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“Congratulations on reaching Level 2.”

“It is all thanks to the mana crystals you gave me and uncle Takju’s guidance,” Boram replied humbly.

“Mmm,” Viers hummed. “It is time to teach you about Profound Codex. To reach the next step, you’ll need to know about this highly sought-after thing.”

“I’m listening.” While sitting, Boram straightened his back.

“In the Path of Power, after you take the first step and become a Level 0, it is quite easy to raise your Level. If you have enough mana for your Intio then it should be smooth sailing until you reach the peak of Level 2, provided your affinity isn't less than 3. You should realize this after absorbing those mana crystals.”


“But to reach Level 3 from Level 2, it is not enough to have an Intio full of mana; You need to have a Profound Codex. Simply put, it's a form of cultivation manual. The Path of Power from Level 0 to 2 is basically a wide, well-maintained road but from Level 3 onwards, it branches into thousands of different paths because of the Codices people have developed throughout history.”

The master and disciple were talking seriously in the living room while facing each other. Boram was an obedient kid. He always listened to Viers’ lessons with his full attention.

“The stages 0 to 2 are about gaining mana, accumulation of power. Raw mana that we turned into personal mana that we call Victa. From a powerless person, we become capable of lifting rocks far heavier than our bodies and able to create blades of wind or pillars of fire, but this is only the basic kind of utilization. The true utilization of the power we accumulated began at Level 3. Profound Codices are the different ways of utilization.”

“Each Codex is unique. Some are great, some are inferior products. The good ones also encompass other aspects of cultivation, such as making your cultivation faster and the like. The training is very varied depending on the Codex. For example, Profound Codex: Fireman’s Pain. You need to immolate yourself at least once every week. The greater the pain you feel, the greater your gains. Another example, Profound Codex: Unseen Rogue. Every time your skin is directly seen by other people, you’ll feel as if you got stabbed by needles.”

Boram shuddered and hesitation started to appear in his eyes.

“Relax, those are the extreme examples of the inferior Profound Codices… Actually, saying ‘Profound, Profound’ many times tires my tongue. From now on I’ll call it PC instead. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good, back on topic. The most mainstream PC types are separated into two, element type or job type. The element type is easy to understand, a PC that develops your elemental affinity further. It is the job type that is a bit more complex. If you want to be a great swordsman -regardless of your original affinity- you can cultivate a PC to make your sword skills better. A king usually has an army, he gives them a PC about being soldiers. A general PC will make that individual better at commanding his men, perhaps involving buffs when he’s present.”

“Oooh,” Boram was impressed.

“PCs are not limited to combat jobs. You wanna be an alchemist, pick PCs that give you a concocting edge. Spearman, archer, healer, builder, blacksmith, enchanter, chef, all kinds of jobs, if you can find those PCs. The non-combat profession is usually weaker in straight-up combat but they compensate for that by crafting wonders. Sometimes, crafter Patherseekers are more useful than combat Pathseekers. You shouldn't look down on them.”

“Hm. Hm.” Boram nodded twice.

Alan and Izabella might be the example of those profession PCs. Alan’s thieving skills and Iz’s enchanting skills.

“Of course, you can still become skilled in a profession even if you don't have the PC for it. Just learn it the old-fashioned way. Study the heck of it. The only limitation is yourself.”

While Boram was thinking, Viers continued.

“PCs also gave you… quirks. The Fireman’s Pain will gradually make you immune to fire damage, although it would take a thousand years for the version I know to actually reach that stage. Another point to consider when choosing a PC. Although, most people don't have the luxury of choice.”

“I see.”

“The defining trait of a Level 3 is the Unreality Field. Only after you have an Intio full of mana and successfully created the Unreality Field you can become a Level 3. Now you might wonder: What is Unreality Field? It is the initial manifestation of a Pathseekeer’s power, intervening with the laws of the world. That is what lies further on the Path of Power, making the world bend to your will.”

Boram’s eyes had a sparkle. He too wished to be strong and awed other people with his might.

“The initial stage of Unreality Field is deploying them to protect the user from harm, not much different from barrier Artes that we can cast. Level 3s usually kept their Field dormant but it would emerge instantly the moment their life was in danger. If they receive just a tiny whiff of danger, the Field would emerge and protect them. Even if a Level 3 got poisoned, paralyzed, petrified status ailments their Field could scour it clear… Provided those things do not carry the Unreality Field too. Oh yes, Unreality Field is not only for defense but can be used for attacks also. That is why you might hear Level 2s sometimes get killed by weaker people by sneak attack or poison but rarely does Level 3 suffer the fate from people at a lower level than them. Not unless your ambush is so godly or the poison so deadly it murdered the Level 3 instantly.”

Viers took a pause before continuing.

“To forge an Unreality Field you need to master a Profound Codex to a certain degree. There are Artes that give you some form of tempering or cultivation support but if they cannot give birth to Unreality Field, they are not a PC.”

That’s why Myriad Souls in One is a cultivation Arte. It can strengthen my soul but it won’t take me further into the Path of Power on its own. Not unless I modified it extensively but such a feat is beyond the current me.

“Now that’s enough explanation about Profound Codex for one day. Unfortunately, I don't have a good PC to give you right now. I plan to find one for you in this city. Shouldn't be too hard to obtain if you got the money for it. All right, you can go now. Go get some rest for today. Familiarize yourself with your current strength.”

Boram said thank you and walked towards the door but stopped when the door was only half-opened.

“Do you already have a PC, Master?”

“Yes. But my PC isn't suitable for you.”

“I understand. Excuse me then,” Boram stepped out and closed the door. Left alone, Viers spoke after a while.

“Don't just stand there, come in. Was there some mistake in what I said? Do you have something to add?” Viers spoke.

“No...” Takju entered the room. “You are well-learned, young Avel.”

“Hehehe. It is only natural to do research about something that you enjoy.”

“Path of Power is fun to you?” Takju frowned.

“Of course,” Viers said without elaborating.

“While it is not my place to teach you, would you heed some words from an old man?”

Viers corked his head slightly, inviting him to proceed.

“You are young and talented. Humans began their journey at fifteen if I remember correctly. Only a few years and you have such power. It is only logical that you strive for higher and higher heights.”

Viers kept his gaze straight at him.

“But you haven't seen the true horrors of this journey. The cruel trials that still lie ahead of you. The journey to the top would be harsher the higher you are. The path would be steeper and more narrow. Countless geniuses no less talented than you have perished throughout history.”

“What are you trying to say, Gigantes?” Viers asked.

“In your eyes, I see a great ambition,” Takju's voice became rough. “You knew there would be carnage in front of your path but you do not shy away from it. Anticipate it, even. I do not know whether it is folly or resolution. ”

Takju saw a pair of shining green eyes with elongated pupils watching him. Very similar to the wyverns that lived at the mountain ranges in the far west. The body in front of him had gained draconic inheritance, Takju not surprised.

“I sincerely hoped for you’ll turn back before you lost yourself in that pit of conflict and suffering.”

“That is not happening, Takju. I’ll either reach the top or perish.”

There was no wavering in Viers’ voice but Takju had expected it. How could this young man in the prime of his youth be convinced with a few words?

“This top you speak of, Level 5?”

Viers grinned. “Higher.”

Takju’s eyelids’ dropped, giving a look of pity.

“Even reaching Level 5 is a colossal undertaking. I mean you no harm, young Avel. You saved me from a life of slavery and I will be forever in your debt. And as someone who has seen what lies ahead, I implore you… reconsider.”

“You mean to say I shouldn't become stronger? Just a Level 2?”

“No. I mean to say you should change the view that there’s only the Path in life. With your talent, you can make a decent living in any city. Seek happiness that is not marred with blood. If I have a chance to redo my life, I don't wish to walk the Path of Power.”

And how’s that working out for you? A mighty Level 4 can get enslaved. Let alone a non-Pathseeker. Viers chided.

“...This isn't about me, isn't it? It’s about Boram.”

Takju’s face betrayed nothing but Viers knew and Takju knew too he had been found out.

“...He looks up to you. The boy would follow you to that life of fire and war. Please don't take him there,” Takju pleaded. “He’s innocent.”

“You speak as if I’m about to do some great sin to him,” Viers chuckled. “If you’re so concerned about him, why don't you help him grow then.”

Takju had been alive longer than Viers’ two lives combined. He was a leader of his tribe. At this moment, Takju had a flash of realization.

“You knew about his bloodline and you wanted me to give him a suitable Profound Codex,” Takju said while taken aback.

“Why, that is a heavy accusation, isn't it? If you want to give him a PC, then give him one. You’re a free person now, Takju. I’m not forcing you to do anything. Just do what you wish to do… Well, there are still rules and regulations despite being free. We're not animals.”

Viers was hinting about the compulsions before rising to his feet. “You’re setting sail tomorrow morning, right? I and Boram will so you off. Good day, mister Takju. Rest well.”

Viers calmly left, leaving the member of the giant race alone with his thoughts.


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