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Night visited as sure as its counterpart. It was late enough so the town residents were mostly in slumber. The cool temperature in contrast to the burning one in this afternoon was a change Viers welcomed.

“Are you nervous, big guy?” a girl’s cheerful voice break the silence in the room.

“I shouldn’t be here, what am I even doing here?” Viers replied without opening his eyes, he was in meditation pose.

“I agree, a level 0 like him is inadequate for this mission.”

Soris was sitting in a chair, folding his arms and crossing his feet. He spoke while closing his eyes and bending down his head a little bit. He had been in that position for a while now. Viers thought that the newbie tournament champion was sleeping, not that he cared.

Monica was also in the room, serene as always. She wasn’t wearing a dress but a fitting leather clothes for ease of movement, Viers didn’t doubt it was enchanted. She didn’t talk much from the beginning they gathered in this safe house. True to her background as an upper-class lady, she was patiently waiting for the appointed time while slowly sipping a cup of warm tea. Monica was the leader of this group.

“Now, now, Soris, play nice. I vouched for him. And you Jor, how long will you sulk? Come on, get your game face on.” The girl opened a smile.

Farley wore easy to move garment like her sister, different design but same leather. Her black leather clothing made her resemble a biker girl. She tied her short hair in a ponytail and had a belt with pouches. Other than the pouches on her belt, there also was a navy blue baton-like thingy. She too dressed for battle, reflecting the importance of this mission. However, her easy-going attitude failed to convey that.

“Ah, fuck it. Let’s just get this chore over with.” Said Viers in annoyance.

“There you go, that’s the spirit!” Farley chuckled.

“It’s time, let’s go.” Monica slowly stood up.

“Finally!” Soris jumped to his feet, eager for action.

“Yes! I’m fired up!” Similarly, Farley was also pumped for the battle ahead.

“Hold up, toilet,” said Viers pouring a bucket of cold water to the atmosphere. Still, it was a normal reaction. He behaved like a normal person would before they went to a cinema. He briskly went to the loo.

“Really? Really? Pscht…” Soris clicked his tongue.

After he returned, the other three already donned their mask. Soris’ was green, Farley’s was blue, and Monica’s was red. Each masks had different shape.

“Remember Jor, my tag is Azure, and she is Scarlett.”

“Right, how are the others that serves as the distraction? Were they successful baiting the church’s forces out of town?” Viers also putting on his white Hannya mask.

“I got confirmation most of the church's personnel are mobilized, Bernard is as always, efficient,” Monica answered.

“What did he do?”

“Killing the surrounding villages and use the villager’s blood for summoning devils. Four villages have already fallen, Imps and Hellhounds are prowling the area. They have just started engaging the church.” Monica said with a flat tone.

“...Dang...” After a few seconds of processing, Viers uttered that word. Like a troll witnessing a pinkie promise.

“Enough talking, this is the opportune moment. Time’s a-wasting.” Scarlett led the way, Azure and Soris followed.

Viers had one hand on the pommel of his new sword. He practiced with the rightfully gotten spoils of war water-container sword often enough but this was the first time he brought it out for a real battle. He prepared amply for this mission because he was aware of the danger level and risk it entailed. Other than for speeding up his Mana-mastery, Viers spent the rest of his crystals for magic items that he thought would be useful to have. Viers currently wore his full regalia; it could be said all of his wealth was on his person right now because he was currently broke, save for a single Mana crystal.

Viers flapped his dark coat as he turned to the door.

Time to steal some shit.


Jor and the other cultists’ objective was to steal the Faith Water from the church. In actuality, it wasn’t a single building in the middle of the town. It was a monastery in edges of the town area, and it was built like a small medieval fortress.

A fort inside a town? I know the church guys usually use the more accessible building for masses and the like. But I didn’t expect to assault a fortified monastery, did they suffer much assault through the years? Wait, who am I kidding? They are a militant group at war with another militant group, both hate each other’s guts. Of course they made their base like a castle. 

This church versus seven cults in an eight-way battle thing resembles a religious war. Every religious war is ugly! Each side thought they are more right than the other side. Although, one is a goody-goody on the surface and the other seven are children killing and villages sacrificing kind, so maybe the choice isn’t as complicated as the religious war on Earth.

The four of them lay in wait at the vegetation near the monastery.

“What’s the plan now, Lady Scarlett?” Soris asked.

“We wait for team B to provide a further distraction,” Scarlett observed the monastery as she spoke.

Not long after, five or so cultists attacked from the front gate. Arte of various kind briefly brightened the monastery’s gate. Alarm bells rang from inside. The church’s people responded to the attack and engaging the attacker in combat.

“We move.” After seeing the situation, Scarlett led her group to the other side of the monastery. Good and away from the distraction combat scene.

Scarlett chose a nearby window as the point of entry. It was about three meters from the ground but Scarlett reached it with a single jump, broke the window glass and iron bars as silent as possible, and then went in. The other three had no problem following her, even Jor who prepended to be still level 0.

“Huh, that was easy. They don’t make more defensible security for Path-seekers?” Jor commented after they were inside.

“This is the level of building security in a town's standard. Even the Church cannot provide super security to all their buildings. Rather than spending massive resources enchanting walls and windows, the Church prefers their people to receive those resources instead and become stronger Path-seekers.” Azure explained.

“Mm, reasonable,” Jor commented.

“This way. Arte — Erase Presence.”

Scarlett applied that Arte and a few more to the group. The Artes didn’t make them invisible but it added to their stealth. By that simple act, Jor measured Monica’s strength.

I’m level 1 but I feel Monica is still stronger than me. She should be level 2. Reasonable, with the backing of her family, achieving level 2 in the early twenties shouldn’t be a problem. And this girl… Farley is also level 1 like me. Yesterday she wasn’t! Either she wore aura concealment item like me, or she level up yesterday. The former is more likely. Soris also a level 1, it would seem he level up after the tournament.

From where they were, they stealthily made their way to the place where the tabernacle resided, the inner sanctum. Viers didn’t know where it was but Monica seemed got that covered. The inside of the monastery was a classic medieval castle type, stone corridors, pillars, a few religious artworks here and there.

When they were in a corridor, stomping sounds made their way to Scarlett and company. Jor heard it first, or so he thought, Scarlett also picked up the signs of the unwanted company at the same time. Jor could tell because of her body movement changed abruptly.

“Incoming, hide!” Scarlett whispered softly.

They followed Scarlett to the side room and closed the door. Sounds from the outside conversation seeped their way in.

“Let’s go, defend the church!”

“Right, the brothers at the gate need backup! The attackers are elites.”

“Is it the Dumuzin cultists? Why they are so active lately? First the Ghoul attack, now, this? They are up to something, captain.”

“We currently lack manpower, they must have planned this. Be on your guard, men. We’re in for a tough fight.”

Jor listened to their chatter as they fade.

“Clear, continue.” Scarlett broke the silence. The other three nodded.

The infiltration wasn’t rushed, Scarlett chose the careful approach instead of haste. Her actions reflected her personality. The group reached a hallway but they stopped without going in.

“Two persons incoming, weak. Soris, Jor, neutralize them.”

The two nodded, they each took both sides of the wall. Ready to ambush the approaching target.

Assassin games style, cover assassinate… me likey. Thankfully I had plenty of practice in the game.

Soon, a pair of guards entered Viers and Soris’ range of attack. Soris took the one on the left out by conjuring wind blades with his fingers. The man with the cut on his neck gurgled, both of his hand tried to stop the blood spilling out but it was in vain. Jor covered the mouth of the man on the right with his left hand and stabbed him in the heart with his right. He dragged the helpless victim to his position immediately after the attack to prevent any unwanted line of sight from the inside of the hallway and stabbed him in the heart one more time to make sure of his death.

The four didn’t bat an eyelash of the deed. In less than five seconds, they moved on, leaving two warm lifeless bodies in the pool of their own blood.

I would prefer not to kill them if I can but to chokehold both of them until they passed out is too risky. Unlike in the game, there is no guarantee of how long they would be unconscious. And they both are level 0. Since I’m pretending to be a fellow level 0, I shouldn’t be able to subdue them easily. Considering the circumstances, it would jeopardize the mission, so I’m sorry but you have to die.

Jor took a deep breath as he walked.

Everything is permitted… requiescat in pace.

The four soon arrived in the inner sanctum of the monastery. As a place of worship, the whole monastery gave off a solemn feeling but here, in the nave, Jor felt it more clearly. In this big hall devoid of people, the tabernacle was placed in the center of the altar.

“There it is!” Soris excitedly speaking out. Scarlett and Azure were silent.

Something is wrong! 

Jor was the last to enter the nave so he was the closest to the exit. Realizing something was off, he dashed backward immediately.

A wall of light blocked the entrance, cutting off their escape route. Seven people dropped from the ceiling, they hid their presence so thoroughly that even Scarlett didn’t realize.

Six level 1s and one level 2.

“Welcome to our special late-night mass. How nice of you cultists to join us. I assure you, we will provide the best hospitality.” The level 2 spoke with a beaming smile.


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