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Out of all the soulslike games Viers had tasted, Sekiro was his favorite.

The Japanese world setting, the gameplay, the rhythm, and most of all, the thrill.

Sure, he wanted to smash his computer more than a few times in a fit of rage but he had enough sanity to not do something he knew he would regret. The satisfaction he felt when he defeated those hellishly vicious bosses was like the elixir of heaven upon his soul.

Despite the annoyance and rage, he loved it.

Viers loved it so much that he centered the self-created Suiten Mitsurugi-ryuu based on the immortal one-armed shinobi’s combat style. To pierce through an opening on the enemy's posture and deliver a decisive blow.

Viers called Guren Muramasa’s final skill Mortal Severing. The name was heavily inspired by the Mortal Draw technique that exists within the game, because of the similar visuals. Viers fancied this enchantment-created Arte very much. Not only because of the pleasing aesthetic but also for its pure power.

The slash released all the accumulated blood on the sword in a single powerful slash.

While Viers was the guy that advocated short battles, the enchantments on Guren were tailored to the opposite. So he would be prepared in case he had to fight an enemy he couldn't defeat in a short time. The slashing wounds he inflicted on his enemy -no matter how small- would keep bleeding. The longer the battle went on, Viers’ enemy would continuously lose stamina while the blade sucked the overflowing blood to empower itself. When the time came for a decisive strike, an explosion of power could be released to sever the life of Viers’ foe.

Since Viers’ Suiten Mitsurugi-ryuu was all about breaking the enemy's posture for delivering a finishing blow, Viers combined it with the katana’s enchantments to make a lethal fighting style.

I have parried the strikes of Sword Saint Isshin, you dolt. You’ve got nothing on the guy, Viers thought with pride.

All the while Paina was strengthening him with three buffs.

Once, it was just a simple body strengthening Arte, Combat Overture. Now, Viers and Paina had expanded the whole structure and created a brand new Arte.

Arte - Anima Symphony.

It was soul-powered, music-conveyed magic empowerment. Anima Symphony was a series of different musical pieces put together into a melodious tune.

The beginning of it was Combat Overture. It slightly raised Viers’ strength, defense, and speed. It was a balanced buff and easy to cast. Perfect for immediate combat situations Viers often found himself in.

From the overture, Paina could layer another empowerment based on the situation without overwriting the previous one. Viers lent his inspiration from the multiple buffs in MMORPG while Paina and Clarissa handle the Arte development. Stacking multiple buffs was the core concept of Anima Symphony.

Since Paina had created the Combat Overture in Pecan Village, she had created three more musical tunes.

Accelerato was a tune for increasing his speed. The graceful maneuvering in a fight or the wind in his legs when he needed to run from danger.

Bravura was the piece when Viers needed to smack his enemies with extra oomph, giving him more power.

The last of the tunes was saved for the end of the night.

The techniques were created by Paina but the names came from Viers. Musical terms for music-based Artes. Viers was very satisfied.

Since the tune was vigorous and battle-ly, Anima Symphony always made Viers feel like his battles were accompanied by BGMs. Just like he always wanted.

Viers’ offensive was successful and Alan ate his big move. Viers didn't let down his guard and kept his sword stance solid.

“Did we win?” Paina paused from playing her flute, panting. Tired from maintaining the Arte. Even though she was a soul and didn't actually breathe, she still maintained a semblance of normalcy.

“Urgh, you had to say it...” Viers held back the urge to roll his eyes. The enemy’s form was obscured by smoke and someone said that super cliched line. Viers already prepared his heart so when Alan came out unhurt after receiving his devastating Mortal Severing Arte, Viers wasn't surprised.

“Never, ever say that line again when fighting,” Viers scolded Paina and returned his attention to the fight.

Alan emerged with bluish-white aura on his person. His expression was a mask of clay. The epitome of seriousness.

“I apologize for looking down on you,” Alan’s aura surged. “I’ll fight you with no holds barred.”

“...Unreality Field,” Viers muttered.

“Correct,” Alan said. “The ability of Level 3 Pathseekers. The essence of your Profound Codex forged into unbreakable armor. Only those possessing the same Unreality Field could damage one another.”

“Heh,” Viers challenged. “We shall see.”

Alan felt bitter. His opponent was too much of an enigma. He hid too many things. He really kicked a steel plate this time. He really shouldn't have gotten involved with this crazy but strong maniac. Twice death had come close, too close. Alan’s first impression on Viers was erased and constructed anew. Alan might be facing his killer if he made a misstep. Almost losing his life brought clarity of mind. Alan must fight as if his life depends on it.

Because it was.

Viers made the first move, sword slashing at Alan’s neck.

Alan didn't respond, standing as cool as a cucumber.

The protection of the Unreality Field was absolute; it was common sense. Viers rose to challenge that cliff head-on. The slash turned into a feint into a thrust.

A thrust to the eye.

Viers invoked a water Arte, Paina resumed her music, and Farley added another Arte on top of Viers’ own. The power was staggering, Viers gauged it even the toughest Rank 2 monster would not be able to take the attack without a price.

Viers’ sword was stopped an inch before Alan’s eye. Tanked by only his aura. Viers felt as if he was thrusting his sword to a mountain of solid metal.

“Solid Mist Impact.”

The extremely close proximity worked in Alan’s favor. The counterattack hit Viers without any room to dodge. Viers was sent tumbling away as if he was hit by a battering ram. He’d raised his defenses before the hit, Viers and Farley, else he would be a blood smear on the wall.

The girls were voicing their concerns but Viers’ mind was somehow reminded of his talk with Boram some time ago. On one of Viers’ lessons.

“...So Pathseeker is still mortal. They can be killed. They have times when they let their guard down, especially humans. Death by poison, throat slit when they sleep, dark curses, and many more. Even a Level 0 can kill a Level 5 if the stars align and the specific condition is met. It is not, however, a simple feat and should not be tried lightly. Remember that a Level 5 can flatten a mountain. And the higher level the Pathseekers are, the more methods they have in protecting themselves in their non-battle condition. Using Artes, items, wards, Profound Codices, things like those.”

Boram was listening to him like a good student.

“But in battle, fighting a higher Level opponent should be avoided at all cost. Fighting an opponent stronger than you by a whole Level often ends with death. During the start of our Path of Power, the occurrence of a Level 0 defeating a Level 1 and a Level 1 killing a Level 2 can still be heard here and there. But Level 3 is a clear divider. The rise to Level 3 is the first bottleneck for every Pathseeker. They could use the Unreality Field, a special power born from the Profound Codex that they cultivate. Monsters have something similar. I do not train you to be an idiot that takes unnecessary risks. Know your limits and fight enemies that you can handle. Do not, I repeat, do not fight Level 3 monsters or people at all cost.”

Unless you are special enough you can cut open a path to victory.

Viers left the last line unsaid. And now, Viers was doing the very opposite he taught his apprentice. Not because he was bored living, no. Viers had no intention of dying anytime soon.

But sometimes, a touch of insanity is required. Viers needed tempering. A truly formidable warrior was born from the fires of combat. There was almost none that could give him the tempering he needed among his Level 2 fellows so he must expand choice.

And because I need to pay him back for the beating he inflicted on me, Viers’ fighting spirit soared. Alan was coming at him.

Now the phase two of the boss fight begins.

Viers and Alan clashed again. Each side refused to back down. Slashing, piercing, hitting, kicking, blasting. They exchanged martial and magical attacks. Artes invoked one after another, they were burning their Victa at a horrifying rate.

Alan reused one of his Arte from his previous clash with Viers, Mirage Mist Brigade. The misty cavern was filled with a hundred of Alan clones. He wanted to use the phantoms as distractions to create an opening in Viers’ defenses but Viers showed the full potential of the Euryale Sight. He saw through the real one without much difficulty.

“You also hid your illusion-seeing ability...”

“How does it feel? To be tricked by a scrap of paper?”


Alan dispelled the illusions and battled Viers in a close-ranged infight. His offensive forgoes all sorts of defense. It wasn't recklessness. It was a valid strategy when his opponent didn't possess the means to break through his absolute defense.

Viers managed to avoid fatal wounds by the skin of his teeth.

“I don't understand. We wouldn't be able to hold If he used the high-speed attacks where he moves like lightning from mist to mist. Not unless Lord Viers goes Hyper Arte Mode or uses other hidden cards,” Farley said.

“Not that he doesn't want to, he can't. Maintaining an Unreality Field is not simple.” Clarissa clarified. The lamia might not be able to take part in this battle but she made herself useful by giving analysis and advice. “He is wary of Viers’ counterattack so he must keep the Unreality Field up as protection.”

Alan kept his aggressive approach. Viers was unable to scratch Alan while the Unreality Field was on so he tried his best defending and dodging Alan’s Artes.

But Viers’ Overclock Mode was starting to cause him to ‘overheat’. He couldn't maintain it for much longer.

Paina was strained. The more buffs Viers had, the harder Paina would be in maintaining the Symphony.

Farley’s assists overburden his Magic Circuit, his Victa pathways. Viers basically used Artes at a rate higher than his body’s tolerance. If he kept going like this then he might become a cripple, destroying his magical nervous system.

Viers was also exepending Victa at an incredible rate since three people were draining water from one pool. Overclock was aptly named indeed.

Viers was weighing his options. He was considering using his soul Artes.

No. I still can- Shit!

A moment’s lapse and Alan got one of his lungs.

Alan clenched his fist in joy but to his surprise, Viers was fine. Something on Viers’ left wrist glowed. The light could be seen from under the clothes Viers hid it under.

“That’s Irkun's life-saving treasure!” Alan blurted out.

“Hah. He won't be needing it anymore, so finders keepers, dude.” Viers put his hand in a pouch containing the Thousand Treasure Casket and pulled tens of protective paper talismans. “Come! Attack me if you dare!”

Alan’s attacks were starting to lose their effectiveness as Viers started to use items. Some were Irkun’s, some he got from the plundered vault. Viers only used the defensive ones, most of them were disposable items.

Alan’s plan had gone awry. He observed Viers’ mysterious power-ups would not last long under his barrage of attack but with Vier pulling all those items -from what Alan suspected a storage item- the battle turned into attrition.

It didn't last long.

“Using items against me!? Then you’ll know why I’m called the Prince of Thieves!” Alan had his means of dealing with this brand of combat style.


Viers’ paper talismans that gave him the translucent barrier turned into blank papers and the barrier was gone. Viers saw the bracelet he took from Irkun lost its luster. Realizing his protections were gone, Viers attacked before he could be attacked. Fully embracing the idea of offense is the best defense.

“Arte Taker!”

The flying crescent blade of water created by the Water Moon Fang Arte was taken. It winked out before reaching the Prince of Thieves. Alan flicked his wrist and the same Arte Viers just cast was sent back to him. Viers hastily defended using his katana and his left hand was going into his pouch to pull out something else.

“Great Thief’s Invisible Hands!”

To Viers’ surprise, his katana and the pouch containing Thousand Treasure Casket flew out from his person.

“No more tricks from you,” Alan said as he slid his knife on Viers’ stomach. It was aimed at his heart but Viers changed the trajectory using his hand at the last second.

In a panic, Viers jumped backward. His priority was creating some distance between them. He landed on the surface of the mana lake but he didn't sink. Viers fell on one knee, left hand on the water’s surface as if it was solid ground. He looked in pain under the metal helmet.

A sufficiently adept Pathseeker on Level 3 or above could walk on water. Viers had it easier because of his natural water affinity.

The mana water was slowly being tainted red. Viers was bleeding from the stomach. Not heavily because the knife was still stuck there and served as a plug.

The pain was agonizing.

“So, it really is a storage item,” Alan said. “Already bound to you so I can't use it, but now you can't either.” He dropped the small casket to the ground. So to the katana he swiped from Viers. It seemed Alan preferred using knives.

“You’re strong. The strongest Level 2 I’ve ever seen… and you’re too dangerous to let live. As a sign of respect, I’ll make it quick.”

He tried to hide it but he was out of breath.

On Viers’ side, the deep stab wound from Alan burned like acid. The Victa Stigma that seeped into his body made it worse.

Alan also suffered the Victa Stigma but Viers was dealing with the Victa from a higher Level Pathseeker while Alan experienced the opposite. The Victa Stigma effect was much milder on Alan. In this matter, Viers had no answer. The Victa Stigma was dealing continuous damage on his body and every new wound he received was intensifying that DoT(damage over time).

Viers was an offensive-type fighter, durability in a fight wasn't his forte. He could heal his wound after the fight thanks to his healing factor but the regeneration was not fast enough to be impactful in an ongoing fight. His Victa stockpile that he’d saved up was starting to look dangerously low.

But Alan didn't have it easy either. Maintaining the Unreality Field, the Misty Isolation Globe, and all other Artes consumed too much Victa. His unstopping bleeding also needed to be tended to.

As expected, this isn't an easy fight.

The gulf between Level 2 and Level 3 was vast but not insurmountable. The extraordinary had proven it. Those that achieved the feat were as rare as diamond meteors. Their name was gilded in gold and spoken in respect.

Today I will take my place among the greats! Viers burned with determination. “Paina, get ready for the finish. Farley, we’ll use our ultimate.”

Viers’ form appeared on the White Flowers Meadow. He wanted to speak to them face to face.

“Will you help me?” Viers extended his hand.

“I will,” Farley placed her hand above his.

“Me too,” so did Paina.

The three’s synergy rose to new heights. Clarissa witnessed this and smiled.

In the real world, Viers stood back on his feet. He raised his right hand at chest level, palm turned upward as he glared straight at Alan who stood on the bank.

Streams of water were coming together on top of Viers’ hand and soon a sphere was visible.

There was a thorn of worry on Alan’s heart. The green glint of Viers’ eyes under his helmet gave him a bad feeling. His opponent wasn’t giving up. His fighting spirit had not died. On the contrary, it was burning fiercer than ever. Alan’s foe was cornered and the Level 3 knew Viers was now more dangerous than ever.

Men could do incredible things when it was do or die. Foolish things or great things.

More and more water the sphere absorbed… and the water inside was moving in a spiral. Not in one direction but chaotically. The absorbed water was getting sucked in faster and faster.

The sphere grew until it was as big as a basketball but no more. The volume of the sphere did not match the water it contained.

Absorbing and compressing. Injecting Victa and intensifying the sphere maelstrom. Farley wholly focused on the former and Viers on the latter.

In just a short while, the sphere of Viers’ hand gave off a truly destructive impression. The sphere was like a humongous whirlpool compressed in miniature without losing any of its energy. No, it was still growing.


It was an Arte unlike any other, Alan thought. The sheer complexity to create something like that was beyond him. All that formula, all that mass, all that power in the shape of a mere spinning sphere of water.

Alan’s danger sense going haywire. He must let him succeed growing the Arte into its maximum might. The three seconds he stupefied was an error already. Alan ran on the lake at his maximum speed.

“DIE!” Alan attacked with Haze Night Murderer Arte. Putting all his weight into his knife.


Viers screamed because of the tension and Paina answered using the sound of her flute.


For 11 seconds, before ending the empowerments completely, all the buffs on Viers would be overcharged! Multiplying their effects as a trade-off for an extremely short duration.

Combat Overture, Accelerato, and Bravura.

Thanks to that, Viers could respond to Alan’s incredible speed.

Dodging was not an option, not without abandoning the water sphere. But slight actions were possible, Viers merely put his left hand on the path of the knife.

A hand with a red glove.

The knife met the hand and it shattered.

Enchanted knife, of steel hardness, shattered like brittle glass.

Alan’s eyes widened as humanly possible. Like a claw of a dragon, Viers left hand grabbed Alan’s fist which was now holding only the hilt of his knife.

“I refuse to die,” Viers rasped. “Until I become Hokage.”

Viers said to the soon-to-be-dead man. With his hand caught, Alan couldn't get away. Viers invoked the full scope of his power before unleashing his ultimate attack. Viers roared and pushed the sphere of destruction into the Level 3’s solar plexus.

There were viridescent lights in the center of the blue sphere as Viers put his life force inside the Arte to further bolster the attack. Viers’ other hidden card beside Overclock Mode, Hyper Arte Mode!

Arte - Anima Symphony: Finale!

Horizon - 105.55%!

“Hyper Arte - Vortex Nova!!!”

The super-concentrated force of water ruination met with Alan’s one last hope, his Unreality Field… and the might of water wrecked the filament of higher-tier defenses in a deafening blast.

Unreality Field, like all things, could be broken with enough force. It was only a matter of how much.

Alan’s torso exploded by the sphere of extermination, leaving only his four limbs and head intact.


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