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When Viers heard about the Vigor of Responsibility Arte, he noticed the similarities with the effect of Reverend Purity’s diabolical Profound Codex. In exchange for turning people into eternal virgins, their Victa generation multiplied.

The Arte and the Codex were very similar, Viers thought they might even have the same origin.

If the Arte is capable of doing what the Codex does with similar efficiency then it is an improvement. Or perhaps the effect can stack? If that is true, the Silver Legion would be even more unstoppable. Boys and girls of the world, be grateful this Viers has sealed the forbidden tome away!

Cultivation as a whole in this world was called the Path of Power. The act of utilizing the ambient mana in the surroundings and mastering it, slowly turning oneself into more than a mere mortal. There were many Paths of Power, but the most common ones were absorbing mana from the outside.

Because the human race lacked the innate ability to do that, the forefathers created a method, the Path of Power Intio Magisterix. By creating a vessel, a pseudo-monster core. The Into would absorb the raw mana to create a new type of energy called Victa for the individual to use. It was significantly easier than using mana in its raw form.

Other Paths of Power existed, for humans and other races alike. From that concept, came Profound Codices. By cultivating a unique matter, they developed unique abilities. For example, Viers’ Serpentes Renovamen made him experience the death-life cycle repeatedly and Boram’s Earthborn Amalgam strengthened his body using minerals of the earth.

Throughout history, many people sought to recreate the benefit of Profound Codices or even the Path of Power above that and turn them into a more simple form, Artes.

Most had failed but some succeeded. As ages came and went, more and more Artes that originated from Profound Codices were born.

Therefore, finding an Arte with a similar effect to a Profound Codex was within the realm of possibility.


The negotiation between Viers, Rose, and Ciel satisfied all three.

Viers did not need the Church’s support, approval, or permission. He, and only he, decided what he wanted to do. But he accepted their generosity in making him stronger.

Rose, although had not come to terms with Viers for killing her friend, had a higher priority, which was saving Mita and the thousands of city residents. She still had control over the Heavenly Admonition. As long as Viers didn't use it for genocide or evil purposes, she was okay with it. He could only use the Arte for a time before expiring. The two limitations gave her the peace of mind that she would not create a super villain using the power of the Church. No doubt she would be severely punished by the higher-ups for this. Rose would gladly accept the responsibility for her actions, but for now, she had lives to save.

Ciel felt relieved. What Viers asked was within a tolerable margin. She expected a lot worse. She feared that Viers would ask her and Rose to make an Oath of absolute obedience to him, or a million souls of babies, or an ancient artifact of untold powers in the Church’s deepest vault, or some other thing that bad people usually wanted. Asking clues to become Level 6 was in line with that. Many people wanted to step into the realm of the divine but there was no lack of people with titan-sized ambitions. She didn't think Viers would get that far.

Even though Ciel didn't want to admit it, Viers’ support would be invaluable for the challenges ahead. Not only him but Paina, Farley, and Dia by extension, would greatly bolster their strength.

Because he wanted the Heavenly Admonition for future use, Viers would strive to safeguard Rose in the tower, good. And yet, our adversary is too great. Viers might have ulterior motives but he still chooses to throw his lot with us… Ugh! How confusing, even though he’s a bad guy… Ah?

Ciel had a realization. More accurately, a recollection.

Viers’ aura… is not black. My gift has never been wrong before. I’ve seen people with a good front with a black aura. It turns out they are doing misdeeds on the back. The eviler they are, the darker their aura becomes. There are also people that have done bad things even though their aura is not black. Those people are… unfortunate. Some acted wrongly despite having good intentions, some were pushed to do so by life’s circumstances, and some did horrible things for the greater good. If only these people had someone at their side before they did what they did…

Although her mind understood that Viers was a villain, a part of her subconscious doubted it.

…Could there be some reason? Normally, people won’t call themselves a villain, right? Is it a cover for something?

Ciel had the Gift of Sight. It had aided her in this world full of fakes and lies, but even with her gift, she couldn't see the inside of the human heart.

“-el. Psst, Ciel.”

Rachel’s whisper made Ciel realize that Damon was staring at her. She was like a student that the teacher caught daydreaming in class.

“My apologies!”

Damon opened his mouth to say something but Viers cut in at this exact timing.

“As I was saying, we can plan all day long but at the end of the day, we’ll need some muscle to contend with them. Unless some of you can become Level 4 in three days…”

Viers paused, faintly hoping some of them would say yes.

“...then we’ll need allies. Powerful allies.”

“Uhm, that is what I thought as well. With Vestal Mita gone, we’ll be hard-pressed against Level 4 enemies. The ‘unity’ I mentioned before would give us a fighting chance against a Level 4 but there are bound to be multiple Level 4s on their side. Getting allies is paramount but with the city in that state and the matter with Lykin, the pool of choices is shallow,” Damon frowned.

“What do you mean?” Max asked.

“When the assassins targeted Ciel, Mita had pulled in favors. Two Level 4s answered the call but one was killed by Lykin and the other escaped. We were still dealing with the matter of reparations of that before the city turned to hell,” June explained.

“Even if we can find those that are willing, can we trust them? What if they become like abbess Unem?” Conn’s worry was sound.

“...Have you realized that those who turned on us were all human?” Rose’s words made a splash on those who failed to realize it.

“Yes… Beastfolk, elves, and other races. Not a single one of them seemed to be controlled,” Viers replied calmly.

“I see!” Bryan smacked his fist to his palm. “Maybe their method only works on humans.”

“If we want allies, that’s a good point to start,” Ciel nodded.

“We also need to scout the Mechatronic Tactical Device and the city,” Wendy proposed.

“Sounds like a plan. Today we’ll-”

“Umm, there’s something I have to talk about.”

Max raised his hand when Damon was speaking.


The group split up.

Damon, Wendy, and June would go to the only Purple Zone, an area under the sovereignty of the demi-humans in the Valkut barrier. They sought the help of the elves in their grove.

Bryan, Ciel, and Rose went to scout the situation of the city. The tower had wrecked a large portion of it so the damage was massive. They would gather information about the enemy and ascertain the situation before the next step. Stealth was a very important factor. With luck, they would find allies that escaped the enemy’s grasp.

Rachel, Viers, and Conn would stay at the camp. Rachel was injured and would impart the legion’s Level 4 countermeasure to Viers. Conn also needed the training because he had not yet mastered it.

“Good luck, everyone.”

“Max, stay safe.”

“I’ll come back. I promise you all!”

Max journeyed alone. He would seek the Ebony Fire and complete his inheritance. If all went well, he might be the edge they’d need for the Valkut struggle.

After the planning, they ate a simple breakfast and left in the late morning. Last night was weary and they didn't get much sleep but time was of the essence.

“An elven grove, huh? A-aah, I want to see it too,” master of the dryad sighed while watching the leaving groups.

“You’ll need to master ‘unity’ before the battle starts,” Rachel said with a bandaged shoulder. Patches of red colored the white cloth.

“You realize all we’re doing is for Level 4 enemies, right? What happens if the Governor-King comes out? Or any other Level 5?”

“We die, most definitely,” Conn scratched the back of his head. Rachel’s silence was an agreement.

“Even knowing that you people don't hesitate. Heh, should I applaud your bravery or mock your irrationality?”

“We do what we must.” For one just in her early twenties, the way Rachel and the other legionaries stood firm in the face of doom was praiseworthy. “We will leave multiple messages that will reach Sephoria in time should the worst come to pass, but I wouldn't say our death is certain yet.”

The other two followed Rachel’s gaze, to the back of a single person.

“She’s special. I’ve known that since our training days,” Conn said with a sigh mixed with a little bit of envy.

“Blesseds have created miracles before. As for the rest of us, we do what we can to the best of our abilities. Leave the rest to the Goddess' hand. Believe in the light… isn't that how miracles are born?” Rachel said with religious clarity.

“...In this matter, I agree with you.”

Thus spoke Arsène.


Among the destinations, the Valkut city under the Tower of Doom that Ciel’s group tried to scout was the most dangerous of all. Viers didn't want to approach anywhere close to there.

The elven grove was a place Viers wanted to visit. The chance to meet isolationist elves was rare and he possessed the elven friendship token that he gained from what seemed like a lifetime ago, Viers loathed to miss the occasion but staying at the camp for learning the ‘unity’ was necessary.

But the place where he truly must go was not any of them.

It was Max’s destination!

At the ruins of the Foulfae Swamp, Viers learned about the existence of the sealed power of the Coriz royal line. He even knew where it was roughly located!

But the place can only be opened by the chosen one that bears an intangible key. Ivory Fire that Max has… Is Ebony Fire the sealed power?

Whatever the case, Viers wanted it!

If Viers went with Max, it would obviously arouse suspicion. The two were not on the best of terms. Not to mention he was interested in learning the ‘unity’.

Thankfully, Viers could be in two places at once. After an excuse of going to the toilet, Arsène took Viers’ place while the original stealthily left the camp.

There was one more thing he did before conjuring Arsène.

“I’ll need to conserve my strength for the final battle. I’m sorry but I’ll need you all to sleep for the time being. I’ll awaken you when the time comes.”

And so Paina, Farley, and Clarissa fell into deep slumbers.

Viers was now a hungry wolf roaming free. No laws to tell him what to do, no people to judge him for what he did.

There was only him and the world.

He was not the chosen one? So what?

He would kill and plunder the prize no matter what Fate’s arrangement might be.

It was the privilege of the villainous strong.


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