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Viers was disappointed with Takju's way of thinking.

His mentality is old. He no longer has the ambition to rise up. Viers shook his head in pity. The fire in his heart is no longer burning and ashes are what’s left. Dreaming of simple life and small contentment.

Viers looked into his own and he saw a blazing fire. Hot and cruel. There’s momentum in cultivation. Once you lost it. It is hard to gain the traction back.

Viers didn't realize the steps he took became firmer.

The Path of Power is a stage for the young people, or for the hungry, despite their age. Me? I’m not stopping. Why should I? I’m hungry! Hungry for power and the wonders of life. Hmph, if Takju hoped for me to become a farmer in a cultivation world, I can only say he was born in a wrong story.

There was still much to be done. He was not yet seventeen so youngness was his right. And Viers knew youngness was like an EXP multiplier when it comes to cultivation. He didn't want to waste it.

Viers returned to his room but an unexpected guest was waiting outside the window.


A black cat lightly tapped the glass with her paw. Kinda cute, actually. Viers smiled and permitted her entry.

“Good call to not try to sneak inside. There would be explosions otherwise,” Viers said while removing his helmet and place the metal on the table. He was still wearing a face-covering though.

“I know,” the cat morphed into a human. “That’s why I waited. What kind of man places bomb traps inside his own sleeping room?”

What’s wrong with it? Evil overlords often place a self-destruct button on their bases, right?

Viers sat down and gestured to Izabella to do the same. Her condition seemed better now, the face was looking healthier than before. Her fashion sense was still the same though, bold and sexy witch’s clothes with a big pointed hat. Combined with her pretty face and long red hair, it became a lethal combination.

“How come you still have your clothes after you shapeshifted? You're supposed to be naked,” Viers was honestly curious. ‘Cause I ended up naked every time I changed my form, he thought.

“...My clothes are enchanted,” Iz shifted her sitting posture a bit, trying to change her posture.

“Hehe, apologies. I don't mean to stare,” Viers chuckled.

“To business then?” Izabella asked.

“To business,” Viers nodded. “I’m surprised you came back. I didn't think you would.”

“Says the hostage-taker,” Izabella grumbled.

“So, where have you been?”

Izabella explained that she had been taking refuge in the Yasterah cult’s branch in the city. She also got treated there.

“The Blood Church’s situation is quite bad. We have put enormous resources into the operation in Marakkus and it ended in total failure. We even lost two Level 5s, some Level 4s, and many other members. The Blood Church has been weakened significantly.”


“I met someone in the city, Blood Exarch Lim. He’s one of the three Level 4s other than Irkun’s father and my sister. He’s the only higher-up that managed to get away from the debacle. He also came here after Marakkus.”


“He told me that my sister is still alive but has been taken to the Tower of Remorse,” Iz grimaced.

Ah, this world’s Azkaban. I’ve heard of it.

“Lim has offered to be my patron. The Blood Church needed to rebuild its strength so they would lay low for the time being.”

“Is the BC so frail that losing a pair of Level 5 shook its very foundation? I thought this Yasterah fellow is on par with Estelle in terms of strength,” Viers asked.

“Of course there are still a bunch of Level 5s left in our camp but they're all busy people. For the time being, the… BC’s influence in this sector would be minuscule. As for me, I also have to do a lot of tasks from the cult in order to recoup the losses.”

Busy people, what a convenient excuse. Who knows what they are doing right now.

“And I didn't find any body-creating methods.”


“So… that's it. What do you want me to do?” Seeing Viers just listened to her while replying almost half-heartedly every time, Izabella asked the heart of the matter.

“What do you mean?” Viers’ turn to be confused.

“You want me to be your spy, right? What do you want me to do?” Izabella said in the manner of a school kid who didn't want to do any homework but only did so because it was a requirement.

“I don't have any assignments for you, just chatting like this is enough. Perhaps I’ll ask something occasionally but not now.”

“Well what am I supposed to do then?”

These few days Izabella had been lost. Floundering in the dark without guidance. Unsure about the future.

“What do you want to do?” Viers replied back.

“I want to save my sister!”

“Then save her.”

“Are you not listening? Nobody has escaped the Tower of Remorse, not in the last century!”

“Ah, so there has been a breakout before. Not so impossible then,” Viers said lightly. A bit disappointed that the prison wasn't so ‘impregnable’.

His remark seemed to irk Izabella but Viers cut her off and spoke first.

“How important is your sister to you? How far are you willing to go for your dear sister?”

“She means the world to me,” Iz replied without missing a beat. “I’ll not hesitate to trade my life for hers.”

“I’ll hold you to that. So your course of action seems clear to me. Get stronger and rise to the top of the Blood Church then storm the Tower with the whole might of the Blood Church in your back.”

“...That’s lunacy,” Iz took a sharp breath.

“Hey, that’s just my opinion. If you have another opinion, I’m all ears.”

Izabella fell into silence for a while then she perked up. “I can be a menace, creating plagues and disasters to demand my sisters’ release. Or I can make arrangements to take down the Tower rather than forcefully breaking in. Or-”

Viers smiled when seeing Izabella had rekindled her fighting spirit.

“Whatever the case, it is better if you have a high position and have more resources to make use of. You're in luck then, aren't the BC currently lacking in people? Suffered a deep loss? There’s a power vacuum above you. I smell opportunity,” Viers said his sweet whispers.

“...It won't be easy...”

“It won’t.”

“...I might need help.”

“You might.”

Izabella looked straight at the mysterious man in front of her. Background unknown, means unknown, but he couldn't be underestimated. He had been leading her by the nose to this point.

“...Will you help me to get to the top of the Blood Church?”

Viers crossed his legs and arms perfectly resting on his sides. It was the second time Izabella saw the Godfather pose.

“What’s in it for me?”

And so Izabella struck a deal with the devil, she just hadn't realized it yet.

There was a sudden knock on the door that took away the serious atmosphere out.

“Come in,” Viers said after putting his helmet back on.

“Master, you have guests. It’s- Ah! Chacha! You’re back!” Boram said and he was surprised to see the cat again.

She’s quick, Viers thought about her transformation.

Viers was about to ask who but three kids popped out their heads.

“Ehehe, We’ve come to play, Mister Knight,” Harry said.

“And to properly thank you for saving us,” Marc added.

“...Apologies for intruding,” Milly lightly bowed.

So many unexpected happenings today.

“Welcome kids… Kids, this is Boram, my apprentice. Boram, they are Harry, Marc, and Milly. Be nice to each other, yes?” Viers lifted Chacha by the neck despite her protest and put her on Boram’s arms. “I’m a bit busy today. How about you all play together?”

“Master?” Boram looked confused.

“It’s your reward for becoming a Level 2. Go have fun.”

“Woooah! You’re a Level 2? But you look younger than me! How did you do it? Tell me, tell me!” Harry became like a hamster on caffeine.

“Have fun~” The kids went away together as Viers waved his goodbye.

Phew… so tiring.


While walking, Viers was strategizing. About his approach to his latest ‘business venture’. Viers decided wasn't going to spoon-feed Izabella. Having a high-ranking insider in the BC would be great but it would mainly depend on her ability. Viers would act when there were enough benefits but he wasn't going to risk his life for Izabella. Viers only planned to gain as much value as he can from her. They still might well turn into enemies in the end.

It is an investment. If it does work out then great. If it does not, mehhh, time to cut my losses and move on. The world of business is cruel that way.

“Woah… Master, so many ships! Amazing!”

Boram’s cry of wonder chased away Viers’ daydream. The port of Regidana was a splendid sight indeed. The place was overflowing with activities. Sailor tying the ropes of a ship, merchant hawking his wares, minotaur moving humongous crates, and so on. Just like Boram, he too enjoyed the sight.

Viers, Boram, and Takju were wearing disguises and came to the port because it was time for Takju’s ship to set sail. The disguise might not necessary but it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Well, this is goodbye then.” Viers extended his hand. “Good luck to you.”

“I’m in your debt, young Avel” Takju shook his hand. “I hope our paths crossed again. Take care of yourself. This is for you, as a token of my gratitude.”

Viers took the cube of smooth metal and nodded. It was a nice gift.

“C’mon Boram, say your goodbyes,” Viers lightly shoved Boram forward. The kid looked like he was about to cry.

“Mister Takju...”

The giant race in disguise knelt so their eye level was at the same height. “There’s no need for tears, boy. I’m sure you’ll become someone great. I’ve one last gift for you. Take this.”

Takju poked Boram’s forehead with his finger.

“You’ll be able to use this well,” Takju said kindly.

Boram looked confused at first then he gave Takju a hug. And Takju hugged back.

The two of them stood on the port while sea winds blew somewhat strongly, watching the ship Takju was in becoming smaller and smaller on the horizon.

“What did he gave you?” Viers asked.

“Profound Codex, Earthborn Amalgam,” Boram said while holding his tears back.

Ah, my gamble pays off then. Nice.


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