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“Delicious! Muuuuh~ Deliciousssss!”

Dia was having a double-combo meal. Her leg-roots were draining nutrients from the human corpses while she was greedily eating the World Tree Essence Sap.

Green Scorpion Fajrin's aim in the Book World was this. Viers couldn't prevent him from getting it but he took a bunch for himself. He had a barrel’s worth of this green jelly-like substance. He didn't give it all to Dia, just a bowl’s worth at first to determine its effect on his precious dryad. Seemed beneficial so far and she really liked it.

Whoahoho! Dia’s power is rising fast, approaching Level 2! Considering she just started cultivating not long ago, it is incredible. Guess the people’s remains will fertilize her growth from now on.

“Now now slow down. Your food won't run away. Here, have some water,” Viers offered his dryad familiar mana water from the sin city’s underground.

“Water is delish too! Ahahaha~”

Watching the joyous Dia brought a smile to Viers’ face. Dia was weaker compared to Boram but she was catching up.

It has been a while since I checked… Hoh, 378.46%. Arsène makes it double the growth. Holy crap, my Artes will hit like a truck!


It was less than a week after the merfolk invasion ended but things were already starting to return to normal in Regidana.

Even now, the streets are decorated with stuff related to the U18 Tournament. Heh, folks are also getting merry… Perhaps to them the fighting tourney is like sports events on Earth? Like the NBA or Champions League and such.

“C’mon, Boram. You're slooow. Your Master has to go to court in the afternoon.”

“Zeh… Zehhh… Sorry, Master. Hufff… But, these… are heavy…”

The pair had just finished shopping in the commercial district. Arsène was buying souvenirs for Luca and her family. Though, it wouldn't be him that went but Viers. Since the stuff was inside the storage item, the weight of the souvenirs wasn't an issue.

What Boram was talking about were the bracelets on his ankles and wrists. Each was 10 kilos in weight. Minor training apparatus from the great harvest loot. Arsène forbade Boram to use Victa to train his body.

“I suppose you’ve done enough. There, I took them off. Go line up at that juice stall and buy something cold for us both.”

“Huff, huff… Okay.”

Boram, drenched in sweat, went away as per Arsène's instruction.


Arsène heard a ‘good morning’ in his mind.

“Ah, hello Iz,” Arsène turned to where the cat sound originated, above a stone fence to his right. He was a bit surprised. “Did you grow white hair?”

It was not a black cat but a gray-spotted white cat.

“Since people can't find Tanael, some turned to his associates instead. Notice how there are no more black cats walking around in the city? The Church has rounded them all up somewhere. Even people with jobs or  relations to Seresena flower, which some people call Nightbloom, are under observation. A family with that flower as their house’s sigil, is pretty mad at Sakuya, at us.”

The Gloomsiders were pretty well known during Stage 4 and 5. Backlasher Jaime was dead so that left Black Cat and Night Bloom.

“Hehehe, my condolences to them,” Arsène chuckled.

“Not to me? Things are pretty hectic on my end, you know. I’m dealing with inside and outside pressure, from the Estellian Church and the Blood Church both. I don't even have time to get enough sleep!”

“You can protect yourself. There are no fools among the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”

The two were conversing with telepathy but to a passerby, Arsène was having a glaring contest with a cat.

“So, you are well I hope?” Arsène changed the topic.

“Busy, same as you. But I haven't taken risks to show myself in the open for a trivial hello. Oscar is supposed to receive a new body tonight.”

“Oh? As expected from Level 5 daddy dear. Since he can, your dear Alan can too. Now I’ve provided an opportunity. It’s up to you to get clues about making a body. As per the plan. Use your Blood Church’s prided information network.”

“It isn't that simple. We know a certain alchemist was commissioned for a secret project by House Regisea but… forget it. Worse comes to worst, I’ll employ my cult’s help.”

“Mmhm. Anything else?”

“...Did you really do the Night of Bloodless Murders?” Iz asked hesitantly, warily.

It was what people now called Tanael's purging of the families and relatives of the people he killed in the Book World. There was no evidence but the motive was clear so Tanael got identified.

Tanael rooted out his enemies to the last seed. Even people who’d never seen Tanael wanted someone like this to perish. With the Estellian Church leading the charge, many people on the righteous side wanted to kill Tanael because of this action.

“If I say no, would you believe me?” Arsène asked.

Iz didn’t answer. That flat and emotionless voice already gave her the answer. Seeing the eyes behind the helmet, she felt a shiver traveling down her spine.

I must never become this person’s enemy. Never…

“Master, I bought you strawberry juice. I hope you don't mind. Oyo? Cute cat.”

Boram’s attention was taken by Izabella’s new form. He changed the tense air between the cat and the helmeted man.

“I wonder where Chacha is… I haven't seen her lately. I hope she’s eating alright,” he muttered.

“...After seeing this little cat here, I think she’s doing fine,” Arsène said.

“What do you mean, Master?”

“Boram, meet Chuchu. Chacha’s daughter.”

Boram blinked a few times in amazement and gazed at the white cat more closely. Iz was also surprised by Arsène's announcement and tried to get away before it became more complicated but Arsène had already grabbed the back of her neck. She meowed in protest futilely.

“...Their eyes are a little similar but how do you know, Master?” Boram asked.

“My eyes are special. You should know this by now.”

“Ohh kay… Here kitty kitty,” Boram accepted Arsène’s explanation at face value and offered a cat treat that he had for Chacha.

‘Chuchu’ swiftly ran away the instant Arsène relaxed his grip, without taking Boram’s cat food.

“O she's a shy one. Well, Chacha seems to have a family now. I’m glad for her,” Arsène amusedly congratulated Iz then drank the refreshing juice quickly. “Akh, so sour. Alright, let’s go back home.”

“Yes, Master.”


Viers was having a warm feeling as if his daughter had grown up.

From behind a tree, he was watching a purple-haired girl playing with other kids. She was smiling brightly.

A stark contrast to the Luca that played alone at the riverside.

There were even those who bullied her in the past. Viers taught her how to control her powers from going berserk but the reason for her change was her growth as a person. Her meeting with Viers instilled confidence in her and she glimpsed the vastness of the world from him.

The children around her were proof of her growth.

To interrupt them would be boorish so Viers decided to wait while having a battle simulation with Freya. In the past, he wasn't able to win against her but the current Viers was able to trounce her easily.

Of course, he wasn't under the delusion that the current Freya was the same as the recorded version of her in the Grid. Still, wiping the floor with her was a bit of a stress reliever.

When evening almost came to the village, Luca and the other children returned to their homes.

“Pou-pou-pou-pou! Village Girl over there. Have you been well?”

Luca gasped from the made-up laugh that came from behind her and turned. “That voice!”

And she saw Viers, behind his back was the red sunset. Naturally, Viers made his entrance a visually striking performance.

“The great me, Lemon King Poupou, descended from the yellow moon once again! Bask in my magnificence, you plebeian!”

Luca ran over and gave Viers a hug-dive. “Brother Avel! I missed you, ahaha!”

“Now now, don't make a commotion. It’s a secret I’m here, okay?”

He didn't plan to make his existence in the Pecan Village known. It wouldn't do if the Church found out there were two Avels at the same time.

Viers went to Luca's house while giving the darkness 5 affinity girl a piggyback.


Izabella had exceeded Viers’ expectations.

She led a group of Yasterah cultists to raid the alchemists’ laboratory. It was a pretty big operation because the alchemist was a Level 4. Viers expected she would need his help but she managed to steal two fetuses without his involvement.

Izabella’s power is also growing, hmn? My eyes didn’t deceive me. Her potential bloomed with her desire to break her sis out of prison.

“Heeeeh… so this is the thing that brings Oscar back to this world?”

Viers was holding a tube container that Izabella stole. Suspended in orange liquid, was a human embryo.

Specifically made to house a soul. It will grow according to the soul put inside… Wonderful. How someone made something like this is beyond me.

Using precious heavenly treasures or whatnot from the Level 5, the alchemist managed to create three of these fetuses. One was given to the client, and because of Iz’s swift action, they managed to steal the surplus before they could be moved somewhere else. One was given to Viers, one she kept for her friend.

“I’ve done my part of the bargain. Can you give me Alan’s soul now?” Izabella asked.

“Catch,” Viers threw a soul in the shape of a ball to Izabella like an afterthought. She had already prepared a container to hold a soul because she couldn't touch a soul as Viers could.

When Izabella left Viers’ place, she sighed in relief. If Viers wanted to keep both the fetuses, she could do nothing to stop him.

Alan, just wait a little longer. I’ll wake you up very soon.

Viers watched Izabella’s back from the window. Viers heard her heartbeat thumping as if there was a gorilla beating its chest the whole time in the room. She must be nervous about him going back on his word. Viers would indeed benefit from two fetuses but there was no need to lose an ally-cum-pawn over something so trivial.

So I have only one body but there are four souls… Who should get this?


Viers had figured things out. His original plan was to go to Valkut city so Paina could meet with her father who abandoned the family. Viers wasn't really interested in the reason why the man did it or why Paina wanted to meet the man but he had decided to make it his main quest for now.

After becoming Level 3 in Regidana, he would go to Valkut city in the northern part of the Free People Coalition by ship but Aletro messed up his schedule somewhat.

‘Avel’ leaving so soon would make him suspicious since the matter of Tanael was still fresh. On the surface, Avel was also having a debt to the Rushton Trading Company. He wouldn't have the luxury of traveling as he pleased.

But Viers thought it wasn't all bad. Viers could still progress his cultivation smoothly in the city. As his front face, Avel’s reputation also needed fixing. The cracks in Avel’s credibility were there even before the events of the Book World. Doing some honest questing and cementing his standing in the adventurer community would only benefit him in the future.

While Arsène would be standing in the limelight as Avel in Regidana, Viers would be safe doing something else in another place, whether he was staying in Dia’s Biome or Luca's village, it was up to him. To draw the heat, Viers even planned to do some mischief as Tanael somewhere far away from Regidana. The good guys’ Church wouldn't have the resources to keep Avel under watch, not when there were fires that needed dousing all over the world.

Sounds like a plan.

Viers told his plan to Paina and she agreed to be patient a while longer. She understood Viers’ reasoning and had no complaints.

And so time quietly passed everything and anything. The season changed from summer to autumn.


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