

He stopped in the doorway and peered back at me. I'm sure you'll not let me forget it again when I return home, little brother. And with that he moved past the doorway and followed after the world's greatest fire user to ever live. Off on another highly dangerous mission.

The following weeks passed and I decided to join the others in the common studies of the arcane during the daylight no longer under the direct tutelage of my elder brother. While under the veil of the moon I monitored the signs written in the stars and waited for the perfect alignments in which I communed with the darker power slumbering within me. Its whispers become more clear and my union with the night ever closer to an equilibrium. It wasn't uncommon for strange abilities and unexplainable concepts to emerge during one's developmental stages as magic grew and developed along the life it inhabits. My particular case was life found engorging off of the endless mad banquet of darkness that inhabited all our lives. Who knew that this very being slumbering within would be my very salvation…

Upon the coldest of nights i was awoke by the whispers

Rise danger is close

Raising up outta my bed I looked around amidst the darkness, something moved within the shadows swift and nimble i could only catch small glances of its movement before losing the thing entirely.

What danger is close? And who are you?

No time, curiosity does not slow their movement

Then what should I do?  I asked in a sluggish frustration not fully to my senses and left in the dark of the supposed imminent danger.


Almost as if on instinct I started taking only the essentials and donning my ebony robe before running along the dark allies of the slumbering city, only dim arcane lanterns to light my way. It was a solid few minutes of running before alarms ran out. Bells blaring woke the slumbering city and large waves of people poured into the empty streets to see about the commotion.

A voice pierced into the back of my head different to the darkness and seemed to commune with all the people of the city.

Hark people of BNHA, it seems as though the mage known as Keigo Takami has betrayed us and slain Enji Todoroki, the foul mage has been detained however his younger brother is on the loose and must be detained!

My heart skipped a beat at her claim and how she began to describe my likeness to all within the city.

Let us stay in the dark and be on our way.

I agreed and pulled my hat down low. Making haste towards the outskirts of the city, making well to avoid the patrolling guards and shifting lights of the seekers. It was all I could manage to do as my head rushed with varying thoughts and emotions. This felt like a dream but one I would never wake from and under the dark veil of the moon i slipt away to a life on the run, alone with nothing but myself and a voice that returned to its dormant whispers.

The last thing I remember upon leaving my home was looking back to see a tower of flames pour into the sky and extend out in a display of utter chaos before the night returned to silence and the lights of a city I once called home faded in the foliage of the woods.

He would come for me.


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