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After the Dread Pirate's offer, information appeared in the players' minds.

If they accepted the Deep Dweller God’s offer and swore fealty to him, they would instantly gain 3000 spark shards. When Stage 2 came to an end, automatically qualified for Stage 3.

Or they could refuse and prevent the revival of the Deep Dweller God.

One choice gave a clear benefit while the other specified nothing specific.

“I-I will join you,” one player said with a hoarse voice.

“Hey! Are you fucking crazy? That is an evil god you’re about to sell your soul to! Use your head before speaking!”

“You use your head!” The surrendered player raised his voice. “My spark shards are far from 3000. Even if this city holds treasures, it will be just like before, monopolized by the strong.”

He cast a hateful look towards Viers. The youth in question replied with a smile as if watching a comedy show.

“Besides, this is not real. Any of it!”

His words shook the resolve of some.

“This is the world inside a book, Aletro said so himself! This must be all a made-up story. So what if we join the camp of an evil god? I haven't given up to reach the peak of the Path of Power. If I must bow my head then so be it! How about you? Are you content being a small fry, always at the mercy of those above you?”

After the first had paved the way, the second and third became easier. The desperate, the weak-willed, and the reckless got tempted by the whisper from the sealed god’s herald. 18 people had taken the offer, leaving 19 people that refused, surrounded by all sides.

Pyke summoned a chalice and extended his hand. “Drink and partake, accept the Blood of God into your body.”

The Tempted -as Viers decided to call the group- loudly swore fealty and drank the kraken’s blood that Pyke offered.

Power comes easier to those who chose the Dark Side, Viers thought. Not so great for the person though. Power always comes with a price.

They groaned in pain before they mutated. The Tempted got an eldritch power up instantly. They became fish-like, like the three lieutenants. Through his eyes, Viers confirmed although their Level as Pathseekers remained the same they became several times stronger.

“Salvation comes to the believers,” Pyke spoke as a mouthpiece of his god. “Go and capture the heretics but don’t kill them. They still can be of use. Their life belongs to the Most Honored One.”

“So much power…” Youallsucks muttered as he looked at his own body. “It's time to set the score between us, TANAEL!”

Youallsucks, Big Boss 69, and almost every betrayer who got a grudge against Tanael rose up in anger.

Those who reject the Deep Dweller God’s offer avoided a certain man like a leper, moving away from him.

“Tanael… I’ve been dreaming for this moment.”

“Don't think your end will come easily.”

“I will pay you back for all the humiliation that you bestowed upon me.”

The fish-men with a grudge walked closer through the open path. Viers himself was not perturbed. He had sown seeds of grievances so he reaped grievances. It was only natural.

Viers had no place in the group that kept their humanity, the Tempted decided to make him the first sacrifice, and Pyke, with his Crew of the Damned, was making sure the feast for their god didn't run away.

It was as if Viers was a lone force.

Hmph, so what if I’m by myself? Viers' fighting spirit was burning.

“You’re not alone, Lord Viers. I’ll accompany you even to the darkest of days.”

“I don't always agree with your actions… but I don't want you to die. I’ll help you.”

“Outnumbered and surrounded on all sides by hostiles, brings back memories. You will not lose this, right Viers?”

Farley, Paina, and Clarissa gave Viers the power of friendship!

Damn right! Hm?

To Viers surprise, a woman approached and stood beside him.

“Night Bloom, you really want to side with him?”

“What an idiot. What is she thinking defending a scum of humanity like Tanael?”

“Hehehe, have some sense. Can't you see? The sow is attracted to Tanael’s pretty face. She's just a slut. What a waste of a pretty face. Oi Tanael, how was her ‘taste’?”

The Tempted laughed loudly and mockingly. Amidst the rain of insults, Sakuya remained still and silent. Her resolve was unwavering.

“Psst,” Paina asked Farley. “When did Viers get acquainted with the new girl?”

“I don't know. She’s the girl that wanted to ask Viers something before being interrupted by Pyke’s first reveal isn't it?” Farley said.

“Her actions pointed to a connection. And it isn't a minor thing. At least for her,” Clarissa added.

Ignoring the gossiping ladies in his head, Viers stilled his mouth from forming a smile. Firmly, he put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’ve got this.”

His confidence was as absolute as the rising sun. The purity of it was transmitted to Sakuya by his voice and she took a step back as Viers took a step forward.

“Mongrels howling after eating a contaminated soup of piss,” Viers walked like a boss. Green-colored Victa blazing more intense with each step.

“Bottom-feeder small fries somehow think cheap doping would be enough to win against me?” Viers was like a savage primordial beast baring its fangs to the Tempted. A stone was weighing down on their hearts.

“You have eyes but cannot see Mount Tai,” Viers glared and it was like a  scythe of will cutting through a swathe of grass. Many of the Tempted took a step back.

“Who the hell do you think I am!?”




Fithel, Sakuya, and the rest also felt the effect. Their hearts trembled and their psyche shook. If they felt like that intensely without Viers actively aiming for them, it was much worse for the betrayers.

Viers draped a pressure over a wide area, violently erupting the full force of his soul!

“I’m Tanael! The man who will become the Pirate King!”

A blast, a force, and they felt their soul crushed, powerless to resist. Those few that could, their meager defenses were pierced by the soul violence. The traitors fell to the ground with his declaration. Some lost consciousness, some were trembling like a newborn fawn.

They had their own harvest from Aletro’s trial. They wanted to show their new skills, new gears, and new powers.

Viers made them all moot.

Their indignation, no matter how extreme, couldn't bridge the continental fissure difference between them and Viers.

Viers’ Arte had no name. Out of respect for the creator he got inspiration from, Viers would only name it after he had knocked out 50,000 people at once!

Not quite Haoshoku Haki yet but I’ll get there.

Viers swore it.

The basis of this technique he learned from Charles, the ghost of Pyke’s brother. Not only did Viers learn the Bravery of Dune, he'd also managed to harness and reproduce the lesser version of fear utilization. Combining Pyke’s very own fear flood and the enormity of his 20,000 Soul Power, Viers created a soul pressure technique.

Because he already possessed a similar Arte, by incorporating parts of Black Out Down Arte Viers made this new technique in a relatively short amount of time.

‘Haoshoku Haki’ Arte was the AoE, more refined version of single target soul stun Black Out Down.

The hero in the shadow that made Viers’ display of power so effective was his Horizon Aspect.

Since the start of his arrival in the Book World, Viers had never fought another player using his soul Artes’ full potency.

Weeks ago, Viers’ Horizon gave his Artes more than 150% bonus damage!

At 100% boost, his half-strength half-Victa Artes hit his enemy as if it was at full force, let alone now. Added with the terrain advantage from the Frozen Siren and 20,000 Soul Power from Myriad Soul in One Arte, Viers was already a veritable soul juggernaut!

He had his reasons for doing this. With Aletro’s protection, his enemies would not die no matter how high his Arte power was so there’s no point in using his full power if using 40% or 50% was enough.

Viers had been brawling with one hand tied behind his back the whole time but a heavyweight world champion boxer had no problem fighting a skinny brat in middle school with such a handicap.

Viers liked appearing weak to explode in badassery at the opportune moment. And Viers also got something from holding back: saving his Victa expenditure and training in Arte control.

In the Book World, because of so many new and interesting things, Viers gained about a 10% increase in Horizon in one week.

Horizon - 175.35%!

Today, Viers could make his Artes hit his enemies with 275% power at any time without additional cost!

Viers’ soul suppression astounded all! He had taken the attention of allies and enemies alike. Even his tenants were awed.

While Viers presumed the skeletons would not be affected by Viers’ pseudo-Haki, they actually did. Some skeletons fell to the ground, unmoving. A happy miscalculation.

Viers had defeated the 18 Tempted and about 100 skeletons in one move.

Tanael-san… How dashing.

Seeing the back of the straight-backed Tanel despite the formidable adversaries, Sakuya blushed. The bud inside her was starting to bloom.

Viers put his right foot on the head of a fallen Tempted. He was the one that spoke vulgarities about Sakuya earlier.

“This… This cannot b-”

Viers stomped. Using Desolate Dive Arte with his foot without jumping. The ground cracked with spider web lines and a shockwave blasted his surroundings.

“Did your mother never teach you to speak politely to a lady?”

Viers left the bloodied head on the floor. His life was hanging by a thread only because of Aletro’s intervention. Viers would not have let him take another breath otherwise.

Viers stood among the broken bodies of his enemies emitting his own version of Dragon Fear. The whole field was still like a picture.

“Hoh, Pirate King to be, you say?” Pyke was amused. “You meant to assert sovereignty upon me, Dread Pirate Pyke? Know your place, sea monkey.”

With Pyke’s voice, the seemingly stopped time began to flow again.

“You’re just a pet of a corpse,” Viers said sharply. “Like your master, not dead and not alive. It is time for your long overdue cremation, half-face.”

“Bold words. Men! Give these people God’s Mercy. Let the Most Honored One feast on their body and soul.”

Pyke let the mook fight first, led by the three pelagic lieutenants.

Heh, the ‘let the mooks fight but I’m not because I’m a lazy bad guy’ cliche. What an amateur villain you are, Pyke.

The three fish-head mini-bosses ran towards Viers. He was ready, balling his fists for a three on one but as Fithel the elf took one and Sakuya also took one.

“We will fight them,” Fithel loudly said, holding twin blades in his hands. “Everyone else kill as many skeletons as you can!”

“If we want to survive, we must work together!” Sakuya added, flowers bloomed around her feet.

This works too, Viers thought.

According to the characteristics that Charles told him, Viers got the lieutenant named Phic. He was strong but Viers was stronger. He had the leeway to observe the battlefield.

Fithel skilfully wielded his twin blades as if he was dancing, the addition of his water Artes made him look dreamy. He looked like he could handle his opponent without help.

Sakuya nimbly used a hit-and-run approach, roots with sharp ends attacked and restricted her enemy. She was not as strong as Fithel so she struggled quite a bit. When the lieutenant broke free of Sakuya’s obstruction and tried to stab her in the gut, Viers almost intervened but he changed his mind. Sakuya’s body turned into scattered leaves and she appeared some distance away.

Illusion, not teleport, Viers thought.

As for the others fighting the skellies, they too were doing well. Using flashy AoEs and various power-ups they got during their time here, the Crew of the Damned were dying in groves.

Yes, they died. They didn't rise again like the many previous instances.

It seems the skeletons can be defeated permanently in the City of Pearl.

But the skeletons still vastly outnumbered them so it wouldn't be easy and the balance could be broken at any moment.

Viers turned his attention to Phic and his boss Pyke who was standing while crossing his arms, watching the show.

So defenseless… Against me? That’s a death wish!

Viers baited Phic until he and Pyke were in a straight line then Viers acted, conjuring two soul swords in each hand.

He’s a two-sword user too? Fithel thought.

Then Viers conjured another one and bit using his mouth.

T-Three swords? Absurd! Is this common in human society? Fithel was taken aback.

Tanael-san… Sakuya also looked at him with worry.

Viers put great power into his limbs and moved forward like lightning.

“Three-sword style: Onigiri!”

The ground Viers dashed on had his foot mark on it and he stopped behind Pyke, making a still pose. Phic’s body, one of the three ‘fearsome’ fish people suddenly had three lines of blood as it separated into pieces while Pyke’s head fell to the floor. The Dread Pirate’s face had a dumbfounded expression.

Pirate Frickin’ Hunter Zoro! Badass warrior extraordinaire, Hell yeah!

Chapter 159 - The Dread Pirate and the Future Pirate King


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