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“Good morning to all of you,” it was white-clothed Aletro turn today. “Here’s the daily reward for those in today’s rankings. Also, a few new adjustments.”

Viers got another vial of blue colloid; It was his sixth. Three from the daily reward, the rest came from other avenues. After consuming five of them, It had been a long time since he possessed this much Victa. Viers put this blue colloid potion in his Casket for future use.

Patch 1.6 opened a new breadth of PvP features. There was no need to make a false pretense of grouping to go on a quest before turning on each other or playing tag first. From the Quantum Main Hub, they could invoke battle requests. Both sides must agree for it to work but there was a gimmick involved.

Every one of them, black or white spark holders alike, got three duel requests to give. If the invoker rank was lower than the opponent's, the battle request couldn't be refused.

Those who’d lost against other trial takers couldn't be challenged again for 6 hours. Aletro was giving them a grace period to gain more spark shards by questing.

Invasion feature also had been enabled.

In a quest, people could now intrude on an ongoing quest to battle with the quest taker, solo quests or otherwise.

A new feature that got popular use immediately.

Day six was almost the mirror of the previous day but with less intensity. The unruly black spark holders kept oppressing their fellow trial takers to gain benefits at the expense of others less powerful than them.

For the common masses, they were like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. They needed spark shards but if they went questing, they might get invaded then must fight the invaders lest they get hurt plus fail their quest. Challenging those in higher ranks naturally carried their own risk. If you were not strong enough, the higher rank would simply give you a beat down. And most were still plagued with Victa deficiency.

The list of names with spark shards less than 50 grew longer.

A few hours after the day started, high black rankers got the incessant challenges from the small fries and there were instances when that worked.

Those with scant spark shards felt they had nothing to lose and became bolder. Those high up certainly didn't want to fight because they would not gain anything if they won but the rules were clear.

It wasn't long until the first tale of success emerged. Someone in the 80th rank got swarmed by the lower ranks until he got no Victa left and got defeated. A victory for the underdogs only emboldened the desperates.

Meanwhile, there was trouble in the white team too.

Looking at the rate the black spark holders rose easily in the rankings by illicit means of robbing and forcing others, they felt a pang of envy. They were only people, young, talented people with potential else Aletro would not bring them here.

They want shards too and felt threatened by the upper ranking dominated with names written in black color.

The black quests were geared towards competition while the white quests were leaning towards cooperation. Playing well with others to achieve mutual benefits.

“You who wish to live a virtuous life choose the white spark.”

Those were the words Aletro said to them before they chose the white spark.

They had been playing nice and buddy-buddy with their fellow friends of the same spark color but as the time became pressing, external threat, and desire for self-benefit, these upright people descended to their… baser instinct.

Conflicts became more frequent as they divided loot and benefited from the quests. Dueling others and taking their shards on the first half-decent reason. Some outright did the same wanton banditry like the black spark holders were doing.

Of course, there were people who stood fast to their ‘paragon’ belief and didn't pick the ‘renegade’ option but those were mainly the well-off ones. Those less fortunate or the not strong enough or the hungry didn't have the luxury of keeping their hands clean if they want to have more than a pittance of shards when day seven ended.

Both black and white sides were embroiled in chaotic conflict. Viers, wearing the ruthlessness of Tanael asserted his dominance and gained more shards for himself in the whirlpool of commotion.

As against the high ranks that were hungry for more spark shards, the people with less battle strength developed their own surviving mechanism. Some banded together to resist the vultures swarming them, some spent all their shards in the resort to prevent robbery and others.

Later that evening, Viers visited the onsen again. He did this for the benefits of the magical spring and not for the company of a cute girl, that was what he tried to convince himself.

However, only after the sliding door opened and Sakuya bashfully came in, Viers felt his day had been completed. Both of them got more preparations this time though, such as carrying bigger towels.

They didn't talk much about their day in the trial, as if they purposefully avoided the topic. They focused instead on the other’s background, trading stories about their places. Just conversing and maintaining polite distances. Both didn't want to cross the line.

“I see. So your people in the Zamrud Archipelago came from the rumored eastern continent. What’s it like? The other continent, I mean,” fake-handsome Viers asked.

“I don't know. It was my ancestors that came from the far east. I only know the stories the elders told to the young. If possible, I wish to visit that place one day,” Sakuya looked at the moons wishfully.

“Me too.”


“This is the last day. Your reward will be based on the spark shards you possessed at the end of the day. Good luck.”

The last day came and began with disturbing normality.

Those with fewer shards than they hoped started their last-ditch effort like cramming all subjects before a test.

Meanwhile, the top rankers were cementing their position.

On a high rocky cliff, two men stood in opposition. One was Tanael and the other was Oscar Regisea.

The current 1st place ranker. This black spark holder was possibly the strongest person in the whole trial.

This morning, he challenged Viers out of the blue.

“So you’re Tanael,” the youth in his twenties said. Haughtily.

“The one and only. What do you want?” Tanael replied no less proudly.

“You’re useful. Work under me in this trial.”

“Fuck off.”

Oscar chuckled. “Heh, a man with a leviathan-sized ego, as rumored. First, listen to my offer. I-”

“One more word coming from your mouth, I’ll throw a Formal Challenge at you, it would be an unrefusable one.” Tanael stone-walled him.

That irked Oscar. “You think I’m afraid of that? Fighting you?”

“You better be,” Tanael walked away first.

Viers didn't give Oscar face at all. The princeling of Regidana city was fuming, never before in his life he got treated this way. He was one step away from taking Tanael’s offer of Formal Challenge but he managed to rein in his anger.

Tanael… you’ll regret stepping on my offer.


“Tanael, I challenge you! Unrefusable, formal!”

A few hours later, a trial taker with the alias of Flazzz said loudly.

...Isn’t he one of Oscar’s ass-kissers? I’ve seen them hang around sometimes. This is supposed to be the number one’s warning? Disappointing.

“I accept,” the two got transported to the duel arena under the gaze of many eyes. Shame they weren't able to spectate.

Flazzz was one of the silly names in his target but he was quite good. His ranking was in the twenties. If not for Oscar's instigation, the two wouldn't have fought. Not in this stage, at least.

The battle began, Flazzz moved lightning fast immediately, leaving trails of yellow light in his wake. Viers let loose a couple of soul Artes but Flazzz did something strange. He purposefully made the Artes hit him even though it was light. Then he returned to his keep-away-and-see strategy.

I see, so that’s his aim.

There was a loophole in the Formal Challenge. It was about the gimmick of whoever lost in the first fight would get the double strength boost for the second fight. Why not lose the first fight intentionally to reap the benefit?

Since the cultivation of everyone was the same, having the double strength boost was pretty much a free win card.

But it was risky, a fake defeat could turn out to be a real one. And in a formal challenge, no one could afford to hold back lest they got destroyed in the second match.

Nevertheless, it was possible. Veirs knew some people who used the strategy to both success and failure with failure the more often of the two.

He thinks with his speed he can pull it off, huh?

The way Tanael smirked brought a chill to Flazzz’s neck.

“Your funeral,” Tanael said.


Tanael was in the infirmary, standing beside a bed.

The patient had no arms, no legs, no sight, no hearing, no tongue, no teeth, charred skin, broken bones, crippled Victa pathways, and a mutilated soul.

Despite that, Flazzz didn't die.

He wished he had.

“Whatever Oscar promised you, is it worth it?” He said. He knew Flazzz couldn't hear him but he said it anyway.

They didn't go to the second match, Viers annihilated him too thoroughly. The pseudo-immortality was pretty interesting, Viers prodded the limits of human endurance, body and soul alike.

When Viers turned around, there was a woman who he had blackmailed before.

“Heyya. I’m great at holding back, am I right?”

Viper Lady looked at the pitiful state of Flazzz and remembered her own. It was the difference between heaven and earth.


When evening arrived, the top dogs were clear, black and white holders alike.

Viers was looking worriedly at his position; he got pushed to rank 10.

Some went to great lengths to get into the high rankings, emboldening someone with the group’s collective shards, betrayal among friends, and many more. Real world compromises, bribes, and dark dealings had also been involved. Some of these guys managed to shove into the top ten positions.

Viers might be a great fighter but he didn't have the backing and social circle like them. As a result, he was now at 10th.

“This isn't good,” Viers said telepathically.

“What is? Your aim is to be in the top 10 at the start, right? The gulf between 10th to 11th is wide. Considering only 30 minutes remaining, you should be safe,” Paina assured.

“Is it the Fables again, Lord Viers?” Farley was getting familiar with Viers’ way of thinking.

Viers touched his chin with his hand. “In a gathering of heroes such as this, it is very common for a dark horse to appear at the last, last minute. My position is too precarious.”

“...I’ll bite. Your Fables are accurate often enough to have credibility,” Clarissa said. “What are you planning?”

In the Quantum Main Hub, Viers approached a group of people surrounding one person. With how little time remaining, they were in a relaxation period.

“9th ranked Dark Zero, I invoke my unrefusable challenge to you. Formal!” Viers’ shout was loud enough to gather the attention of the hundreds that awaited the end of the day.

The people in the group had ugly faces, especially their leader, the man called Dark Zero.

“...Tanael. I’ve heard you’re crazy and ruthless but I didn't think you would be an idiot. We’re both in the top 10, what use is a serious fight between us? Only risking injury for the next stage.”

“Enough of your drivel, ‘Volod’. That’s your real name, isn't it? Now, are you gonna surrender and give me 10% or shall we fight first? I’ll tell you now. I’ve no intention of backing down.”

Viers’ fiery spirit was reflected in his eyes. They're gathering a crowd now. Would this become the first formal battle between two people in the top 10?

“...Tch, you fucking idiot. And I’ll be the bigger idiot if I answer your challenge. Fine, have it your way. I concede the casual battle. Happy?”

Now that Viers gained 10% of Dark Zero’s shards, their position swapped. Tanael at 9th and Dark Zero at 10th. Despite this, the gap from the 11th was still far.

Only then Viers smiled. “Pleasure doing business with you.”

The people returned into their own little groups. Some stood alone, like Viers. Waiting, for the last bit of the candle to burn away.

Any moment now. Aaaaaany moment.

A flash of rainbow light tens of meters in diameter shot to the sky.


“What’s happening!?”

The trial takers were startled by the sudden light show, all except one.

This is the display when someone returns after finishing a quest! The harder the quest, the greater the display. Since this never happened before, that means…

A similar thought dawned on the competent ones.

Someone completed an impossible quest!

People’s eyes darted to the ranking list.

Oscar, the former 1st with 4610 spark shards got kicked down to the 2nd place!

An impossible quest gave 5000 spark shards!

Viers kept his eyes on the blinding light that slowly went dim, revealing the figure of the one who accomplished the grand feat.

It was a girl.

“Eh? Why are so many people looking at me like that?” The beautiful girl with black hair showed a surprised and bashful face.

The last of the time-telling candles winked out, signaling the end of Stage 1 of the trial.

She was the enigmatic, sole Level 1 among 382 people.

White spark holder Anne, 1st place with 5000 spark shards!


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