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The accompanying music was unsuitable for the discussion so Viers turned it off. After hearing Farley’s request, Viers didn’t spoke a word. Besides the sounds of fireworks bursting off at the distance, the sounds of Viers’ finger tapping the table could be heard. Unwilling to interrupt Viers, Farley chose to stay silent.

Kill request… her father…

A minute or so had passed before Viers broke the ice. “What’s his level?”

Hearing Viers didn’t refuse outright made Farley a bit relieved. “Former level 3. He became a level 2 because of his injury.”

Heh, I thought he’s a level 4 or 5. This shouldn’t be too hard, I could accept this request and finish it after I reached level 2 or 3.

“In a few years, I could kill him easily. But why would I do this?”

He only needed a year at most but he didn't say it. It was better to be humble.

Farley frowned, “I’m afraid I don’t have a few years. If he’s not dead before this winter’s solstice, I’m dead.”

“Well, well, well…” Viers mimicked a certain mistress of evil.

This is that kind of pattern, isn’t it?

“Prophecy?” Viers guessed the most cliché explanation.

“A vision,” Farley whispered.

“That’s a prophecy… yours?”

“My mother’s.”

“How about we start this from the beginning,” Viers proposed.

“Yes, that is my intention as well,” Farley nodded. She looked nervous, different from her usual cheerful demeanor.  

“When I was thirteen, my mother told me something. It was about a vision she had. She said that she had foreseen her death.”

“Hmn, there better be a good reason for that.” Viers listened intently.

“I didn’t truly believe her of course, but she died. Later I found out it was at the hands of my father. I don’t understand why he did it at first… father was aloof and often busy with work but always kind to us, his children. I only realized the truth after it was too late.” Farley’s voice carried a deep regret.

“…Continue,” Viers callously said.

“My mother said that she will die that winter. She had foreseen this and tried to change her fate for the last few years but to no avail. She said she couldn’t control her vision, it appeared on its own in her dream. Seeing no hope for herself, she tried to divine the fate of her children. Perhaps it responded to her strong feelings, mother received a dream vision about me and Gwen.”

“…Not your older siblings?” Viers found her wording strange.

“August, Monica, Bernard, they had a different mother than mine. My mother was the second wife while theirs was the first wife. Accurately, me and Gwen are their half-siblings.”

“And what happened to the first wife? Dead too?”

“Yes, she died a few years earlier than my mother.”

“I suspect your father had a hand in this. Continue with your mother, she divined your fate and it was successful. Otherwise you and I wouldn’t be here today.”

“Yes,” Farley turned silent and close her eyes. She recounted what her mother conveyed to her two years ago.

“Sweetheart, there’s no hope for me but there is for you. You’ll die at winter solstice two years from now. I see you and Gwen together, not breathing and lifeless… but, you’ll meet someone that can prevent that fate.”

“In my vision, it was a wolf, a gluttonous black wolf. Its paws were dyed red with blood but its body smelled like wine. Its fangs were sharp but always kept hidden. The wolf was cowardly and cautious, selfish and solitary. It liked to be seen as weak by other animals but it was all a façade. The black wolf was a vicious and remorseless predator. Its enemies only had one end, killed then eaten. Each time it fed, it grew stronger and stronger.”

“I foresee you’ll meet the wolf, in what form, when, and where, I do not know. If you tried manipulate it, no matter how clever and meticulous your plan is, the wolf won’t help you; there’s even a great chance you’ll end up in its jaw instead. The wolf was wandering and it crossed path with you by chance. If you fail to seize the initiative to make contact with this dangerous being first, then it won’t pay attention to you as it continued to wander.”

“In my vision, there’s only one way you would survive… by giving your everything to that wolf."

Farley didn’t add more words after that. Viers tapped the table with his finger as he digested Farley’s revelation.

Wolf, blood-soaked paws and body smelled like wine. So there’re people like Farley’s mother in this world, seers and prophets… dangerous people, threats. I hope no angel appears tomorrow and smite me or something… Back to Farley, if she followed her mother’s words, then yes, this wolf could turn out to be me. The description has… similarities with my characteristics.

The fireworks were still continuing and the faces of Farley and Viers often colored by various shades.

“You want me to kill your father, not to save you and Gwen?”

“…Father killed my mother, I want revenge. Unlike my mother, I know the culprit that will kill me. If father is dead before he could do the deed then Gwen and I are safe.”

“Naïve, prophecy isn’t something so simple. It’s like engaging a battle of wits with someone that know everything in your head.”


Farley contemplating Viers’ words. She clenched her fingers after hearing that.

“Still, to think I become a subject of a prophecy… this complicates things.” Viers mumbled, it was soft but Farley could hear it too.

“You believe me? I thought you’ll dismiss me as crazy.”

“I know one or two about prophecy. Real prophecy, anyway. The ones that come true. But we won’t know if that mumbo-jumbo is real or not until the very end. You can’t evade prophecy, the more you try to prevent it, the more likelihood it will happen. A man often meets his destiny on the very road he took to avoid it. Therefore, I won’t avoid destiny or prophecy. If the result isn’t what I want, I will just punch it in the face.”

That’s why I seek strength. Prophecy that tells me I will die at a place? I’ll nuke that place and destroy it to atoms. No place, no death, problem solved. Prophecy that tells me I will die at a time? I’ll stop time itself, reverse it, skip it, or go to a place outside the reach of time. No time, no death, problem solved. Prophecy that tells me my absolute and unavoidable death? Kill death itself, problem solved. My God I love the Spring of Wisdom! Endless possibilities indeed.

“Let’s return to the crucial matter, your father. I take it you have no love for the man?”

The fireworks were over, the quietness and stillness of the room were theirs and theirs only.

“No, I want him to die.”

“Your siblings?”

“…Only Gwen. If I die in the end, I hope Gwen will live.”

“…Your older siblings bullied you or something?” Viers was a bit surprised by the answer.

“They… are loyal to my father.” Farley struggled to find the right words.

I sense complication, I’ll ask her again in the future.

“Your home, household, relatives, friends, cultfriends, yadda-yadda, what about them?”

“There are some people I found dear and don’t wish them to die, but Gwen is the most important.” Farley replied after a long train of thought.

“So your father is the prime target. And ideally, after he’s dead, your life will return to normal? What do you think would happen if I killed your father? And that is still a big if.” Viers asked.

Before Farley could answer Viers interrupted.

“Your life as you know it would be destroyed. The most logical way to solve this is by telling the church. Your family would be scourged, assets and wealth seized, anyone connected to your family would be under heavy investigation. Suppose you’re still alive at that point, the church will have their eye on you while the Dumuzin cultists from other branches will be eager to enact their revenge on whoever responsible.”

“Even if you didn’t solve this by involving the church, do you think you’ll still be able to stay in this town? You and Gwen most likely will be on the run for the rest of your life. Always looking over your shoulders for pursuers. Most likely you’ll no longer have the luxury of dining in a fancy place like this, or having big mansion to call home, or even peaceful sleep at night.”

Viers clasped both of his hands above the table, giving Farley a sharp look.

“Are you ready for that?”

“The choice… is my father’s death or mine and Gwen. At the very least, I’ll fight for Gwen to be alive.”

Her face is easy to read today, as if she was pouring her honest feeling without trying to hide anything…

“And what does Dumuzin say about this? You pray to him, yes? What he has to say about you killing your father who’s also his priest?”

“…Dumuzin, will watch the show with interest like a spectator at the opera.” Farley spoke.

“Careful Farley, if Dumuzin really thinks so highly about human life as spectacular entertainment, he won’t be completely offhand with it,” Viers warned.

Like the difference of watching people playing D&D and play the tabletop role-playing game themselves. If one is so interested in the game, will he content being a spectator? Remember, this is a Greater Devil with hundreds or thousands of years of life experience and godlike power ‘cause he is as strong as auntie Estelle. Prisoned in hell or no, I won’t underestimate him.

Seeing Farley didn’t answer and made a difficult face, Viers deduced that she didn’t know Dumuzin’s stance in this.

“Then the nexus of it all, me. You believe your mother who believe without my help, you won’t succeed and die at the end. So tell me… why should I help you?”

Farley took a long, deep breath as if she was preparing herself for the greatest decision in her life. She gritted her teeth then slowly pushed back her chair and stood up. Farley walked past the table to came nearer the still sitting Viers. She held her red skirt with her fingertips, tucked her chin to her chest slightly, and bow gracefully.

“Lord Viers Isuel, I offer my whole self to you. My possessions, my strength, my talent, my body and soul, my everything. I ask for two things, Gwen’s life and my father’s death.”

“Your everything is only enough for one of those, which one you prefer?” Viers talked as if he was the boss of a criminal syndicate. Completely ruthless.

Farley frowned but quickly hid her vexation, she sighed before answering.

“My sister, Gwen’s well-being.” She uttered that with a heavy heart.

Still bowing, she waited for Viers’ answer. Before long, she heard his chuckle.

“I like your answer. Very well, I accept your everything, body, mind, and soul, in return for Gwen’s well-being. I’ll also seek ways to kill your father that will benefit us the most.”

“Thank you, My Lord,” although it was only a little, she felt some relief.

“Don’t thank me yet, like your mother had said, I’m a cowardly wolf. I’ll sink my fangs on your father when I judge I could destroy him.” Viers grinned like a hungering beast.

“I’ll leave it to Lord’s discretion.”

Farley, feeling complicated about the life-changing decision she just made, recalled her mother’s words.

“In my vision, there’s only one way you would survive… by giving your everything to that wolf — and even then, the wolf won’t be your savior. It will be your salvation and doom both… I’m sorry my sweet, mother couldn’t do more for you. Choose carefully about what you’ll do when you find the wolf, my daughter. My only wish is for you and Gwen could find happiness.”


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