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Viers looked around but not for long. He had many pretty dreams but with only twenty-five points, what he could choose was limited. Before he was tempted any further by wealth beyond his measure. He chose a pile of Mana crystals as an impromptu chair and put his ass on top of it.

Ah, the feeling of a rich man. Sitting on a pile of money… I need some time to pick the most useful things for me.

Viers picked up an arrow located an arm's length from he was sitting.

“What this thing do?” He asked.

“Arrow of the Unicorn, it would deal massive damage to undead and darkness related enemies. Below level 6, none of those two would survive after getting hit by the arrow.”

“So strong… what about this one?” He picked a rolled-up scroll.

“Rainbow Wind Arte, summon a seven-colored wind to fight. If this wind blows past a lush mountain, it will turn the mountain barren in three seconds, also, each color has a different effect when used individually. The Arte is ranked among the top 500 in our library.”

So many things to choose, just a random object I pick already so powerful.

“Do you have monster cores?” He asked.

“Of course, there are a lot of rare cores here. The lowest of them is tier 5, I heard from one of the past challenger that some of them were already extinct in the outside world,” Kala put a finger on her chin. “Are you looking for a specific monster core?”

“Nah, that’s okay. Let me think about this for a minute…”

The news of the monster cores made Viers grimaced. It was good news and bad news at the same time. Viers crossed his arms and closed his eyes to think. After a few minutes, he decided to prioritize his future prospect.

“I want the one you talked about in the desert. The elemental affinity raising thing. Oh, the cheapest one please. I don’t have a lot of points,” Viers spoke.

“Ah, those that can overwrite your fake affinity? That would be… this.” Kala telepathically made an item float from a pile of treasures from somewhat far away.

It was a wood carving of a coiling snake biting a white jewel on its mouth, only as big as his palm.

“This treasure is called the Affinity Connecting Sculpture. If you found a suitable catalyst, this thing could absorb it and raise your affinity.”

“Oooh,” Viers muttered, looking at the floating wooden carving.

“Since you want to raise your water affinity, you would need to absorb a mystical water spring or dried up a river rich in water Mana, things like that. One more thing, this item is semi-sentient. It will alert you if a suitable catalyst is near. This treasure can only be used once, so pick the catalyst carefully. If you want to have tier 5, the highest possible, your catalyst must be equally precious, and the catalyst will most likely be destroyed. An equivalent exchange,” she explained patiently.

The reason Viers chose an item to raise his limited talent because he deemed it was the most suitable thing for him. Equipment and mystical objects were great but relying items on wasn’t Viers’ style. He had even less desire for Artes, he already had plenty of Arte inspiration from the Spring of Wisdom in his head. No matter how great the Artes here, he was sure he could create something no less great; he only needed time and effort.

The monster cores tempted him greatly. If he could turn into a mighty sea dragon or a fearsome leviathan or an extinct monster with overpowered ability, his battle potential would shoot through the roof… but it was useless for the current him! Because Viers couldn’t change into a monster higher than his own level.

Picking a monster core is very appealing… but I can’t wait until I’m level 5 to use it! It’s a horrible waste of potential. I must pick an item suitable for me now rather than a super item that I can’t use and gathering dust. There’s another complication, with only twenty-five points, how can I get the truly good monster core? I most likely can only afford a ‘slightly good’ monster core and not the ‘super OP’ monster core… And then there’s the assassination of Farley’s father event. 

Frankly, Viers wasn’t confident the assassination would be a smooth affair. He didn’t yet know how to kill the cult leader on higher level than him. There were also the other cultists such as August, Monica, Bernard, and unknown dangers.

He hoped to found something in this trip to the secret cave that can help him solve this dilemma and indeed he did found something. Viers reckoned he could use one of the items here to destroy Farley’s father but what would he get from it? If he just came with guns blazing, even if he succeeded, he was sure the other cultists would descend upon him like angry demons and tear all his limbs apart.

In Viers’ mind, the debacle with the head-honcho of the cultist would be a major event, like the climax of book 1 in xianxia novels. Such events were always filled with danger, climax, revelation, and potential plot twist. But Viers wasn’t 100% confident he could pass that story point safely, therefore he wanted a plan B.

In case the assassination event turned out to be too dangerous for him, Viers shall drop everything and ran away like a rat fleeing a sinking ship.

Thanks to the cure from Farley, Viers’ red tumors were healed. The leash was off and there was nothing that could prevent his escape should he willed it so. He wanted to gain power up or riches or benefits after the debacle but there was no guarantee whatever he gain would be more precious than tier 5 affinity, permanent tier 5 affinity.

To reach level 5, tier 5 affinity was a must. If Viers wanted to be the guy with the biggest stick around, he had to have the vaunted tier 5 talent.

Viers realized he could trade his points for a super treasure that could easily destroy a mere level 2 Path-seeker like Benjamin Styra but was it more important than his future prospect?

I will still try to kill the cult leader but it’s nice to have contingencies. Besides, I am sure it’s not impossible if I use everything at my disposal. I just need to use my head to kill the boss, get lots of valuable things from his corpse or treasury, evade the other angry cultists, and ran away with Farley and Gwen if possible. Worse comes to worst, I can drop them at the church and ask for their protection while I turn into a fish and swim far, far away. Nobody will think I turn into a Tomalica and skedaddle like that, nuh-uh. Then I just need to roam the world for a while, find a suitable water catalyst, then BAM, my future looks bright!

…At least, I think so…

The last problem was, could he afford this Affinity Connecting Sculpture with his meager twenty-five points?

“I think that’s perfect for me… how much is it?” Viers hoped with all his heart the sculpture value wasn’t above twenty-five.

“This is the least valuable treasure of this kind in the treasury you know. There are other items that could directly grant you affinity upgrade or even added another elemental affinity. But those items definitely above sixty-seventy points. This one needs a catalyst that you must find yourself, clearly less valuable. Come over here,” Kala floated away and Viers followed.

Kala brought him to a tiered platform on the sidewall. It was like miniature stairs.

“We can see the value of the treasure here. As you can see, the higher it is, the more points needed. Viers, are you sure this the one you want?” Kala asked about the sculpture.

“Yes, please appraise it.”

“Okay, here goes…”

Kala let go of the wooded sculpture and it floated to the platform on its own. It hovered a short while before settling itself in the middle place.

Viers’ heart sank. He already half expected this but it still stung him nonetheless. The crux of the matter was his points were just too low. How could he get something game-changing with just twenty-five points?

If only I still have my fifty-five points… damn that queen!

Viers’ brain started to construct a backup scenario with another treasure but Kala started doing something unexpected.

“Fifty points, mmm…mmhm? Ei,” she used the tip of her tail to knocked the sculpture two tiers down. After being knocked down, the snake sculpture started to float again, as if wanted to go back up but Kala just gave it a stare. Like a fawn before a fierce tiger, the sculpture obediently stayed at the lower platform.

…What the? I thought she couldn’t touch anything because she’s a soul!

“There! Looks like there’s a tiny mistake earlier. Twenty-five points, you can take it. Come, come, don’t be shy and take it,” Kala called with her hand like calling a cat.

“Kala, you-”

“Oh shush, what’s the harm? No one is going to miss it anyway. See all of the treasure here, Viers? This is most likely the last trial, what’s going to happen to all of these priceless treasure and immeasurable riches?” Kala fervently asked.

“Uhhh… donate it to heaven?” ‘Cause the Lamia Queen seemed to serve Auntie Estelle.

“Nope, this place is already a Dead Biome and a dead Biome only had one end. Lost in the void between dimensions!”

“That seems to be a horrible waste of all these treasures…” Thinking all of these would be cosmic dust made Viers’ heart bleed.

“I know! But that’s the will of the queen.”

That… doesn’t make sense. If the purpose of the trials was to pass on the legacy of the lamias, why waste these treasures? Why didn’t they more proactive inviting trial takers? Why only four people including me have taken the trials in the span of 8000 years? There’s something going on here…

But that’s not my problem.

Viers decided it wasn’t his business and returned to the matter of his treasure.

“Is it really alright? Why help me?” Viers sincerely asked.

“We… are friends, right? Friends helped each other,” Kala simply said.

At first, I befriended her because maybe it’s a hidden criterion for the second trial and learning some info from the Age of the Gods. There’s no loss to me, only benefit, and I really will help her if I can or make a tombstone if I can’t.

“As one friend to another… I thank you.” Viers dipped his head in gratitude.

Friends… it really has benefits.

The wooden snake sculpture shot itself to Viers’ left wrist and turned into a black tattoo. Viers felt as if wearing a watch or a bracelet.

“There, it’s yours now… Well, this is it then. Unfortunately, we must part,” she lamented.

“I see… I won’t forget what you have done for me,” Viers had complicated feelings.

Kala put her hands on his cheeks and brought their faces closer. Viers thought she would give a kiss but only their forehead touched one another.

“This is a farewell custom of my people, may you live a long and good life.” Kala bloomed a pretty smile.

“I thought you can’t touch anything because you’re a soul.”

“I used a bit of soul energy, just like when I created your clothes,” Kala answered playfully.

“Hehehe, I would like to say ‘live long and prosper’ to you but it seems inappropriate. Again, thank you, Kala’risyah. I will never forget you.”

The last word fell and Viers was enveloped with light. When he opened his eyes again, he was outside the lamia’s trial ground. He was back in the underwater hidden cave, at the place where he found a shining gem on a pedestal. Except the gem was no longer shining as brightly as before, barely a glimmer now. Viers touched it but there was no response.

“I’ll do what I promised you, goodbye.”

Viers turned around and started his journey back.


 “Kakakaka! You let go of the power in your grasp for those important to you. You realized she’s just an illusion but you won’t hurt that Silver Legion lass anyway, despite will it ended up in your trial’s failure. Great! You passed the trial with flying colors. I know you’ll not misuse the power I give you. Accept this Ivory Fire’s legacy! Kahahaha, if destiny’s willing, we might meet face to face. Roam the world, boy! It is vast and full of wonders! Remember this old man’s name, Barakal the Fire Sage!” 

“Thank you senior!” Max’s face was beaming. He was ready for the trial's failure but who would have thought it was the correct answer instead?

The Sage’s illusory space disintegrated and when Max opened his eyes in the real world, his body was covered with white flames. It wasn’t hot nor burning his clothes. In his head, the legacy of Ivory Fire unfurled its knowledge before Max.


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