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“Well, if there’s nothing else.”

Viers walked past her.

“...There’s one thing that someone like you might be interested in,” Rose said with much reluctance.

“Oh? What’s that?”

“It will be better if I show you. Look into my soul.”

Contrary to her expectations, Viers looked at her with a repulsive gaze.

“No way! I’m not getting my soul burned by your angel for doing that.”

“What? No, I’m doing this of my own volition. Nothing's gonna happen… I think.”

“I clearly remember you don't know the full extent of your power and have no control over your patron. Nuh-uh, not putting my hand into that bag of razor blades.”

"Mrgh… fine. Let’s do it this way then.”

After pulling a hair from her head and planting it on the ground, a plant with a mirror-like flower blossomed.

It showed an archive room of some kind from the first-person point of view.

“Senior, this is?” Rose’s voice magically came from the plant.

“This is what I want to show you.”

A maiden in a nun habit gave Rose a crystal ball.

Rose saw a gigantic demon, towering over a burning city. The humanoid demon was red-skinned, goat-horned, with a pair of bat wings on his back. He was relishing in the act of destruction.

He ate the Level 4 Pathseekers as if they were little carrots.

A Level 5 demon, Viers deduced.

And then,the heavens parted and a white golden light descended upon the world.

What followed was a scene Viers had frequently seen in the movies: an explosion very similar to a nuclear blast.

Viers lacked the comprehension to perceive if that was more or less powerful than a true nuclear strike but the mighty destructive power was irrefutable.

The giant demon was utterly decimated, as was the city.

“S-senior, this is?” In the memory, Rose asked with a shaken voice.

“This is a grace that is given to every Blessed, young Rose. A heavenly arrow to strike down great evil. It is your duty to use this power responsibly. I’ll provide you some guidance in this matter.”

After the nun said that, the plant wilted and Rose’s memory sharing ended.

“Heavenly Admonition…” Ciel muttered. “It’s my first time seeing the record.”

“Yes. Once a century, every Blessed has the capability to call down an angel’s might… I offer this privilege to you,” Rose met Viers’ brown eyes.

She didn't think she would use the power as long as she lived, but she would give Viers the right to use it for Mita.

Viers pulled a glass from his inventory ring and held it in his hand. He posed a little.

“Ladies, you had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.”

A nuke gained Viers’ attention.

Rose clarified her ability to Viers. A direct hit had the force to destroy a Level 5. Viers asked why not use it to destroy the tower and end the Valkut problem once and for all.

“It takes at least one week of preparation to invoke it, ceremonies and rituals. It also causes extreme destruction in a large area. Master Mita and the innocent people of Vakut are inside the tower. There’s not enough time to use it since we only have three days and I cannot involve the innocents in such destruction.”

Viers only replied with a long hum.

Rose gave him other limitations, hers. She could call the angelic orbital strike anywhere in the world but she needed a clear target, by sight or magical coordinates for something truly far away. She refused to involve the innocents so targeting cities and towns was not an option. Viers must explain to her about the target of the strike. If Viers was using it for nefarious reasons, she would reserve the right to refuse.

Rose’s personal restrictions did not lessen Viers’ desire. Even if he couldn't use it against the Church or population centers, Viers had other enemies, such as the devil cults.

If I’m not wrong, the Church has less than ten Angel Blessed right now. Even though they can only use it once a century and some might have already used their angel ICBM, truly a fearsome bunch. Sucks for Church’s every enemy out there. Is this why every cult is hiding in the shadows?

“So, what do you say?”

“Uhm? Oh,” Viers burst his thought bubble after Rose called. “Intriguing offer… But-”

Rose’s heart darkened before hearing the rest of the sentence.

“-not enough.”

“I thought so,” Ciel sighed. “You can extort me next.”

“Ciel, no! This is my burden to bear.”

“You’re wrong, Rose,” Ciel shook her head. “I will not let you suffer alone in the dark. Let me share half of the load. Two people will make the work lighter, right?”

Rose looked down and clenched her fists but Ciel’s hug melted her resistance. “I… I’m sorry. And thank you.”

“That’s how it is, Viers,” Ciel turned to him. “Name what you want.”

“You say that but can you really give me what I want?” Viers touched his chin in a thinking pose.

“I’m a daughter of a duke of Latias… I don't want to rely on my family for my matters but I can offer you a great many things. Rest assured, the life debts between us also will be settled in full. This is my justice.”

Now that Viers had revealed himself as a villain, Ciel's dislike only grew. However, the fact that he had saved her life multiple times before didn't change. Her principles demanded that she balance the scales.

Also, it galled her to be in a bad guy’s debt.

“I want power,” Viers said.

“Level 5’s power?”

“Oh no, higher,” Viers grinned.

“...It is said that no one has reached Level 6 in the last millennium,” Ciel’s green eyes were sternly fixed at Viers. His ambition was above her expectations.

“Then I’ll be the first,” Viers replied without missing a beat. “Can you satisfy my hunger for power, Ciel?”

Ciel searched her brain without a word.

“...The method to become Level 6 is unknown to the likes of me. However, there’s a place under my family’s jurisdiction. It is rumored that there’s a Level 6 legacy there.”

“Hmnn, seems pretty weak,” Viers wasn't impressed. “Rumors are cheap. Who knows if it's genuine or not.”

“My grandfather became a Level 5 after entering the Biome. He wasn't able to reach the rumored Level 6 legacy but he said there are enough resources there to raise a dozen Level 5s. If you can gain them, that is. I, Ciel Valentine, swear upon my Intio that everything I just said is the truth.”

“Me, too. I, Rose, swear upon my Intio the same.”


“Just as you expect, it is a very dangerous place. I can promise you entry but whether you can gain anything is up to you. There's also no guarantee to your life.”

“If I die, then it’s my fault. As simple as that,” Viers replied.

Viers admitted he was somewhat interested. He was confident in reaching Level 5 but the path to becoming Level 6 was obscure. Even Clarissa didn't know. This was the first time he encountered a Level 6 clue.

“Rejected!” Viers declared. “You two promised beautiful things but in the end, both are matters far in the future. If you or Rose die a year from now then it’s all gone down the drain, isn't it? Let’s not mention the immediate crisis about the tower. There’s no guarantee at all we'll succeed. Don't promise empty dreams.”

The two women grimaced. They couldn't refute.

In the end, it’s no good.

I think he was already determined to bail out from the start.

Rose and Ciel had their own thoughts. Viers was a lost cause so they had to do it on their own.

“However, I’m well aware that what you two promised are extraordinary privileges. I’m a man of risk and reward, you see. The value of your boons is just a tiny bit short. A really tiny bit. Which gives grounds for haggling.”


“You Silver Legionaries have something that I envy. Your Victa generation.”

Rose and Ciel showed signs of nervousness in their bodily gait.

“It’s a well-known fact that the members of the Silver Legion have more Victa than normal. The way you go from one problem to the next would make a normal Pathseeker run out of Victa before long but not you guys. It is said that the cults employed the demon outbreak tactics to counter your abundance of Victa. Otherwise, you guys can overwhelm them with the sheer difference of Arte fuel. Without Victa, Pathseekers die as easily as Idlers.”

Viers focused on Ciel.

“When I first saved you from the assassins, I knew for a fact that your Victa was next to nil but a few days later, look who fought the demons alongside us. I didn't think you were a fool so your Victa gains must be greater than your spending. The rest of you show similar signs. Max and I just couldn't compare.”

Viers grinned.

“Can I have it too?”

“...If you have it, you’ll help us?” Ciel asked.

“With the previous two boons, yes.”

Fisherman Viers was feeling the fish had taken the bait. Ciel's words meant it was not an ability tied to a Profound Codex. He could gain it.

“Is it an item, a pact, or an Arte?”

“It’s called the Vigor of Responsibility Arte. Very hard to learn and master. Depending on your skill with it, the Arte could double your Victa generation rate or even more. That pendant of yours, is about a thirty percent boost?”

Viers nodded to Rose.

“This Arte is also incompatible with that kind of magical item so the pendant will be useless to you. Viers, it is as you say. This Arte is crucial for the Silver Legion to combat the evil of this world. One of our defining Artes, so it’s a closely guarded secret. Even if you kill us and search our souls, you won't find any trace of the Arte.”

“Hou, intriguing.”

Various organizations had their ways of guarding their secrets. The Church was a super organization, their security measures couldn't be compared to others.

“With consent from a legitimate user, the Arte could be taught to others but for that person to continually use it, they must join the Silver Legion.”

“What do you mean, Rose?”

“Without permission from a Church’s high ranking official, our Arte will be unusable after a set period of time. We’re all Level 3 so the Arte will expire after a year. I heard Level 4 can use theirs for a decade before the need for renewal.”

How… bureaucratic.

“So even if you teach me the Arte-”

“Unless you receive a corresponding Church's blessing one year from now, the Arte will no longer be functional,” Ciel clarified.

One year…

Viers’ eyes were glinting as a devious idea took shape.

“That is the limitation. Do you still want it?” Rose was half-expectant.

“...Very well. Teach me that Mantle of Responsibility Arte.”

“Vigor of Responsibility,” Ciel corrected.

“Whatever,” Viers rolled his eyes.

“So this means we can count on your help?” Rose asked.

To sum it up, I got permission to call an orbital laser, a visa to a super danger zone that might contain clues to Level 6, and a year of double -at minimum- Victa generation. All right, Viers. Are these three offerings great enough to make you wager your life and enter the Tower of Doom?


“Yes,” Viers answered.


“I’ll now explain the strategy for our future actions,” said Damon. His comrades in arms were in a circle.

“Before we begin, I give my thanks for your help in this time of need. Max… and Viers.”

“The fate of the city is in our hands. You don't need to say thanks,” Max replied with a heroic tone and expression.

“Don't mention it. I just can't leave my dear friends to their own as they brave the noble and dangerous path.”

Viers felt Rose and Ciel sent dagger stares his way.

No, not only from the two girls. The others were not fools. Although they didn't know the deal that Rose and Ciel had made, none of them believed Viers' words.


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