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Music made everything better, even when Viers was embroiled in a storm of violence. Viers’ was under the effect of buffs from the musician and the technical assistant inside his soul space.

Viers’ katana clashed with Alan’s twin daggers in a dizzying offense and defense. Before the power-up, Viers was not able to keep up but it was different now. As Viers’ physical specs became close to Alan’s own, the two suffered increasingly many small injuries. Nothing fatal yet because neither was committed using everything from the get-go.

“Small tricks!” Alan scoffed. Viers’ physical capabilities were still a step short of Alan’s but it was no longer a decisive thing. The fact it was so, surprised the Level 3. A Level 2 matching a Level 3? Very rare.

Alan blocked the opponent’s sword with his left hand and used the other to aim for the eyes. Viers ducked to dodge the knife’s edge, using the momentum to roll forward. The katana was smartly placed so it nicked Alan’s thigh as he rolled. Alan answered by shooting Viers’ back with a spear of mist. The attack failed, a shield of water was conjured without a moment of delay. Viers didn't even look behind him.

Alan gnashed his teeth. That wasn't the first time it happened. The response of his opponent was unnaturally precise. As if he was always aware of his surroundings and responded smoothly.

After the roll, Viers turned and re-made his stance. The irritation on Alan’s face made him smile.

This was the power of Overclock Mode, one of two Viers’ special battle forms. Bringing consciousness able to think independently -not unlike A.I.- to assist him in battle. Paina was playing her flute, applying a magical buff on Viers’ body as long as she kept playing. Farley’s role was more subtle but no less crucial. Always ready and always anticipating.

“Heart of Battle! Solid Mist Impact!”

Alan changed his approach to brute force. Realizing Viers was using a body strengthening Arte, he used it too. He followed through by releasing a burst of mist that looked like clouds at the opponent.

Viers dodged out of the way by Raging River Steps. The solid-like mist hit the ground with the force of a battering ram. Undisturbed with the dodge, Alan intensified his offensive, releasing a barrage of Solid Mist Impact.

“Paina, speed!” Viers urged.

The answer came in a change of tune. A new verse. A new piece. Adding another buff on top of the previous one without overwriting it.

Everyone in Viers Corporation contributes to the prosperity of the company. The CEO wouldn't tolerate otherwise. Paina was no exception.


Viers’ speed went up a gear. He weaved and swayed under the barrage like a butterfly. In the case he wasn't able to dodge, a shielding bloomed and held the mist knuckle back for a short time. The shield wasn't that durable enough to completely defend against an Arte from a Level 3 but Farley’s effort wasn't in vain. It bought the split seconds Viers needed to move away from the attack.

Defending wasn't Viers’ style. He let loose a sting like a bee.


Alan raised his barrier in front of him and it would have been enough to blunt the charging attack but the sudden water swirl on the sword made Alan twist his body. The adjustment allowed him to continue the battle by paying a lesser price. Alan was bleeding from the stomach although his organs were unhurt.

How can he run so many Artes without bursting his head? It was against Alan’s common sense.

Viers dashed using Raging River Steps whilst under the buffs of Paina’s Combat Overture and Accelerato. If only those then Alan’s shield would’ve held but Farley’s Water Drill gave enough push to pierce the protection.

The attack just now wasn't simple. Alan might not know the name of the Artes Viers used but he recognized the activation of multiple Artes almost at the same time.

“Once, you ask me to show my strength. Well? Your verdict?” Viers asked just for riling him up. A face slapping now and then is good for your health.

“You hid your true strength. Clever. You would have made a good pawn,” tone still condescending. The leeway was proof that he was still hiding something up his sleeves. The fact that was not missed by Viers.

“I would tip the balance to be sure,” Viers admitted. The fact he was a weakling in the arena where multiple Level 4s and Level 5s battle didn't matter. If he supported the Blood Church, he would somehow contribute to its success. Viers was sure of it. “Shame it wasn't to be. How’re your fellow Blood Church members in the Tomb? Or have the Silver Legion killed them all?”

Alan was taken aback. Viers wasn't supposed to know that. If he knew that then who knows how much classified information he was privy to.

“You know too much. I can't let you live.”

“Don’t worry about it. Only one of us will live to see the next dawn,” Viers aggressively said.

Alan touched his bleeding stomach. He had applied some healing but the bleeding was still quite severe. Alan glanced at the katana that wounded him, it had become quite red.

“The cut from this sword gives a bleeding effect. Courtesy of Izabella, your fellow cultist.”

Hearing Izabella's name infuriated Alan, Viers saw. The battle resumed in a flash but neither had let down their guard. Viers slashed his katana downward from an overhead stance. Alan received the blow by crossing his daggers in defense. They exchanged a few more rounds of slashing until Alan’s form blended with the mist that now filled the cavern.

“It’s time to finish this,” Alan’s voice came from all around Viers. Making Viers unable to pinpoint the speaker’s location.

Alan had activated the magic item Misty Isolation Globe. The previous exchange was him buying time until the item whisked them away in a separate space. It was the place where they battled last time. A place filled with mist and thus gave Alan the terrain advantage.

And Viers allowed it to happen.

“The place where it begins. The place where it ends,” Viers raised his katana in a defensive posture. Eyes like a hawk on his surroundings. Glowing reptile-like green eyes with rainbow shades.

Viers fully invoked Euryale Sight full force but there was a complication. He didn't fully see through the mist. His Euryale Sight was not at full mastery and Viers was up against a stronger person. But, Viers wasn't helpless. Viers might have a superior vision sense than most but he didn't rely on it like a one-trick pony.

While the initial mastery of the Euryale Sight had not failed him so far, he knew he would meet something he couldn't discern sooner or later. Viers was the type to prepare multiple contingencies.

Surrounded by obscuring mist, Viers still managed to glimpse Alan’s form if he got close enough -a testament of the greatness of the peak of Lamian Arte-. Viers combined his sharp sight with equally sharp auditory perception.

Only the two of them were inside the silent arena and so the sound of parting air was like an alarm to Viers’ ears. Boosted by Combat Overture and Accelerato, Viers’ reflexes were almost supernatural. But the speed of the attack was greater still. He’d mitigated the damage as much as he could, even Farley was pitching in. Blood sprouted from the gash on his arm. Better than a lost arm, Viers thought.

Alan was using the Arte Haze Night Murderer. It allowed him to move blindingly fast in a straight line. He could only use the Arte in a place filled with mist but there was no lack of mist in the space created by the Misty Isolation Globe. Alan was an experienced Pathseeker. He had years to make the items and Artes at his disposal work in synergy.

The combination of Haze Night Murderer Arte and Misty Isolation Globe magic item was highly destructive. Viers was caught in a storm of cutting wind. Alan strike from Viers’ right, Viers blocked the incoming dagger with his katana but Alan was already at Viers’ left and launched another offensive.

Viers’ injury was getting more numerous.

At first glance, Viers was at Alan’s mercy but Alan himself didn't think so. His blood was coming out of his body at an alarming rate from the wound on his stomach. And every time Alan got close enough, the sword on his enemy’s hand drank his blood like a demonic blade, coating itself with the red liquid of life.

The fact he was moving his body in a high-speed manner only made it worse.

Alan paused his attacks to drink a healing potion. Alan was deep in the mist so the action was unseen by his enemy. Viers was standing still in one place, tightening his defenses.

I’ll finish it with the next strike! Alan resumed his offensive, fully intending to kill his enemy.

In the high-speed charge of Haze Night Murderer Arte, Alan saw a glint of green light under his enemy’s helmet and he knew he fucked up.

Viers didn't get hurt for nothing. He ate the damage to bait Alan for a risky charge while committing his attack pattern to memory. A feat he often used in soul-like games.

The attack was seen through. Viers broke the charge using a perfectly timed parry to knock the arms of Alan’s away. The parry made Viers’ arms numb, even with the increased muscle power thanks to Combat Overture, but he gritted his teeth and chained his next move.

Viers conveyed his telepathy to Paina.

“Now! Bravura!”

Paina’s flute played yet another tune. This time it was an attack-up buff. The tune she played with her flute was in the color of bold and passionate melodies.

Viers’ aura became more mighty. Alan felt a premonition of death. He had to do something, anything! But his posture was broken and he wouldn't be able to raise his guard in time. Even if he did, a hastily created defense would not stop the big technique his opponent was on the cusp of releasing. But this was not the first time he had to pull himself out from the chasm of death. Alan chose to double down and attack.

His decision was praiseworthy but Alan stumbled in his first step.

What the-

Before he could move his dagger-wielding hand, all four of his limbs were bound by chains of water that came out of nowhere. It was so unexpected, Alan’s mind was washed by a tidal wave of panic.

Him? Impossible! How can he still have the leeway to disturb me while preparing his big attack!? Alan wanted to scream injustice.

Good job, Farley! Viers saw his opponent was like a fish on the chopping block. This is my chance!

“Mortal Severing!”

All the blood coating on Guren Muramasa was consumed as Viers made a slashing motion with all his strength. The slash left a trail of red in the path of the blade that hung in the air. The smell of iron suffocated the nose. The power of the slash was extraordinary!

Alan was consumed with an explosion of mana while Viers jumped backward and made a sword stance. For combat readiness and for looking cool.

Even though no one was watching, as far as Viers was concerned, the cool part was working.


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