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After seeing the unimaginable, the short-lived silence turned into a cheer. The remaining players that refused the evil god’s offer felt like they had been saved from a death trap.

The hundreds of weapon-bearing skeletons stopped dead in their tracks, no longer moving like the dead thing they were. Fithel and Sakuya managed to defeat the remaining two pelagic lieutenants not long after. They had been greatly weakened by Pyke’s decapitation.

While the people let down their guard, Viers cast Howling Wraiths Arte again and again and again. Stacking as much as he could near Pyke’s headless body.

“Tanael-san. What are you doing?” Sakuya asked.

“Getting ready. Use buff skills or items on yourself while you have the chance. This isn't over.”

Sakuya, a good girl she was, did as she was told. Viers didn't speak loudly but Fithel, who was standing some distance away, also mirrored her actions.

Ah, elven hearing. Have my ears reached the same capabilities, I wonder.

True to his word, Pyke’s corpse began to move. He picked up his head and put it back as if nothing happened. Trashy and boastful talk followed then he transformed after wreathing himself in black fire.

What emerged was a black skeleton with a still-beating heart on his chest. Two red specks of light were inside his empty eye sockets. Tentacles adorned his head like a crown. If one looked closely, the tentacle grew out from inside his skull. It was as if his brain was a deep-sea creature that punctured its way out of the head.

So begins the fight with Pyke’s second form. When fighting a final boss, always be ready for THREE transformations! This is a golden rule in games!

“Death cannot-”

Viers, the unsporting man he was, blew up all the planted Arte mines and engulfed Pyke in a chain of soul explosions. The Arte was different from the one he used against other players before; Viers put his back into it and it became much more powerful.

One good blast from the Arte was enough to KO the ‘prey-tiered’ trial takers. Pyke ate two dozen.

The black skeleton almost looked uninjured, almost.

This will take some time, Viers thought.

“Useless struggle. Your end has been decided by the moment you enter God’s temple,” Pyke’s voice became more hideous than before.

The battle began anew. The Crew of the Damned resumed their attacks as Pyke conjured a big cutlass made of black water and swung it at Viers’ head. Viers dodged because he was no longer using his makeshift three soul swords but Pyke’s returning slash was faster. Viers was about to counter but an elf received the blow with his swords crossed.

“Cooperation?” Fithel asked.

“Cooperation,” Viers answered and prepared his next Arte. “Deal struck.”

Someone beat him to the punch. White flowers bloomed from the bones on Pyke’s shoulder. It turned to black first before turning to ash, only leaving a faint corrosive sign on the bones.

“The honekui flower can melt bones in seconds but it isn't effective at all…”' Sakuya stood on Viers’ right.

“There’s three of us,” Veirs said. “Cleaning the dirty bones shouldn't be too hard.”

From the water around them, Pyke created a hammerhead shark. The shark attacked the still weapon-locked Fithel. Viers repaid the favor by punching it with his fist. The shark disintegrated back into liquid.

Fuck, that hurts!

Viers wasn't really good with barehanded combat but he didn't want to use his sword.

He already used three when copying Zoro earlier but the less connection between Avel and Tanael, the better.

Besides, with the three on one, Viers wasn't so hard-pressed against Pyke.

The course of battle continued. Pyke hit fast and strong in a wide area. His power level was definitely at the top of Level 2. But he was still weaker than Alan, Izabella’s friend, therefore Viers and the other two could handle him despite their Level limitation. That wasn't to say fighting Pyke was easier than fighting Alan. The Dread Pirate had unique methods that were hard to deal with.

The whole water world in Stage 2 had abundant water terrain, water Pathseekers would gain a boost here. Pyke and the trial takers were not excluded from the basic law of the world.

Ironically, Viers must contend with Pyke’s strong water methods with soul methods. If Viers used water to defend against water, it would have a greater effect because of the same element resistance.

That was what Fithel was doing, using water against water when he had to but attacking Pyke with physical attacks of his blades.

“Dance of the Yellow Pine!”

The elf became a whirlwind of slashes. His elven way of fighting was very refined and dance-like compared to humans.

“Razor Leaves!”

A bunch of sharp-edged green leaves swooshed at Pyke.

Is that… a Pokemon move? Viers lampooned.

On the other hand, Sakuya’s wood affinity and her use of plants were very effective against Pyke, for attacking or defending both. Although, it seemed she didn't have the role of a damage dealer in the past. Her attacks were quite weak. Viers’ soul Artes inflicted more damage to Pyke than her.

After a while, under the assault of the trio, Pyke was reeling.

“Grrrrr, drown in fear! KHIEEEEE!!!”

Pyke screamed and a wave of emotion engulfed the whole City of Pearl.

Fear is the mind-killer… Viers chanted in his mind and used the Bravery of Dune.

Fithel, a fellow top 10 ranker, also used a different method to withstood Pyke’s ability.

Sakuya and others with the Ta Moko on their bodies also resisted the fear debuff. The few that did not, got defeated by the ‘instant-death‘ skill. They became catatonic and became easy picking for the skeletons.

For each defeated player, the greater the burden for the surviving combatants. It became clear that soon the skeletons would overwhelm Viers and the others.

Viers also saw that Sakuya’s Tanael Moko on her neck became increasingly fainter.

Her fear ward won’t last long. Better to finish this quickly!

“Night Bloom and I will make an opening, go!” Viers said to the elf.

While Pyke was in the middle of an offensive, Viers intercepted. He kicked Pyke’s right hand away and Sakuya entangled his left hand with ivies; the two gave Fithel an opening at Pyke.

“Dance of the Misty Birch!”

Fithel used another blade dance, slashing fast and precise, very offense-oriented but it created more openings to himself. Viers and Sakuya gave him the opportunity to use this dance.

Naturally, the target was the red heart inside Pyke’s ribs but some kind of force field prevented the blades from reaching it. The trio’s effort was not in vain though; Pyke was visibly injured.


Like video game bosses, because of low HP, Pyke entered his super mode.

The black skeleton clothed himself with darkness. It clung to him like a mantle of darkest smoke. Viers and the other two took some distance immediately. Their danger sense was warning them.

I knew it! He has a third form. We’re in the last stretch now.

They made the right move because Pyke’s shadow grew in a wide area and attacked them. Maws in the dark. Viers jumped because the attack came from ground level, the edge of his trousers got bit and ripped.

This attack… similar to Pride’s in FMA!

Fithel dodged by a very thin margin but Sakuya got injured. She immediately applied healing to herself. Her wood affinity had a knack for healing arts.

Pyke made another move. “Darkness takes you!”

He opened his mouth and all manner of corrupted marine creatures, spectral black and vicious, flowed out.

Soul method! Viers immediately felt it. Wait, not entirely!

Similar to how Viers made use of ice using Ixi Arte, Pyke used darkness to invoke a soul attack.

“Incredible,” Clarissa commented while watching the V-Stream. “This darkness… The profundities are at a higher level than my fire when I was at my peak. Is this because of the Deep Dweller God? That octopus?”

“I thought the only remaining god was Estelle,” Paina stopped playing her flute temporarily. “Was I wrong?”

“Perhaps. But can we, mortals, know the limits of what gods can or cannot do?” Farley frowned. She couldn't help Viers like Paina as usual because Viers was hiding his water talents.

At the outside of Viers’ head, the fish ghosts attacked all the players. There were only two people among the fifteen that fared well against the attack: Fithel and Viers.

Sakuya grimaced when the schools of horned sardines passed through her arm. The flesh was well but she felt as if the arm had been gnawed to the bones. And then, there was silence. She saw the back of a man when she opened her eyes. Viers disintegrated every fish that came close in a sphere.

“Tanael! Get rid of these fish!” Someone said with a pained voice.

“Stop Pyke, Tanael! Arghh!” Another player added to the chorus of agony.

Viers let the voices enter his left ear and flow out from his right.

Fithel had his hands full taking care of himself. He was in no position to extend a helping hand.

Swarmed by the fishes of darkness, one by one they got teleported out. Not few cursed Tanael’s name as they retired. This was what could happen in Stage 2 when someone was too severely injured. It wasn't a definite occurrence. Aletro acted as he pleased.

The Tempted also were not spared.

Argh! Hells and Damnations! I haven't extorted them yet, my shards!!

When the soul attack passed, only Tanael, Fithel, and Sakuya remained as the living in the City of Pearl.

And then there were three, Viers was feeling poetic.

Fithel came near the other two to close ranks.

“I’ll praise you for lasting this long but this is the end. Behold the power of my liege and kneel in awe! Curse of the Deep!”

Sorcery seeped into Viers’ body despite his best effort to resist. Seaweed and barnacles grew on Viers and more kept growing upward. The unsavory sight was only aesthetics, Viers felt like he was forcibly being changed into something other. Viers didn't know what but had no intention of finding out.

Just when Viers was about to stop holding back, a warm light bloomed.

Sakuya was holding a white paper with red mystic writing and sigils.

An ofuda!

“Charm of Purification!” Sakuya shouted and the curse was purified. “Tanael-san, Fithel-san, it is a consumable item. I only have one.”

“Then we better finish this before he can use it again,” Viers was eager to go.

“Agreed,” the elf nodded.

Viers and Fithel attacked while Sakuya kept the light of purification going, keeping the Crew of the Damned unable to get close.

“Vengeful Spirit!”

“Dance of the White Magnolia!”

Viers punched Pyke and a metal-hitting-metal sound rang; he shot the full-powered Arte at point-blank. The ball of spirit came out through Pyke’s back and then Viers jumped to the side to make room for Fithel’s follow-up.

“Annoying pest!”

Pyke was angry and about to use a big attack but Sakuya’s eyes glinted.

“Wood Prison!”

Trapped but not cowed, Pyke was raging inside. “You think this flimsy cage could hold me?”

His shadow stirred again, maws lined with saw teeth gnawed on the wood.

But it wasn't broken.

“What?” Pyke said in disbelief.

“This is the Sakaki tree. It is sacred in my religion. Your wicked darkness won’t work!”

Good job! I didn't think she had it in her.

Viers and Fithel moved in for the final attack.

Cleyera japonica or Sakaki, was a tree considered sacred in the Shinto faith. Sakuya’s family name was similarly, Sakaki. It was written in the same kanji as the sacred tree.

This time, only Viers charged forward, Fithel was preparing something in the back.

In his hand, Viers held a spear with a broken shaft like a dagger. The metal spearhead had a unique pattern similar to Damascus steel.

The Blade of Leonidas!

Recovered from the locked rings alongside the Rank 7 monster core. Taken from that bull’s enemy. It was the most powerful weapon in Viers’ possession bar none!

Against an evil god’s herald, Viers didn't stint in his killing blow.

Pyke was not about to let the spearhead stab his heart without a fight. His two red sparks that were his eyes, glowed brighter and brighter.

Shit! Is he about to shoot lasers from his eyes now?

An arrow sprouted on the skeleton’s right eye socket before the attack came out. The arrow shone bright like the light of the morning sun.

“ARRRGHHH!” The Dread Pirate wailed in pain.

“Arrow of Sun Sycamore.”

Viers heard Fithel’s voice.

Thank you Legolas!


Viers shouted a battle cry and the Blade of Leonidas stabbed true at Pyke’s beating heart!

“This… This cannot be! I am… chosen by God…” Pyke uttered the words while cracks formed all over his black skeleton body.

If Viers was a more refined person, he would have a good, philosophical retort ready. Instead, he simply replied: “Shut up and die.”

Red spark faded from Pyke’s remaining eye and his bones crumbled into pieces.


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