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“We will pass on our verdict,” the Lamia Queen spoke. “The third trial is hereby complete.”

Finally, Viers thought.

There were about one hundred questions before the Lamia Queen satisfied and deemed it enough. The questions were very varied; from morals, conduct, honor, justice, priorities, leadership, statesmanship… also personal questions about what Viers would do when this happened or that happened. There were also hypothetical questions, she asked to provide solutions in a complex case, an answer to a thorny problem with far-reaching consequences, how to satisfy two different parties in diplomacy… lots of questions.

Viers answered truthfully. It’s not as if he could lie, so he just let it all out. Ugly, venomous, selfish, pragmatic words were flowing out from his mouth. He was not ashamed of his answers, the monarch of the lamia witnessed this. She didn’t show any response towards his answers no matter how many ‘kill’ words were uttered during the trials. She heard his answer, then moved on to the next question. Viers got the impression she was like an NPC in games.

The Lamia Queen was wearing Kala’s form, Viers likened it to possession. Despite Kala was already in soul state, the spirit of her mother used her as a medium to interact with Viers. She floated in front of him, wreathed in a majestic golden glow, giving her the impression of larger than life.

“A truly, egocentric being,” she said. Her eyes were looking down on him.

“Might, you seek. Not for righteous purpose, but for your own security and interest. You weigh the life of others in terms of profit or loss to yourself. Ruthless to your enemies, no matter the circumstances, no matter the cause. You strive to be a mighty existence with the power to bend the world to your will… just as a devil would.”

Viers didn’t grimace, didn’t flinch. He took in all the words thrown at his face without fear nor shame, even when the ancient crown deemed him similar to the loathsome race that warred against the gods and brought the apocalypse.

“You do not treasure family, do not appreciate friendship, do not recognize the value of love.”

That is inaccurate. It might seem like that, but not true. But you can say whatever you want, this is your show.

Viers kept his thought to himself, his face showed no sign of change.

“Should you succeed in your quest for power, you would separate all life into two sides. Those that you could exploit and those that you would burn. An age of tyranny where you reign uncontested, uncaring how many lives were lost on your climb to your blood-soaked throne.”

Mmm… not really. I don’t wanna be a king of humans, sounds exhausting. The only king I want, is to be a Lemon King!

In Viers’ mind, to be the Lemon King, was to be someone who took no more shit from life. A lofty dream and goal without the concept of good and evil. Other people could plaster him with the label of an evil person but it wouldn’t matter to him.

“Young human, there is no future at the end of your path. Turn back now, before you passed the point of no return and damnation is all that awaits you.”

The Lamia Queen spoke solemnly. Practiced and proficient, as she had done countless times before. Passing judgment unto others without a crown. Her face was the face of someone full of responsibility with a wealth of experience. The lack of doubt and hesitation made her voice carry more weight when it reached Viers’ ear.

Suddenly, Viers’ vision was filled with white light. After recovering from his temporary blindness, he stood in the hall with three doors. He had returned from the third trial space just like that.

Just like that, the trial of my character is over…

Viers sighed heavily, a lot of things were burdening his mind.

“Oh? Is it over?” Someone said in a cute voice.

“Oh hey, Kala. Welcome back, it seemed I have completed the trials.”

“So it appears, how did you do?”

“Hm?” One of Viers’ eyebrows rose up. “You don’t know? Weren’t you listening?”

“Nope, can’t see or hear anything when the queen was using my body,” she shrugged.

“Short version is, she didn’t like me.” Viers spread his arms and shook his head left and right in resignation.

“Oh… please don’t feel too disappointed. She didn’t like anybody,” the lamia added.

“You don’t say,” Viers replied half-heartedly. “Well, what’s done is done. What now?”

“Now we look at the results, look over there,” Kala pointed at the doors. “The door will glow depending on how well you did your trials. The better you did, the brighter the glow. Simple enough, yes?”

“Very much so, thank you. About that aspect thingy, you said full approval from the Lamia Queen, so full brightness from the center door where the third trial was conducted?” Viers gestured the middle door with his chin.

“Yes. Let’s put it this way, the first and second trial have the maximum score of thirty each while the third trial has the max of forty. Other than the third trial’s full marks, the results from all three trials need to be above ninety to receive the Aspect Bestowal.”

Well, the probability of me getting that score is ‘Mariana trench’ level low.

“Fine, time to face the truth. Give me my first trial score!” Viers decided to eat the vegetables on his plate and finish this trial business.

The left door glowed with yellow light, quite brightly in Viers’ eyes. He felt glad that at least he didn’t come here without achieving something.

“That looks bling, did I do okay?” Viers asked the score interpreter.

“Hmmm, twenty-five points I suppose. Perhaps the Lamia Queen didn’t like your way of fighting the golem?”

What, cheesing it? You don’t approve? Tsk… cheapskate. I use my superior intellect against a stupid golem and you don’t like it? Phhft.

Viers clicked his tongue in annoyance inside his head.

“Quite good, let’s get on with the second trial. I’m guessing the better my score means the better treasure I can get from your treasury, am I right?”

“Yup, even if you don’t get the most valuable prize, there are a lot of other magnificent things,” Kala answered his question while flicking her ghostly hand. The right door started to glow with a green light.

“Green light? It’s a desert without any green in it so the color is very mismatched. Anyway, that also looks quite bright… brighter even.”

“You’re right, thirty points. I also think your determination is impressive, congrats!”

Viers made a small guts pose. He had spent almost three months inside the damn trial, he really hoped he did well.

That’s fifty-five points in total… 

Viers clenched his hands and he felt the sweat on his palms. He knew the third trial won’t end in a good way for him. The question was, how bad.

“OK Kala, hit me with the last one!” Viers anxiously said.

“Here goes,” Kala invoked the third trial’s result.

The center door didn’t glow in the slightest.

Viers frowned and grunted painfully as if he was just slapped in the face.

Zero… Not even a score for trying? Shit…

“Wait, something’s happening!”

Kala’s voice made Viers who was looking downwards jerked his face up. He had a tiny spark of hope about his score.

The center door was still without light while the right door’s green light faded bit by bit until there was none left.

Viers was dumbfounded watching it, so was Kala. The Lamia Queen didn’t give a positive score to him, she gave a negative score. Minus thirty points.

“Uhh… that never happened before. I-I don’t know what to say…” Kala felt lost, she didn’t know what to do.

Viers let the boiling feeling in his stomach bottled up. He didn’t let anger dictate his actions. After a few seconds of breathing deep breaths, he accepted reality as it was.

“So, twenty-five points. That’s plenty,” Viers spoke wearing a smile.

“Viers, you-”

Kala wanted to say some encouraging words but Viers cut her off.

“Kala, I told you my goal, yes? I would do it no matter the setback, no matter how bleak things are for me. If I failed and didn’t get anything from the trials, it's fine. I just need to work harder. I told you this, do you remember?”

They spent months together in the desert. They were no longer strangers but friends. Viers spoke many things during their time together.

“I understand, twenty-five points. You can pick a suitable treasure from the treasury.”

Kala made a portal of light and entered it, Viers followed her.

It was a magnificent sight, a storehouse filled with antique items, powerful weapons, precious knowledge, glimmering jewels, and priceless works of arts. Uncountable golden coins were strewn on the floor, warm light reflecting the gold-colored hue to all corners of the treasury. Worthy to be called the treasury of a kingdom from the age of myth.

“Whoaa… amazing,” Viers let his mouth opened in awe. Just like that dragon's hoard in the lonely mountain.

“It is, isn’t it? Oh yeah, don’t even try to slip even one coin to your pocket, or you’ll be fried to death by the magic formations here.” Kala warned.

“I know, I’m not stupid.”

“Very well then, so what do you have in mind for your reward? There are lots of things here, but most are off-limits to you… Sorry.”

Viers kept thinking while looking all around the massive room. It was not a mountain of gold and treasures but it was a big hall, about thirty meters in length and width.

Hm, what should I choose? Weapon seems to be a solid choice, standard choice but practical. Inventory ring? Their version must be legendary. Or cultivation technique from the Age of the Gods era? Lifesaving items to cheat death? Unique monster core from that era must be priceless. High-end Arte to simply flick my opponent to death? Options, options…


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