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As a soul Pathseeker, Viers had no doubt that one day, he would have battles inside his soul. He had seen many examples of it in the many Fables in his mind. Ordinary Pathseekers would have trouble forming a battle representative inside the soul yet it was not so for Viers.

But why stop there?

Instead of battling using his human form, why not do so in a stronger form?

Thus began the development of Cyber Soul Shift Arte. This Arte had multiple forms and Ars Skeith was one of them.

The design took heavy inspiration from Hack G.U.’s Avatar with a more machine look to mesh well with the digital sea environment of his soul.

That Ars Skeith was now piercing the sky like a supersonic bullet.

“I feel the need-” Viers suddenly said. Even in mindspeak, Arsène heard the sound muffled as if it was told at high velocity.

“-The need for speed! HA! Are we at Mach 10 yet?” Arsène knew that reference.

“Just about!” Viers' Ars Skeith form broke space as he flew. Panes of shattered spaces were falling behind his wake. The sky became not the sky. He was like a knife ripping a fabric of reality.

“Don't go over, a'right? I don't fancy becoming a fireball before we fight the big boss,” Arsène’s voice was mixed with a small chuckle.

Naturally, Viers sped up even further.

“Mavericks live dangerously! I'm one!”

That being said, Viers and Arsène did not burst into flames. The combined form of the two broke layers upon layers until they had broken through.

Viers slowed his speed until he came to a still, crossing his arms as he floated in the sea.

Not a sea of water but of data, though it felt and looked like water. The surroundings were as clear as they could be. Currents of zeros and ones appeared and disappeared like Matrix lines. The illumination came not from sunlight above but from glowing ‘branches’ that spread all over the place.

The branches looked like the map of the internet that he had seen in the past.

Every soul was different. The reason Viers’ looked like this was because he was a man from the information age before his reincarnation into this world. It resulted in this sort of soul scenery.

However, the soul sea didn't seem peaceful or healthy. There were large areas that seemed to be embroiled with red underwater typhoons and storms.

“It's closing,” Arsène commented about the breach they made. Now the two -kind of- people in one body were alone in the digital soul sea.

“Given time, that place will deconstruct by itself. Don't worry,” Viers said while observing his surroundings. “Hmm. It seems he's not waking up, as I feared.”

“Yes. In the real world, Viers has not awakened,” Arsene said to the other consciousness. “The soul is also in sleep mode. Until you called, I was also in slumber. So who are you?”

“We're on the same side so keep that finger away from the self-destruct button. Sheesh, we are so paranoid... We got out of there so we're in no immediate danger. A little explanation is in order. As you know, the enemy is a powerful soul user. Like you, I'm not clear on the situation outside after we passed out. We’re still alive at least… but that guy left something on our soul. A soul parasite or virus. I believe it's in the deeper strata. That thing is the cause of all this.”

Arsène grunted in acknowledgment.

“Now Mr. X-” Viers called Georgi that since he didn't know his name. “-is a skillful soul user. His method is quite ingenious. The parasite forces the soul into a helpless state, depowering soul defenses in the process so it can be easy pickings. The way it does that is by creating a dream world.”

“...So you are not Viers' split soul,” Arsene analyzed. “The true Viers' soul was already sleeping at that point... and you are a being that comes from the dream.”

“Correct. The dream is like those samsara things. Inside, you got all you wish for so you don't want to wake up, the usual works. But it still uses Viers as the template. During the long dream, I, Viers’ dream construct, gained realization that the world is not real and broke out. That is why I am Viers and not Viers... To differentiate, call me Dream Viers from now on.”

“You realized the world is not real,” Arsene snorted. “It's like one of those xianxia plots. Absurd. How do you even realize it, man?”

"Our paranoia helped," Dream Viers chuckled. "And I had a lot of time to realize that bit by bit. Time was sketchy in the dream but I believe I'm at least 500 years old."

"Old Viers is a more fitting name then... 5 centuries you say? So the Horizon..." Arsene's voice was filled with greed.

"Over 9000!" Dream Viers smugly said. "Plus a couple of zeroes."

"Dayuuum... Mr. X is so screwed now. Once you sync memories with the real Viers, oh, just think of the possibilities!" Arsène was imagining crushing Mr. X like an ant with that kind of Horizon boost.

"...Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The malware that wormed its way into our software comes first," Dream Viers said.

"Righto. The anti-virus is here. Malware beware."

Ars Skeith flew deeper into the soul sea. His hard light cape didn't flutter from the movement.

Because Dream Viers was a dream construct, he couldn't have existed outside of the dream realm that the parasite created. It was Arsène who gave Dream Viers the body and ability to traverse the digital soul sea as Ars Skeith.

“The White Flowers Meadow is around here somewhere,” Dream Viers said after a while of traveling. He slowed a bit to check. “It’s empty except for Farley’s sleeping sister. The girls must be outside. Fighting.”

“...Let's hope they come through,” Arsène sighed. All versions of Viers didn't like to depend on others when the matter involved his life but sometimes, he had no choice but to do that. “So, Dream, what did you do with your life?”

“After I become the strongest, I ate, slept, and fucked, of the highest quality everyday. Played real-life Civilization and had fun. I conquered the world, Hell, and Heaven in that order. Finally, I achieve eternal life.”

“That’s like the ending of every power fantasy story out there. Sooo… ‘fuck’. How many?” Arsène was curious.

“The women? Hundred, thousands, I lost count.”

“A harem then… So it really comes to that.”

“Hey, I’m just a dream. It’s not real. Any of it. You can’t put someone guilty just because he’s daydreaming it,” Dream Viers grinned. “Who knows if it will be the same for the real Viers.”

“Riiiiight,” Arsène sneered. “No doubt A Very Cliche Xianxia Harem Story… So, was it fun?”

“...The best,” Dream Viers said with a voice of longing. He’d left all of those behind for good to come here.

“...On behalf of Viers, I thank you for making the sacrifice,” Arsène said after sensing the weight behind Dream Viers’ words.

“Don't be. I’ve lived a full life. Now it’s your guys’ turn. Besides, you would have done the same in my place.”

“Heh… All we Viers’ are lunatics,” Arsène agreed.

“Focus now,” Dream Viers said as they entered the more turbulent red storm. “We’re close.”

“Go! Let’s kick its ass!”

“Don't underestimate the parasite. I stayed in the dream decades more than I had to so I could grind Horizon.”

“Sorry. I just want payback,” Arsène grunted.

“And we will. Just got to be smart while doing it.”

Beyond the red storm, the two in one body saw the form of the parasite. An orb surrounded by red gasses… and it was big, as big as the moon. Rather than an orb, calling it a planet would be more accurate. In the digital landscape, this thing alone looked out of place.

“Bigger than I thought,” Dream Viers said.

“Look. It is corroding the surroundings.”

As Arsène pointed out, large areas of the soul sea were already turned red, as if dyed with blood. Before long, the red planet showed change. The red clouds around it began to swirl furiously, turning into a chaotic red vortex. With a defeating roar, a serpentine head emerged. And then another, until there were seven humongous heads.

“Let's call it Para-Hydra,” Arsène said. “Parasite and hydra.”


The hydra heads were made of the same structure as the red vortex planet. There were no eyes or even a nose on the heads, only a mouth lined with menacing red teeth. The Para-Hydra seemed to have sensed the threat that Ars Skeith posed. Each hydra head opened wide and things spewed out.

“Now it spewed out… anemones? The disgusting kind too,” Arsène wanted to blech. “Still, does this remind you of something, partner?”

“G.U.’s Cubia. What a coincidence,” Ars Skeith extended his hand to the side and a green scythe appeared. His three yellow eyes glowed brighter. “This ends now.”

“A scythe? You sure know how to use it, partner?” Arsène asked.

“500 years made me a weapon master of all kinds,” Dream Viers said as Ars Skeith twirled the scythe with deadly precision. Arsène formed the body while Dream Viers controlled it.

The number of anemones began to blot out the vision to the plant-like main body. That was how numerous they were.

The first move was something unexpected, seven bursts from the hydra mouths. Dream Viers couldn't see them because the anemones obstructed his line of sight. He immediately moved to evade. His speed in this soul plane was swift because the terrain advantage was his but it also applied to his enemy.

He evaded the main attacks but next came the smaller projectiles from the holes in the Para-Hydra vortex body. It was like millions of homing red laser beams.

Dream Viers flew like a fighter jet in a dogfight but his opponents were in the millions. The anemones also didn't stand still and swarmed Ars Keith from all directions. The attacks from the Para-Hydra seemed to not affect them, even though friendly fire should have occurred, they passed by the anemones as if they were smoke.

Each swing of Ars Skeith’s scythe created a plasma arc that killed hundreds if not thousands of the anemones and he swung like he was madly dancing, but it didn't seem to make a dent in the anemones’ number.

Inevitably, he was caught. A lucky shot almost hit him. Even though he defended using a shield, the knockback pushed him into the embrace of the anemone swarm.

The anemones were specialized soul killers. They were Georgi’s creation, the strongest soul Pathseeker alive. In this battlefield where only a soul could fight, employing soul-destroying methods was the logical course of action.

Sure enough, even the Cyber Soul Shift Arte was a soul-based Arte and thus, the anemones were very effective against it. Like leeches, the flying anemones would suck every soul essence they latched on and turn their target into a husk.

The Para-Hydra along with its seven heads watched the scene of feeding frenzy while letting out low growls.

Something changed.

The anemones turned sluggish and fell down one by one before disintegrating.

The swarm released their grip on their own, revealing Ars Skeith in a crossed-arms pose. Behind him, seven swords of light were floating like a halo. Green light with sparkling white motes was spreading. Anemones that touched the green light died.

“It appears my absorption force is stronger than yours.”

Dream Viers' chosen method of combating the anemones was simple. The anemones themself were soul constructs. He absorbed their soul essence first before they could drain him.

The Para-Hydra's heads loudly roared in anger.

Dream Viers flew straight into the moon-sized Para-Hydra, killing clusters of anemones simply by passing by.

He raised his scythe; all the soul essence he absorbed, went into the weapon, coating it with powerful energy.


A planet-rending slash was unleashed.



Chapter 289 - Avenger


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