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In the northeastern area of the Zamrud Archipelago, there was a village deep in the wilderness, surrounded by thick forest.

Shining sun overhead, wooden houses, paddy fields, children chasing summer beetles, an elderly playing a game of Go with his neighbor, a peaceful village.

A black-haired young girl who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old was walking with small steps from outside of the village. Not only because of her white kimono that reached her ankles and restricted her movements, but also because she was carrying a basket of blue cocoons. Rough movement and the small moth monsters inside them would break free, destroying the cocoons in the process.

“Uncle~ I found the Azure Moths that you asked for,” she called from outside of the kimono shop.

Nani!? You really found them?” A middle-aged man rushed out of the shop.

“Ehehe, it’s just luck. Are these enough?”

“Enough, even more than I hoped. Come in, come in. The old lady has prepared tea for you.”

“Ah, I truly apologize but I still have another chore,” the girl refused.

The man’s spouse came out carrying a tray. There were two skewers of round things with a cup of hot tea.

Maa, maa. Just a little while, Sakuya-chan. There’s also your favorite dango.”

Ugh… Auntie’s dango is irrefutable!

“...Just a while…”

Sakuya lost to the hospitality of the married couple that she’d known since she was little. The village wasn't big so pretty much everybody knew everybody.

A short while later, Sakuya walked with a dango skewer that she nibbled from time to time. People waved when they saw her and she waved back. There was happiness in the air and she was glad that she brought that joy to the village.

The Sakaki clan had been freed from the curse.

So peaceful…

“An opening!”

Suddenly three shurikens struck Sakuya from behind.

A girl jumped out from a nearby tree, wearing a purple kunoichi garb.

“Why are you grinning like a fool in broad daylight? Is that how a shinobi should act? Ah!?”

There was only Sakuya’s white kimono that had shuriken holes. The assailant jumped because Sakuya, now in her blue kunoichi habit, launched a leg sweep from behind, the dango skewer still in her mouth.

The purple kunoichi managed to evade perfectly and she somersaulted to create some distance between them.

“What opening?” Sakuya munched the rest of the dango.

Opening? Zerrigan-san attacked us on a daily basis using her children in Stage 5. We never knew where or when the attack would come from, in what shape or form. We must always be alert, even when sleeping! Tanael-sama also underwent this training with us. Don't underestimate the Gloomsiders!

“I heard you were away on a mission. When did you get back?”

“Just now. You’ve gotten faster, auntie~” the girl teased.

“Muuu!” Sakuya pouted. “You’re in it now, Yayoi. Prepare yourself!”

The two female shinobi exchanged their techniques, even using Artes. Sakuya used wood affinity while Yayoi used water.

“Hohoho, what lively kids,” a housewife commented while drying laundry.

“We were like them too, in the past. Aah, to be young…” her neighbor who was also putting clothes to dry in the sun was reminded of her younger days.

It didn't take long before the winner emerged. Sakuya had Yayoi in a submission hold.

“Wha-!? I lost?”

“Now we’re at 44-43. I’m finally above, hehe.”

“Looks like it’s true that you’ve been to some amazing trial ground in the continent. I’m still bitter you left without bringing me along but the nagging comes later. Now tell me all about it!” Yayoi urged Sakuya.

“Sure, but after you’ve fixed my kimono,” Sakuya released her hold. “Ah! Now I’m late because of you!” Sakuya ran as soon as she realized the time. “And make sure you fix my kimono!” She shouted from afar.

“I’ll see you at the festival tonight!” Yayoi shouted too. Then she had a little look of melancholy.

Sakuya was Yayoi’s genuine aunt. However, they were the same age. When she called Sakuya ‘aunt’, it always riled her up. The two were raised together and became as close as true siblings.

Phew… She defeated me so easily. I must not get left behind. Training! Training! Without the curse, perhaps I should also go have adventures in the continent.


“Sakaki Sakuya, has come as summoned,” Sakuya spoke from behind a sliding door.

After the playful yet serious scuffle with Yayoi, she tidied up herself and wore a different kimono to make herself presentable. This was an important meeting where the clan’s higher-ups gathered. She must not bring shame to her parents.


Her father’s dignified voice traveled from the other side. Sakuya opened the door and entered with impeccable grace. She was in lofty company now. There was no Level 3 among the eight people in the tatami floored hall.

Eight Level 4s. Three sat on the left side, three on the right. At the head of the position sat her father, Sakaki Kondou. Slightly behind him, was her mother, Sakaki Ayane. The other six were her uncles and aunties. Some came from outside of the village but when they were married, they joined the Sakaki family.

Some looked at her with a stern expression, like his father. Others looked at her with smiles, like her mother.

“Sakaki Sakuya. The clan has decided your sentence.”

“This unfilial descendant is ready.”

Father seems hale. Tanael-sama’s medicine worked… Now I have no regrets.

The clan had a rule, forbidding every member to visit the continent to prevent the activation of the Flaring Wither Curse. Sakuya broke the law to save her father and as they feared, the curse was indeed activated. Those possessing the blood of the founder felt it.

Saying the clan was in chaos was putting it lightly.

Then in five days, it stopped. Because it was only five days, the effect was not severe, there were no casualties or even heavy injuries.

In a week or so, Sakuya returned and she explained about what happened.

The news of the lifted curse brought immeasurable joy to the clan, to the village.

Still, Sakuya’s rash action had endangered every soul in the clan. It was not something the higher-ups could let go.

While the higher-ups discussed Sakuya's sentence, she was ordered to do chores to help the villagers until they decided. A month had passed since then.

Sakuya did various odd jobs willingly and heartfully.

And now she was here once again, to receive the postponed sentence.

Probably exile, she thought.

“Sakaki Sakuya, your selfish and law-breaking actions have resulted in the activation of the ancient curse and threatened the lives of everyone in the clan. The punishment for crimes as heavy as that is death-”

Sakuya’s expression was unwavering. A straight gaze to her father.

“-but because of your merit in lifting the curse, the council has agreed to reduce your punishment to exile. You must leave the village by tomorrow and never return.”

Yappari, Sakuya thought. She wasn't bitter about her own father’s decision. As the clan head, he must uphold the rules and lead by example.

“This unfilial descendant accepts the clan’s decision.”

Sakuya’s readiness and resolution gave a favorable impression to the other elders.

“However,” Kondou added. “The Matriarch has decreed otherwise. You will meet her tomorrow and she will give her judgment. That will be all.”

The Matriarch!

Based on the elders’ expression, Sakuya deduced they already knew of this matter but she was very surprised.

The rumored hidden expert of the clan who was only mentioned in whispers. Naturally, she’d never met this exalted figure.

“...This Sakuya understands. Honored elders, this one will always think fondly of all of you, of the clan, even from the depths of hell. I’m truly sorry for the sorrow my actions have inflicted upon you and every other clansman. I’ll take my leave.”

After Sakuya left the hall, the elders started to talk.

“Sakuya-chan has grown to be a splendid young woman, hasn’t she? On the threshold to Level 3 at that age. We should say some good words to the Matriarch,” a male elder who looked like a man in his fifties spoke. He once carried the three-year-old Sakuya on his shoulders and still remembered her laugh.

“No one really resented her for her actions, clan head. Shouldn't the sentence be lighter?” An elder in charge of the apothecary said. She had changed Sakuya’s diapers in the past. “Kondou, how about you show some love for your daughter instead of the iron face from time to time? She won't be your little girl for much longer.”

“We are shinobi,” Clan head Kondou huffed. “Softness is not our way.”

“He might say that but he’s really proud of her, Mako-san. Yesterday he was bawling while drunk. It was really a pain listening to his drunken blabber,” Ayane had one hand cupped on her cheek and sighed about her husband. “If Sakuya saw her stern papa in that state, his image in her mind would shatter into a million pieces..”

“Ayane–” Kondou growled.

Hai, hai,” Ayane smiled and held her silence but some of the other elders stifled a laugh. Even the super fierce clan head was no match for his dear wife.

“Ahem,” Kondou cleared his throat, attempting to restore his dignity. “The Matriarch will decide Sakuya’s fate. I trust her wisdom.”


“Yosh,” Sakuya put the last of her belongings into her inventory pouch. She was ready to leave the village anytime. The sky was already dark.

Looking at the empty room, she felt sad at the thought of leaving her home behind. However, she didn't regret what she did.

The Matriarch… I wonder what kind of person she is. Must be crazy powerful. Is she in the same dimension as Aletro? No, considering she couldn't erase the curse, she should be lower. I’m still as weak as an ant to her though.

“Shouldn't you be getting ready?” A voice came from behind.

“Okaa-sama! …Ready for what?”

“For the festival, of course. It is there because you defeated the curse. How can the main star not be there?”

As expected of mother and daughter, Ayane looked like Sakuya but older. Her actual age was in her sixties but she still looked like thirty.

“...I’m afraid there will be people that resent me… It was the heat of the moment but I chose someone else over everyone,” Sakuya replied meekly. She didn't hide the truth and told the clan elders the true version of what happened in the Book World. “The worst didn't come to pass but-”

Ayane hugged her daughter close. “Silly child. Stop being so gloomy. There’s no one that isn't happy with you lifting the curse. Come, let us walk to the festival together like we used to.”

Her mother’s hug was warm.

“Un,” Sakuya nodded.

Mother and daughter walked together hand in hand.

“So, what is it about Tanael that you love so much?” Ayane suddenly said.


“My daughter, you think you can deceive your mother? You’re a hundred years too early. Aah, aah. Red as a crab. How cute. Have you pushed him down yet? Used my teachings? …It seems like a no.”

“Mother~!! We’re on the street!”

“Very well. We’ll talk tonight. Don't hide anything from your mom. Give me all the juicy details.”

“Your daughter is about to be exiled and on her last night, this is what you want to hear?”

“Well yes. What's wrong with that, dearest daughter?”

Unbelievable… Sakuya sighed.

When they arrived at the festival venue, people flocked to Sakuya like ants to sugar. Yayoi first and foremost, then her friends and relatives that were around the same age.

“The Flower Blossom Kunoichi is here! So late!”

“What’s the continent like?”

“Sakuya, are there people stronger than me?”

Ayane looked at her daughter after giving her a distance.

See, Sakuya? Everyone accepted you.

Somehow, Sakuya was dragged into visiting every stall and every show. Her smile never faded.

“Hehehe. Good to see you so happy. Now I have no worries. Take care of yourself. By the way, there's okonomiyaki sauce on your lips.”

Sakuya heard a voice that she hadn't heard since they separated after the flying carpet.


Sakuya looked around her in a hurry, trying to catch sight of him. He was here, watching her at this moment. How was that possible?

“Sakuya, what’s wrong?” Yayoi asked.

Sakuya took out a white card that she kept in her pocket the whole time. The telepathy was possible because of this. If Tanael didn't want to be found, he wouldn't be.

Mysterious as always, she smiled.

“It’s nothing. Everything is fine,” Sakuya wiped the sauce on her lips.


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