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Viers spent the next decade living like Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great. He went from battlefield to battlefield, laying waste to armies and subduing cities.

One day, Viers went to a new recruit training ground on a whim, giving them training personally.

“See the stationary man-sized shooting dummies ten meters in front of you? Anyone who can't hit them with their muskets will be used as target practice!”

Evil Overlord List was Viers’ bible, now more than ever.

The patriotic new recruits shot and the result was satisfactory. Viers wondered if it was because they didn't wear white helmets.

“Good. Stick through my training and I’ll make a man out of you.”

“Yeah! I’ll be the manliest of them all… sir.” A young recruit was too eager.

“Good. Manliness in man is good,” Viers nodded.

“How can it not, sir?” The recruit asked again.

“The weird thing is, I know a place where somehow being a man is a bad thing. That’s insane in my opinion… Whatever, those people don't matter. Let's get training.”

The Raintroopers would then become famous for their sharpshooting. The common saying was: If you see them, they could kill you but they chose not to so it is polite to thank them.


The Alliance mustered a great host of powerful armies to stop Viers’ horde. It was the final battle.

In the field of carnage, Viers was dueling the enemy leader. Soldiers from either side were killing each other all around them. The leader was on a mythical white horse, a champion of his people. Viers was not riding a horse but a horse-like Xerg.

Viers named his steed Xel Horsso.

The duel was reaching its conclusion.

“Fuaaah!!” Viers knocked the champion away with a mighty swing. Who defended with the shaft of his poleaxe.

“Nuooohh! Not yet!” The man tried to retaliate, urging his horse forward.

Viers rewarded his tenacity with a deep slash on his flank.

“Guhhh…” The man was reeling from his wounds. “What are you?”

“Nfufufu,” Viers smiled, wider than usual. “Do you even need to ask?”

A glaive was raised.

“A Great General of the Heavens.”

Viers brought his glaive down and cleaved the champion in twain along with his horse. No arrows hit him in the back as Zerrigan kept a close stand vigilant.

The death of the champion directly led to the loss of the Alliance army’s morale and the Viridis forces led by Viers triumphed spectacularly.


After the defeat of the Alliance and absorbing its territory, Viers had taken over most of the continent yet there were still other kingdoms. Zerrigan kept spreading the Viridis borders and it was only a matter of time until the world was unified under one name.

Viridis Kingdom became Viridis Empire. Life was good for its people, a time of summer and plenty.

It was not hard when the empire had its own sun and weather, Faiya and Futon. Dia, the Minister of Sustainability and the Environment, made sure the plants and soil in the empire were healthy, as a result, Viridis fields always have bumper crops.

The capital was a marriage between modern and natural architecture. The cities had lots of greenery, making them visually beautiful. Technology was pushed forward by the greatest minds in the royal university, bringing scientific breakthroughs and inventions to the empire. It wasn't long until Viridis achieved technological superiority over every other nation in the world.

The same improvements also happened in other cities throughout Viridis territory, although not as fast as the capital. The prosperous citizens made people of other nationalities look with envy. Immigrants were coming in droves.

Even though various countries and lands were now absorbed into the Viridis Empire, Viers didn't destroy the local cultures. He protected them, even though history had shown that removing the people's link to the past would make them easier to integrate with the new order. Viers still chose to do so because it benefited him in the long run.

The empire was fresh and there were a lot of recently hostile territories. It didn't need a genius to know it would cause many problems. Viers used law, giving guidelines for people to follow. Citizens were monitored and kept in a tight grip of the law. Artificial Intelligence Ahura Mazda and the Tyra Xerg police force kept the citizens from getting out of line.

Viridis was basically a police surveillance state and since he was the one doing it, Viers was fine with that.

Viers fully realized he was a dictator wielding absolute authority so he learned from the dictators in history. How to stay in power, and most importantly, how to avoid their fate. Him being the strongest man in the world and almost invincible helped tremendously in achieving success.

Years passed, and following the time of war was a time of peace.

People were having a good life so they started to get ideas.

There was a growing political movement, pushing the idea of democracy. They were led by a young, smart, charismatic, revolutionary. The movement was gaining traction.

Viers came down on them like the wrath of god.

"Democracy? Democracy. Democracy is not what these people need, hell, it's not even what they want. People don't want freedom. They want boundaries and rules… Protection… From invaders, and from themselves. People need a leader who can give them both the support and constraints to keep chaos at bay. You give them that, and they'll follow. And that's where I come in."

Viers said that to the face of the revolutionary leader.

“People have the right to be free!” He countered. Tyrant Viers was everything he opposed personified.

“Ungrateful bastard… Don't tell me what to do with MY EMPIRE! If you don't like it, make your damn own! Take him away!”

Viers sat forcefully on the throne after standing up to give the sentence.

Hmph. A few decades ago, these people were living in mud houses and starving every day. After they have electricity, books, and vaccines they forget who gave them in the first place. Kheh! People…

There would always be people who want to change the world order. Viers wouldn't allow it when he was the world order.

“Ahura, crank the propaganda to eleven.”

“Acknowledged,” a mechanical voice replied.


The river of time flowed ceaselessly and the world was under Viers’ thumb. The superpower of Viridis controlled 90% of the world.

Peace and order was enforced by an invisible overseer. However, it couldn't be denied that the livelihood of people was better than before in the world-spanning Viridis Empire, where the sun never sets.

Viers decided it was time to get his hand on immortality next.

“You cannot do this, Viers. It goes against the natural order!” Saintess Rose said to Viers as an envoy from the Estellian Church.

“It’s just taxes, Rose. Just a different kind. The people agree with it.”

Viers already announced his plan. Every citizen of the Empire, meaning almost everyone in the world, would give a year of their lifespan once in their lives. Those lifespans would be for Viers and anyone he deemed worthy.

How could the people agree with their emperor cutting their lifespan?

Because Viers made sure they knew they were safe and lived a good life because of Viers. He gave them protection from monsters, from the cold of winter, giving them healthcare, erasing famine, and so on. The life expectancy of the citizens rose tremendously because of Viers.

Viers simply took a year back. Just like taking a blood transfusion.

After a healthy dose of a lifetime of propaganda, the man known as Viers was already revered by his people as a budding god.

It was at this point the Church could no longer tolerate Viers. It was blasphemy to them. The negotiation broke down and the Church called a Crusade against Viers, naming him an enemy of the world.

On the first day of the war, nukes leveled the Holy City of Sephoria, the Estellian Church’s Headquarters.

In a Fable about releasing witches, they go from watermill to nuclear weapon in a matter of years using the magic of witches, how could I not do the same?

Viers watched the mushroom cloud while wearing a stylish aviator.

"Mmm. I love the smell of nukes in the morning."

If there was any sane person watching him right now, they would have thought Viers was batshit crazy.

The Estellian Crusade ended in one day.


The lifespan of the trillions of people in the world had pushed Viers into immortality.

There were no more enemies so he enjoyed life.

The entertainment in Viridis had already reached the level of modern Earth’s. It was thanks to Viers promoting education, innovation, art, and creative work. High-quality entertainment sprouted like mushrooms after rain. Their uniqueness stemmed from the various cultures in the empire. This was why Viers didn't destroy the culture of conquered nations, so it would have diversity.

And then, while Viers was watching Stranger Beings on Viersflix, the sky split open as legions of angels descended above the Viridis capital.

About time.

There were only so many ways things would go south at this point. A world-ending disaster, angels and demons, alien invasion, eldritch encroachment, robot army from the future or the past, zombie outbreak, trouble from parallel universes… Viers had plans for every eventuality because he already knew about them.

In the Fables with the good-aligned protagonist, demons are usually the threat. As the bad guy, I got the reverse. How fitting.

“Abomination, I am Michael. Accept thy judgment.”

Michael was a gigantic mechanical golden sphere. It kind of looked like a smaller version of Death Star. He had hundreds of smaller mechanical wings on his body.

Only a few angels had a complete humanoid form. Most had bizarre designs.

Heh. Bayonnetta rip-offs.

Despite the angels emitting power above his own and far more numerous, Viers did not fear.

“Lord Viers. We await your command.”

Paina, Farley, Clarissa, Boram and the others, Viers' inner circle awaited his command.

“Alright gang. It's been a long time. Let's have an adventure.”


The world was free of its tyrant, the angels had cast down the abomination from his throne. Legend was, the Great Heretic and his allies, mostly women in his harem, were sent to Hell by the angels. The name of God Emperor Viers was starting to fade from memory as the unstoppable force of time moved forward.

One day, unbeknownst to the mortals, dark clouds covered the First Heaven.

A man walked out from the darkness, seeing the angels behind the heavenly walls. The man’s aura was powerful beyond measure.

“Even in the heart of Heaven, angels can still feel fear.”

“Abomination, leave at once! You do not belong here!”

Michael the golden sphere sent a beam of fire at Viers but he was fine. He even reflected the fire back at Michael, knocking the mountain-sized shiny golden sphere away.

“This place is in dire need of new management. Farley, sound the horn of Judgement Day.”

The sound of the horn resounded in all the realms. Behind Viers, armies of the Nine Hells walked out from the dark smoke, the full might of Hell was arrayed behind him.

“Viers, we are ready.”

“Lead the charge. We’ll follow.”

“Kakaka! How fun!”

The devils who were clearly different from the rest stood by Viers’ side. One female and two males.

Yasterah, Teorph, and lastly, Dumuzin.

The Seven Demon Gods were always warring with each other. In his conquest of the Nine Hells, Viers allied with some and cast down the uncooperative ones.

Viers raised his hand.


There was an upheaval in Heaven, fires raining down on the mortal world below. A concerto of fire and blood went on for months.

At the Ninth Heaven, Viers met with light having the vague resemblance of a woman. Her form was too bright to look at.

“Prime Evil Viers, Apex of Humanity, Death King of Viridis, Conqueror of the Mortal Realm, Lord of the Nine Hells, Persona of the Seven Sins… Have you come to Heaven to add it to the list of your conquests?”

“I also come for you.”


“Let's have a chat, Goddess of Creation,” Viers said in a relaxed manner, as if he didn't have anything to do with the greatest war since the Twilight of the Gods. “We have lots to talk about. If we must tussle for a couple of days before you’re in a talking mood, I’m game.”

After the seventh day. The ruler of Heaven changed.


Viers did not attend the victory celebration and went to the mortal world instead, to the ruined capital of Viridis. He just watched in silence until some people approached him.

“Lord Viers, we have come per your summons,” Farley respectfully said. She and all of the Viers’ inner circle had come.

There was Clarissa, Paina, Boram, Sakuya, Izabella, Dia, Faiya, Futon, Luca, and many other people that he met throughout the long journey.

“Spare me the stifling formal talk. Let's go back to the good old times… I have something to talk about with each of you, privately. Clarissa, first you.”

The others give them space. Not that they needed to because Viers brought Clarissa to a separate space and time.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” Clarissa asked.

Viers stayed silent and looked at her face for a long time.


Viers gave her a hug.

“...You have followed me, to the end of the world, to the Ninth Hell and the Ninth Heaven. Nothing in this universe can change that. Transitory and illusive all might be… I’ll never forget you. Until the very end.”

“Viers… What's wrong?” Clarissa was confused. “Do you not have everything that you wished for?”

“That is why, it must come to an end. But before that, I wish to have a moment only for us.”

As he did to Clarissa, Viers said his goodbyes to the others, one at a time. Each of his words weighed a thousand memories.

Finally, when all was said and done, Viers was alone.

...It is time.

There was a sound. The sound was like a tune of the soul. As it spread, reality shuddered.

“All right. Come on… Come on!”

Viers’ aura pulsed and tattoo-like markings appeared a few inches above his skin all over his face and body.

“I am… right here!”

The earth and sky quake intensified.

Viers' consciousness spread out from the world to the dark beyond.

And someone answered.

“I have found you!”

A gigantic shadow with three glowing yellow eyes emerged from behind Viers and embraced him with both of its hands. The size of the hand was as tall as him.

Viers smiled.


Viers transformed into a white-horned humanoid, the horns resembled a crown. His limbs were long while his torso was unnaturally slim. He had a floating green cape on his shoulders. The cape was not of cloth, but of hard light with cyber patterns. There were lines on his body with the same green color flowing.

Viers' transformation was unlike no other, it was bizarrely futuristic.

When he transformed, the earth and sky of the ruins of Viridis changed into one of data. It was like a hole was made in a computer world.

“It’s been a long time, partner,” Viers said.

“Glad I found you, partner,” Arsène spoke from inside him. “Do you know what’s going on? ”


Arsène hesitated.

“What happened inside? Are you really Viers?”

“Yes and no,” Viers said. “However, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is beating that soul malware.”

“...Agreed. We’ll talk later,” Arsène said. “This form-”

“More perfect than the one we made before, right? I had centuries to tinker with it.”

“The Arte’s name?” Arsène asked.

“Cyber Soul Shift: Ars Skeith,” Viers replied with a hint of pride.

“Marvelous. Let’s go beat that bastard.”

“No shit. We’re gonna PK him so thoroughly that not even a mite of data will remain!”

Ars Skeith flew straight to the sky. Reality broke in his wake, turning everything into a digital landscape.


[Anyone remember this game? lol]



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