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“FOOLS, You’re no match for ME! The mighty Darklord Viers, the Meat-Eater, the Vegetable-Hater, the Pizza-Lover! The Greatest Calamity of This Age! The vanquisher of men and women and children! The fattest Darklord who ever was and ever will! Ten thousand angels I have squished by sitting on them using my buttocks. The last hero that tried to challenge me, I threw into the sun. Come at me, warriors of light! I hunger for fresh souls!”

“I’m Shining Knight Emer, Strongest guy in the Kingdom of Good! I’ll save Royal Princess Big Sis Farley from your captive!”


“Ah! Hey, give me back my stick!”

“Mwuahhaha! Shining Knight Emer is powerless now because I have taken his precious holy sword! How should I cook him? Grilled with a sprinkle of salt? Deep fry him in oil seem a good alternative.”

“Fear not, Shining Knight Emer! Wise Wizard Lucas is here! Lightning Bolt!”

“Ahhh, my hand! Oh no, the holy sword fell from my grasp!”

“I have my stick back! Ah wait, it’s a holy sword now. Take my holy sword! Haaah!”

Emer lunged at him with the stick but Viers stepped sideways and pushed him down to the soft grass.

“Imbecile! Shining Knight Emer attacked Darklord Viers without thanking his friend, Wise Wizard Lucas. Therefore, the power of friendship did not activate. That’s why you lose to me. Hahaha, now Royal Princess Big Sis Farley shall rot in her prison tower until she’s a hundred years old and her teeth falls off and her face wrinkled like a shriveled fruit and– ”

“HEEEY! I refuse to accept that as my fate!”

“Resistance is futile, Royal Princess Big Sis Farley. My trusty monster turtle, Buwser, will keep you in the prison tower for a long, long time! Once more the Darklord shall rule the gal– the world! Guahahahah.”


The little crusaders driven with the holy promise of Farley the fair maiden, challenged the Big Bad Viers, and for some reason, he agreed.

“Houu… so, if you kids land a blow at me, Farley will grant you one wish? Farley, what will I get if I win?”

“Mmm, a date?” Farley tilted her head cutely, increasing the fire in the boys’ eyes.

“Mweeehh,” Viers made a thumb down gesture. “I give up, you guys win. Have her grant whatever wish you have. BUT! Here’s my advice. Your first wish, is to have a hundred more wishes!”

The children gasped as if they were just given a revelation from the Goddess herself. Viers thought the light from the sun must have playing tricks because he saw the children’s eyes twinkled like stars.

Rose who was sitting next to him couldn’t stop herself to blurt out a laugh, she immediately apologized for her unladylike behavior with a smiling face.

“Nooo!!! One! Just ONE. And fight fairly or it’s not going to count!” Farley was distraught by what could happen if the children listened to Viers’ advice.

The banter of haggling continued for a while. In the end, Viers grudgingly agreed after Farley promised she will give him something good today should he win.

Normally he wouldn’t but he thought it was a good idea to move around his body a little bit to help lunch digestion. He fought (played) with the kids using wooden sticks as swords. Viers was playing around but he didn’t let the kids touch him. Most of them were boys but some girls joined in the end, for Farley’s promise or just joining the fun.

The three girls also looked like they were having a good time. They had time to do girls talk while Viers was battling the warriors of light. Viers didn’t eavesdrop using his super ear, what they said to each other was not his business.

After a his complete victory against all the children, Viers revealed his true form as Darklord Viers, Emer challenged him again and was beaten down for the second time. He admitted to himself that he was also having a good time.


They played around plenty, and most of the kids were getting tired. The time of Viers and the three girls at the orphanage was ending. The girls said goodbye to the kids, promising they’ll be back. Viers just waved a little to the brats before he went away.

“Phew… what a day.” Viers sighed.

“What are you talking about? The day isn’t over yet. The summer festival is still ongoing.” Farley spoke while the four of them walk on the road.

“What festival is this again?” Viers rubbed his temple as if trying to remember.

“Corn Festival, we have it every year. Lots of free corn to go around,” Rose seemed to recall last year’s festival.

“The main event is the fireworks after dark, we planned to visit some stalls in the square. Shall we go together?” Paina offered.

“Unfortunately, we have an earlier appointment,” Farley answered before Viers could. She smiled apologetically.

“That’s a shame, shall we part ways here then? Farley, Viers, nice to meet you both. May the Goddess be with you.” Rose blessed them both before went separate ways with Paina.

“…You feel the goddess’s blessing?” Viers asked after they sufficiently walked away.

“Nope. So, I’m guessing that looking around stalls of corn food in a crowded place isn’t your thing.”

“That is correct. Not that there’s something wrong with corn in general, I just don’t like crowded places.” Viers confirmed her guess.

“So I have reserved a place at a high-class restaurant. There, we can even watch the fireworks privately, just the two of us.”

“Seems expensive, and I don’t have a nice clothes for such formal place.”

“Uncle Gavin already procured a suitable suit for you. You’ll find it in your room at the dorm,” Farley gave him a paper. “This is the place and time. I’ll meet you there. See ya,” Farley waved him goodbye and left.


She seemed kinda forceful today, so I’m guessing the dinner part will be important. Will she finally tell me what her aim is?

Viers decided to go back to the dorm and wait until the promised time. Along the way, he was offered a free corn in a cob by one of the corn stalls so he took one and ate it while walking.

The sky started to reddened, the streets were livelier as usual. The main event of the festival was conducted in the town square quite far from here but the air of festivities was everywhere today.

After he reached the dorm, Viers found the formal suit Farley spoke about. He was certain he locked his room but that butler could stroll right in as if he owned the place. He meditated to prepare his mind for the dinner and the discussion with Farley. Whatever it was, he needed to be in the best state possible, he was under no delusion that this was just a dinner date. After a suitable time, he dressed up and left for the eatery.

The suit reminded him of Victorian-era formal wear, mostly black in color. There was no hat or cane but he wished he had one. The butler didn’t disappoint, it fitted him perfectly.

As he expected, it was in the nicer part of the town, near the center. Viers walked there without procuring a carriage. As a level 1 Path-seeker, Viers didn’t sweat at all during the walk. He passed the area which he looted during the ghoul attack and there wasn’t even any sign of such scuffle now, all had been repaired.

“Sonia’s, in stylish writing. The place has the look of the price,” Viers whispered at the view before him. It was the place where very few people go but very prestigious looking. The two-story building's exterior already emitted luxury. A guy in a nice suit was already waiting to open the door for the quests.

“Greetings, I might have a reservation here. Viers or Farley.”

“Mr. Viers, we have been waiting for your arrival. Please, this way.”

He took him to the second floor. The arrangement there was different from the base floor. There were rooms here, each room only had one table and two seats with a big glass wall of the town’s view. The center area of the town had higher elevation so the view was quite good.

“The glass is enchanted, it looks like a normal wall from the outside. You can use this bell to call us. If that is all, please excuse me,” The waiter left him alone in the dining room.

White table cloth, formal wear, tableware like a European dinner party. Although this is supposed to be in the middle ages, the technology and culture are a bit mixed up here and there.

From a speaker look-alike magic item, soft music suitable for the situation flew in. Viers patiently waited for Farley. The girl arrived soon enough, with a gorgeous red dress and party hairstyle. Glossy lip, light makeup, and high heels. Even though Viers almost saw her every day, she transformed into a dreamy butterfly tonight.

“Apologies for the wait… How’s my look?” Her voice was coated with a touch of shyness. For the frank and chipper Farley, the faint bashfulness showed tonight’s significance for her.

“Great, a shame there are no fireworks in the background or a red carpet. I hope we’re not infiltrating a certain ‘Don’ mansion tonight.”


“Just a story from my past, don’t think much of it.” Viers gestured her to sit. The gentlemanly thing to do was to stood and pull her chair out, then push it in, but he didn’t do that.

Viers talked again after she was seated. “Since you’ve arranged all of this, it would be a shame to waste it. I propose we talk about business after dinner.”

“Yes, I think so as well. Let this be a night to remember,” Farley rang the little bell on the table and call the waiter.

The dishes soon graced Viers and Farley’s table. The appetizer first, then the dishes after that. Each dishes only amount a little and extravagantly arranged so it looked high-class. Of course, the taste wasn’t bad. There’s fish with asparagus, perfectly sliced duck breast, vegetable terrine, mushroom pie, and a fitting cherry raindrop cake as dessert.

They ate mostly in silence, a few light remarks about the dishes then back to eating. During the dessert, the fireworks started. Both of them took a moment to appreciate it, coloring the room with bright and various hues.

After they finished, they watched the picturesque fireworks show. Viers found the fireworks a bit different from Earth’s, more magical. It’s not a simple launch and bloom of fire flower, with beautifying Arte, the fireworks show rivaled modern Earth’s in spectacle.

“Beautiful night isn’t it… shall we get to it then?” Viers invited her to the real event tonight.

“Let’s,” Farley turned to Viers and met his eyes. Viers could see she was a bit nervous tonight and somewhat unsure of herself.

She took a deep breath, a spark of purple firework dyed the room in mystical shade.

“I ask you to kill my father.”


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