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“…I’m still surprised how fitting that apron looked on you. You even brought your own. Cooking much, princess?” Viers reexamined Farley from head to toe once again.

“Ehehe, like it? Don’t you think we’re like newlyweds? Young couple? Dear, what would you like to eat tonight?” Farley made a light spin in her simple dress skirt then cutely assumed the role of a young wife.

“…A lesser man would blush and turn red, an even lesser man would have nose bleed and stuttering his words or, by God, nosebleed then fainted with a stupid smile in his face. I am NOT. I’m impervious to your charm.” Viers sneered while looking down on her.

“Hmmm, yes, I can see that… do you not like girls?” The short haired brunette put a finger on her lips while thinking.

“Don’t be absurd, of course I like girls. I only have better control over myself than other hormonal teenagers, that’s all.” Viers threw his face to the side.

“Heh, you’re a teenager yourself. Or am I wrong, hmn?”

Oops, did I slip-up? I have to be better at this in the future.

“You should just tell me what you want, Farley. I dislike complicated things. It’s been clear to me that you want something from me. Spit it out.” Viers squinted and eyed her like a hawk.

“Maybe I just fell for you. Never thought about that?” Farley’s index finger was on the center of his chest and she stepped closer. Their faces were mere inches from each other.

Gasped and soft shriek of excitement could be heard from the door but both Viers and Farley didn’t flinch. They were still gazing into each other’s eyes.

“Awawa, they’re gonna kiss. They’re definitely gonna kissss!!”

“Kyaaah, sister Farley brought a boyfriend!”

“Uuuuu, no! Sister Farley will be my bride in the future, I must stop this!”

“Yeah, what’s good about that guy anyway!”

“Stop it you idiots, don’t get in the way of a true love’s kiss!”

Chitter-chatter of little children came from near the door. They peeked to the kitchen’s interior with their cute little heads.

“Ehem, you two… please keep the flirting to the minimum. And you little ones, shoo-shoo. Don’t clutter the pathway.”

A middle-aged nun with black and white religious garb came and herded the little children away. The children cooed like little pigeons as they went away.

“And you two, some of the little ones are getting impatient. Please no dilly-dallying.”

“Yes, Mother Susan,” Viers and Farley answered at the same time.

After she left, Viers and Farley brought the finished dish to the big table on the lawn. While holding a big pot of stew, Viers saw Paina and Rose surrounded by little children. Paina was making various animal shapes using water and Rose made all kinds of flowers bloom while crafting a flower crown.

Laughter filled the air and smiles brighten the day. As someone with blood-soaked hands, Viers never expect he could become a part of such a happy atmosphere any yet here he was. Cooking food for orphaned children.


A few days ago.

“Bright Hope Foundation? What the hell is that? And what do you mean I’m a member?” Viers asked Farley.

“That’s our cult face for the above. You don’t have anything to do anyway and we need more hands. Tomorrow, you and I will mingle with the children from the orphanage. I’ve done this quite regularly and it’s surprisingly nice.” Farley waved around her index finger while talking, as if illustrating her point to him.

“No thanks, I don’t like children and I don’t do charity. And I’m busy, veeerry busy!”

“Bah, training, training, training. You’re like training maniac! Its the day of the summer festival and you gonna stay shut in some room, sweating by yourself doing goddess knows what?”

A few seconds of silent thinking then Viers answered. “Yes, that’s the better use of my time, in my opinion.” He completely disregard Farley’s hidden meaning.

“Hmph,” Farley pouted. “You’ll come with me to the orphanage, cook food and play around with the children, then we’ll have a date that evening. There would be a fireworks show that night and… Hey! Don’t make that disgusted face! This is a date, a date with a pretty girl and you make that face? Arrrghh, why is it so difficult with you!”

“The person you’re calling is not available at this time. Please try again next week.” Viers said with a mechanical voice.

“The festival would be over by that point!”

“Yes! Exactly!”

“I’m still your boss and I decree you must accompany me, no excuses!”

“You’re a bad boss, I quit,” said Viers with a stone face.

The banter continued; although Viers would never admit it, he actually enjoyed the occasional banter he had with Farley time to time. Still, Farley was persistent and he got roped in.

Both of them crossed paths with Paina and Rose in a coincidence. The orphanage seemed related to the church, church’s personnel such as Rose also helped regularly when the Bright Hope Foundation did the charity. The Foundation donated some money, clothes, food, and playing with the children every few weeks.

Paina wanted to ask Rose to visit the festival together but Rose had to help the orphanage on that day. Paina decided to accompany her together then went to the festival in the evening. That was how Viers, Farley, Paina, and Rose were in the orphanage.

“Alright you brats, chow time. Who’s already hungrrry?” Viers spoke. “Meeeeee,” and the children answered like a pack of little animals.

“Waaaiitt, you all must wash your hand first. Eating food with a dirty hand is a big no-no. Off you go, anyone eating with dirty hand shall be thrown to a lava lake by me. Grrraawww!” Viers mimicked an attacking big bad wolf.

“Viers! Don’t say it like that! Come on kids, big sis Paina shall show you how to wash your hands properly, with soap.” Almost two dozen kids followed Paina like little ducklings following their mother.

“Ehehe, and you said you don’t like children.” Farley chucked next to him.

“Children especially babies are cute when they are not a complete nightmare. Sadly, one can’t get only the cute parts of them. My statement stands, I don’t like them. Too much troublesome things.” He let out a loud breath from his nose.

“You must be Viers and Farley, I’ve heard a lot about you two. I’m Rose, nice to be your acquaintance.” Rose introduced herself. They had met earlier but didn’t get the chance to leisurely greet each other.

“Likewise,” Viers reply her politeness with equal measure. When Farley and Rose started chatting, Viers didn’t join them.

What are the odds, I met her here… me, killer of her friend. I wonder what this meeting would entail…

When the kids returned after washing their hands, they all eat lunch together on the lawn. It was summer noon with a clear day, fortunately, it wasn’t too hot today. A few long tables filled with food, not only what Viers and Farley cooked, there were also fried foods and snacks for variety.

The scene reminded him of a feast from HP movies at that famous magical school. The orphanage staff, the kids, and the visitors ate and mingled together. Mother Susan berated one of the kids to eat more vegetables, Farley, Paina, and Rose also seemed to have fun. Viers noted the kids were familiar with Farley and often asked her various question. The spectacle was something very heartwarming; enveloped by the happy situation, even Viers couldn’t help to smile a little as he put the spoon in his mouth.


“Hoohoh, flowers, hmn? What element is that?”

“Wood, I could manipulate plants to a certain degree. Even plants without wood such as grass, flower, and banana tree. But they call someone of my affinity, wood Path-seeker.” Rose demonstrated by making a seed sprouted on her palm, inviting oooh of amazement from the little critters around them.

After lunch, they each do their own thing but for Viers and the three girls, they keep the children company on the lawn. Viers sat on the grass with Rose in front of him. He had an interest in Rose’s element and asked her a few things.

“Mm,” Viers eyed the budding plant. “With people like you, won’t there be no starvation in this world?”

“Well not really, what I can do is limited. And I heard it’s a pretty rare affinity. It’s not really suited for battle either. I wish my affinity was more suited for combat such as fire or lightning…” Rose became downcast, the faint smile that followed after that was bitter too. Viers thought she must be cursing her powerlessness.

She picked up a dandelion and blew, the children chase the flower carried by the wind. The lawn was quite spacious so there was room for the kids to run around.

Viers looked at her appearance closely. Rose had short raven hair with a red flower hairpin adorned her head. She didn’t dress like a nun or a priestess, just simple clothing of white tops and leaf green long skirt. She was a bit thin, in Viers’ opinion.

“I think that element suits you.”

Rose opened a smile, “thanks, someone said that to me once.” At least she wasn’t as gloomy as before.

I’d stake my liver it was Leon.

“So, what’s your weapon of choice?” Viers changed the topic.

“Mm? Just a simple rapier.”

“…Have you ever considered a scythe?” His hand was on his chin, a thinking pose.


“A big scythe, preferably one that can turn change shape and shoot projectiles. The downside of using such a weapon is you need more mobility. I recommend an Arte that could turn your body into a burst of rose petals as you swiftly move around and mow down your enemies with that scythe of yours.”

“…Ahaha, where did this come from? That sounds over the top. Bursting my body into rose petals? No Arte like that in the church.”

“Nonono, I heard of a tale about someone named Rose. That’s her trademark, when she turned into rose petals, she could short-range teleport and even pseudo flying, imagine that! She’s a young and strong Path-seeker. Oh, her eyes also could shoot silver beams that turn monsters into stone!”

Rose looked at Viers’ bright eyes and smiling face with baffled expression then laughed merrily. At least, for that short moment, she let go of the burden on her shoulders and laughing like a normal teenage girl.


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