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In the wilderness untouched by human hands, there lived a woman and her daughter.

There were only two of them but they were happy.

The mother taught her daughter about people; how they lived, their good, and their faults.

One day, the mother mysteriously disappeared, leaving the daughter alone.

And so the daughter began to wander, hoping to meet her beloved mother once again.

It was perplexing at first but she adapted. As time passed, she grew wiser and stronger. She had been blessed by meeting good companies and friendly people.

When she found herself in a world inside the book, she was excited because she felt the aura of her mother. The first lead she had since she began the journey.

“Yes, I know your mother and in this trial, there are things that originated from her. If you wish to find the truth about your mother, it will be in your interest to obtain them. Whether you could or not depends on you.”

Thus said Aletro when she asked in private. The daughter resolved herself to keep advancing in the trial.

The intensity of the trial shocked her. She was serious about the trial and so too everyone else but there were lines that she wouldn't cross but they would.

That Tanael guy was especially cruel. His battle with Flazzz left the defeated in a truly horrible state.

The daughter was visiting a new friend she’d just made in the infirmary when he saw Oscar, the frequent number 1, standing before the mangled body of Flazzz.

“I’m sorry. The cost to heal you is too high. Your sacrifice will be remembered. Ample reward will be waiting for you in the real world.”

Even after Flazzz used up all his spark shards for healing, it wasn't enough for a full recovery. After Oscar left, the still mangled man cried in silence.

Her mind told not to but her body just moved on its own.

“Healer, take all of my shards. Heal him,” the daughter said.

2000 shards disappeared into thin air and the man was healed in moments.

“...Why?” Flazzz asked, thinking he was in a dream. They were strangers, never even speaking to one another before. Furthermore, she chose the white spark while he had the black spark.

“Mother said to help people if you can.”

It was the seventh day, the daughter’s spark shard was at zero. Taking shards from others was unacceptable for her so she only had one way left. She put all her hope on the impossible difficulty quests.

There were five of such quests and she picked the one that resonated most with her: Fire.

The quest was to endure the burning heat and reach the center of the space. Hundreds of people had tried and failed. The flames charred their body and soul.

The daughter’s first visit to the burning realm was welcomed by a blaze far stronger than any that tried before.

And it failed to even singe the tip of her hair.

Like thousands of court officials bowing to an empress, the tongues of ember receded with every step she took. Opening a path to the sovereign of flames.

The daughter also didn't know why this happened.

Her feet eventually reached the center of trial space, the source of the ever-burning inferno.

It was a life-like statue of a red bird. Opulent feathers of rubies, jadeites for eyes, a magnificent statue like none other. Only a magnum opus such as this was able to capture the divinity of the Phoenix.



“Stage 1 is hereby concluded,” both Aletro appeared as phantom giants. “The final result is as follows.”

The ranking list was magnified for all to see.

Anne was at 1st with 5000 spark shards, the girl that snatched the highest throne from Oscar who was at 4610 shards. Blade of Justice was close behind, then Airmaster and Green Scorpion. These were the top 5. Tanael defended his position as the 10th with 4125 shards.

Izabella is in the top 100. Considering her start, that's not bad. Boram... 127th. Shame. Better than average but it seems he wasn't able to get into the top 100. Shows the difference in experience between Izabella and him.

Viers stole a glance at the former 10th place, Dark Zero Volod. He was looking at his own name in the 11th of the list with an open mouth, dumbstruck.

“My congratulations to the high achievers and to those with less than stellar results, you still have another chance to redeem yourself at Stage 2 because there are no eliminations in this round.”

Aletro silenced the bustle that followed.

“However, Stage 3 will not be so freely accessed.”

In the Quantum Main Hub, that wondrous realm of yellow and blue and green liquid paint mixed together in abstractness for a sky, the quest obelisk no longer exists and six portals of different colors appeared as soon as Aletro stopped talking.

“These six portals will take you to separate areas full of natural treasures. Each with a different emphasis on a particular element. Fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark. The fire realm will have more fire-attuned treasures and so on. You’ll spend a month inside. The objective is the same as Stage 1, to gather as many spark shards as you can.”

Aletro showed a leather pouch on his hand.

“Each of you will be given this pouch, a shard deconstructor. The treasures you put here will disappear for good but you’ll gain spark shards of equivalent value. The more precious the item, the higher your shard gain. Only treasures you gain from the realm can be turned into shards so putting in your personal belongings won’t work. Of course, you’re free to keep the treasures you gain for your own use. Keep the treasure or destroy it to gain spark shards, this is the choice you must make.”

“From 382 people, the average of spark shards you all have is 2184. Therefore, after adjustments, only those with 3000 shards by the end of Stage 2 shall have the qualifications of entering Stage 3.”

Since I already qualified, I have the advantage of more leeway to keep more treasures, Viers realized the fruit of his efforts from Stage 1.

“Those with high distinction in the rankings will be rewarded. The top 10, top 50, and top 100 will have their advantages once they arrive at Stage 2.”

“Similarly, Stage 2 will have rankings. Securing a high ranking will gain you advantages in Stage 3 so getting shards way above the minimum 3000 is also an option. This time, the ranking won’t be seeable to you all. The unknownness of your rivals’ position will be another test for you.”

“A word of caution. There will be no healing center in Stage 2. None will lose their life but as many of you have experienced, not losing your life doesn't mean you’ll be safe. Pick your actions and battles wisely. Stage 2 participation is mandatory but you can quit and retire from the rest of the trial after Stage 2 is over. Stage 3 is a place where death is a real possibility. Take this into account in your plannings.”

“This concludes the explanation. Take your well-earned rest tonight, Stage 2 begins tomorrow morning.”

With the dismissal, the tenseness on the trial takers’ shoulders loosened. Rest. After a few days of brutality, rest was a most welcome word. They dispersed to the path of Paradise Resort, still standing grandly like a five-star hotel of Las Vegas.

“Wait, Tanael! You know about this, don't you? Somehow you knew and you set me up! Fuck! FUUUUUCK!!!”

Viers stopped his flight for a moment and looked Volod in the eye.

“My condolences,” Tanael gave him a gaze of pity.

And he meant it too but it was better for the other guy to take the fall than him.


“He’s the one that reduced Flazzz to such state…”

“He’s a crazy one. Better stay away from him.”

“Tch. Just a lucky guy born with soul affinity. Fortunate bastard.”

Viers heard the whispers thanks to his sharper-than-normal ears. The people gave him a wide berth.

Just as planned.

Viers was infamous now, just the way he wanted it. Viers was not the first to heavily injure his opponent in a formal battle but he was the first to inflict such grievous damage. It was all to send an important message to others.

Fuck with Tanael and you’ll pay.

Viers executed a chicken to warn a hundred.

There were still further stages ahead in the Book World Trial, having a fearsome reputation would repel the small insects that otherwise saw fit to make trouble with him.

In the Fables, especially with good-hearted MCs, they were averse to doing what Viers did because of their morals.

But Viers, and furthermore, Tanael, had no such shackles.

Only… Viers remembered the last of the free spa tickets.

He felt it was a shame that Sakuya would be reluctant to approach him now. His true colors were out for all to see. Which girl would want to approach a man such as him?

As Niccolò Machiavelli once said: If you cannot be both, it is better to be feared than loved.

Until Viers possessed the necessary power to gain or even forced to have both, he would pick fear.

Every. Single. Time.

Viers tried to cheer himself up by thinking soaking in hot water in his lonesome had its good points as he opened the sliding door. He found that she was already there.

“Konbanwa,” a certain Yamato Nadeshiko said from inside the hot water pool. Her visible visage was only from the neck up but she was still as graceful as ever.

“...Konbanwa,” he replied, stifling his smile.


There was no sun to indicate the arrival of the morning but clocks still showed their place in chronological order.

“You may pick your portals now. Good luck to you all,” Aletro said.

The trial takers split into six groups of their own choosing.

Viers placed his right foot inside the blue-colored portal of the Stage 2 water area.

And here, we, go.

When Viers’ eyes recovered from the bright light, he and the others found themselves on a square of a settlement. It was hot and the sun was shining bright. The town was full of people doing their own thing. In the distance, they could see glittering blue seas surrounding the island.

Hey, my clothes changed.

Viers and the rest were dressed poorly. While in the middle of finding their bearings, a voice resounded on each of their heads.

“You’ve left your old life behind to pit yourself against destiny, for a fresh start in these waters. You've been drawn by a rumor about a great treasure that no one has yet claimed. Will you be the one who finds it and rise to greatness?“

After he heard the extremely simple introduction Viers walked to the edge of the square to gaze beyond. To the sight of the open skies, seas, and thousands of small islands in front of him.

I’m a bloke seeking a great treasure… Uncharted?

Chapter 147 - Sic Parvis Magna


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