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Several days had passed and things started to go back to normal. Although the attack on the church was a big affair, the news wasn’t made public. The monastery was at the edge of town and the conflict was kept in small areas so no direct damage to the town. The villages that Bernard slaughtered were told to the public as the act of rouge devil worshipers and the perpetrator had been killed. There were rumors going around of some kind of battle but it was suppressed by the town’s officials.

Keep the masses ignorant so they become easier to herd, just like a flock of sheep. Well, not this sheep. This sheep got his eyes on the horizon and beyond!

Viers’ standing in the cult remained the same as before. After he destroyed Soris, Viers thought there would be some repercussions. Granted the death duel was lawful and he didn’t break any rules since Viers himself didn’t die from the blood contract, which means he followed the rules. And yet human sentiment was as mysterious as a black hole, Viers had prepared himself to be punished or excommunicated.

Alas, it would seem that the cult was unwilling to incite unnecessary conflict with their manpower as thin as it was Perhaps the sharp-sighted ones already suspected he was a level 1 since he bisected Soris in front of a crowd and added his battle strength to the equation whether antagonizing Viers for a corpse worth the trouble or not.

He met Wesk and Abe again afterward, but the latter had lost a body part form his right elbow. The stealing of the Faith Water was filled with danger to all. Once again, he realized how fragile human life’s was.

Now that he’d top-upped his “gem” currency, Viers could continue his Mana-mastery. He was actually a bit torn about this; according to what he dug up, a level 1 would need 100 crystals to reach level 2. Until he reached level 2, all those crystals consumed for his cultivation wouldn’t rise his power in a significant way. Viers had 73 crystals from his reward, plus 5 that he stole from the furnace-like magic item, and plus 1 from his leftover wealth. Now he was trying to use this wealth as efficient as possible.

Since level 2 was still far away, Viers considered improving his equipment, buying lifesaving items or other useful Artes, buying monster cores to consume, and other things for short-term power gain. If the next battle event was relatively near, using all of his money for purely Mana-mastery might not be a wise course of action.

Still, Viers felt personal strength was the most important of all so he picked 5 crystals and turned it to dust. As his body digested the crystals’ Mana, he would need to make up his mind.


With the church affair was kept hidden, the town’s situation had actually improved as a whole. The boar problem in the south was beginning to subside since the construction effort of the fort. The fort itself wasn’t complete but it already became a good defensible position for combating the boar monsters in the area. More adventurers were coming to Luxore town, baited by the lucrative endeavor. The quest reward from the guild was a mere small change to Viers but not to these men. No matter which world it was, life is tough and every day is a struggle.

As the security around the town’s surrounding improved, the townsfolk had more positive outlook and filled with vigor. Merchants bearing goods from other places came more frequently and boosted the economy. Criers were informing the citizens that things were going well and all will be returning to normal. Viers didn’t eat what other people telling him raw and believed it just like that but the townsfolk seemed positively affected. All things considered, Luxore Town was getting livelier as if the problem was behind them.

Hm, people should believe what they want to believe in. Either way, this has nothing to do with me. The next trouble would be around the corner and I have to be ready! If I die, at least it has to be after I have exhausted everything in my power to prevent it.

On Earth, death was something foreign to him, but he was surrounded by it since he came here. Death followed him closely because Viers had no mercy nor hesitation about what he would do to his enemies: extermination with extreme prejudice. He was a terminator with cold metal heart to others that threatened his life.

He administered death easily but he didn’t have the conception that it wouldn’t be given to him just as easily. Viers had taken life, many lives, so he must ready himself for the possibility of the other outcome.

I now live by the sword, so to speak. I’m ready to die by the sword. There’s a saying on Earth, those who kill should be ready to be killed. It’s a quote from an anime and perhaps not that well known but still, it’s one hell of a quote and I agree wholeheartedly. If my enemy could kill me, by foul means or fair, I only have myself to blame. 

But beware, wolves that want to kill me! I have the Spring of Wisdom and I’m ready to be the foulest, fairest, evilest, holiest, person in the world to guarantee the continuity of my existence. If there are those who still could kill me after that… well, that simply means I’m not strong enough and I’m entirely to blame. Hats off to that person.

By Earth’s standard, he was a serial killer now. Sometimes, Viers thought that wouldn’t normal people more hesitant about killing? More compassionate about others? More kind to others? Why didn’t he?

He’d heard that killing your fellow man could be something traumatic that scared a person for life, made them have nightmares and consumed by guilt. Why didn’t he?

He’d thought long and hard about this, he came with a conclusion that he might be somewhat crazy.

I was just an ordinary person on Earth. After I reincarnated in this world, I was free of the chains that binds me past. What I want is to live my life to the fullest. To truly live! Enjoy what the world and life have to offer. I was a prisoner once, a prisoner of society and I refuse to be one again. This world where one man could have the power of a nuclear weapon unleashed my desire and ramp it up to eleven.

I would destroy anyone and anything that prevents me from doing so. My disregard for human life seems to be stemmed from this desire. Those that bar my path is an enemy that deserves death. I have no empathy and remorse for doing so… if I’m not wrong, isn’t this a trait of a psychopath? Am I one?

Viers himself was unsure of this revelation. But, Viers being Viers, he had another logic in his head.

Perhaps, perhaps not, I don’t really matter. I am simply me. It’s not like I need others to understand. I don’t have the desire to see all living things suffer for entertainment, nor have desire to inflict unnecessary pain on others. I will live my life true to myself, what more a man can ask for? One more thing, psychopath doesn’t sound good, call it high-functioning sociopath instead.

Am I a good man? Definitely not. Am I an evil man? Most likely. I shall live my life as I please. Other people don’t like it? Try to stop me! By persuasion or murder attempt or anything else. I’m not easily swayed because I have an iron will so murdering me is your best bet. 

Most likely you’ll die but hey, it’s your choice to do so. Best write your last will before you try to murder me though, no wait! I’ll root out potential enemies that might come after your death so whoever you write that will to, have a high probability to follow you soon after. I’m not one that balks at the idea of killing women and children; I won’t leave a seed of revenge to grow so it can haunt me in the years to come. Best to take this into consideration before making your decision.

There! Problem solved. I’m such a genius. It’s like solving a quantum physics dilemma, BWUAHAHAH…

A light thwack to his head from a kitchen ladle brought him back to reality.

“Ouch, that hurt,” Viers caressed the hit area on his forehead.

“Stop daydreaming while smiling creepily, help me bring the food to the table outside.” Farley had one hand on her waist while wearing an apron.

The two had been cooking meat stew, soup, and porridge for two dozen people. It was quite a labor but the two had been helping Yisha cooking at the dorm so they somewhat used to it.

“Remind me, why am I here again?” Viers said to Farley in a whisper, trying not to mind the poor attempt of the onlookers to stay hidden.

“This is cult work. You know, donating and cooking and helping the orphanage? This is normal stuff.” Farley similarly whispered to his ear closely.

“You’re not going to do something sinister are you?”

“My, whatever made you think so, dearest?” Farley sweetly spoke louder so the spying little rabble could hear.

The close contact they had made the peeking five children watched the cooking couple more closely.


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