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“I want it. What’s your price?” Farley’s voice was a bit forceful.

Just as he expected, Farley was hooked by the bait he dangled. Viers had just began his rest after training in the underground base and Farley came to him.

“Farley, was it good?” He asked.

“You know the answer to that question.”

“Yes, I suppose I do. My real question then, will it sell?”

“…Ah, so that’s how it is. I have an inkling you are leading to something.”

“Mm,” Nodded Viers. “Here’s the deal, I plan to sell that wine under your vineyard’s brand. I can’t produce much so you should sell the bottles as a special edition or something. Your family can market it however you wish. The profit will be split fifty-fifty.”

“Low on crystals? You should’ve entered the tournament then, or take higher difficulty task. I wonder why you only took the low-risk ones.”

“Unlike you, most people are always troubled by money,” Viers replied sardonically.

“Heeey that’s not true. What, you think I’m an ignorant rich girl that spend money like water?” Farley scowled.

Viers looked upward, his gaze was empty as if seeing something from his imagination. “I could imagine it. You with a glass of wine in hand, looking down on poor peasants with derision while laughing oho-ho-ho-ho,” Viers replied. The laugh was done with the high pitch tone of rich girl snob, his right hand raised near his mouth.

“Whatever,” Farley dismissed him with a wave of her hand. “So basically, you want our backing?”

“Right, you guys should be able to sell the special wine to people with a heavy money pouch right? At least connections to suitable merchants and wine enthusiasts.”

“That we do. With a product like that, no one could say no.”

“Glad to hear it. The thing is, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I make the wine, you sell them. Also, I need a private place to work, obviously, since only I know the recipe and I don’t plan to share.”

“Greedy, greedy… okay. I’ll take care of it.”

“…What? Just like that?” Viers got suspicious.

“Uh-huh, just leave it to me. The maker of that kind of wine entitled to some privileges.”

“I want the people that know I can make that wine as few as possible. You guys don’t backstab me or no more wine. If we do this, the agreement terms must be written in blood contract.” Viers added other requests.

“I’m of the same mind about your anonymity, the fewer people know the better. I could pull some strings. Let me take care of it.”

“…What are you playing at, Farley?”

“What now? I accepted your request didn’t I?”

“This is too smooth, you didn’t pressure me, didn't ask for concessions, you didn't ask for anything. I told you before, if it’s too good to be true then it’s untrue.”

The air between them turned tense. Viers let out his wariness but Farley didn’t respond. She was as serene as she could be.

“Hey, we’re on the same side here. I’m not your enemy.”

“Gross oversimplification… but alright. I don’t want friction or conflict if it’s possible. Let’s make this entrepreneurship works.” Viers held out his right hand.

I’ll be watching you, I won’t let down my guard dealing with the cult.

“Deal. I know you have a bad impression of me, but as I said before, you won’t regret this. I’m trying to mend the bridges between us here, how about extending a little trust, hmn?” Farley shook his hand.

I don’t trust anyone. Therefore I’ll never be betrayed. 

Viers thought that in his head with a firm belief.


Farley stayed true to her words, Viers was introduced to the winery’s manager, Howard. He was a man in his fifties, a very friendly guy. Kind uncle in your neighborhood type. A bit skinny and he had quite a bit of wrinkle on his face.

“Hello, young man. Let’s get you settled, eh?” Howard slapped him a few times in the back. Pretty strong for someone his age.

The first order of business, Howard gave Viers a tour on and explaining to him how they made their wine. Viers had quite a bit of fun, this reminded him of a field trip to a Yakult factory that he had when he was in elementary school. The technological level was a heaven and earth difference compared to the modern and mechanized factory so the tour was very educational.

Viers learned the complex and arduous process of winemaking and it baffled him. From the picking of the grapes, crushing, fermenting, and other kinds of minute details. At first, Viers wanted to make his own wine but the complicated process dampened his motivation. It wasn’t like he needed to create the wine from scratch to turn it into ambrosia, a simple drop of blood would suffice.

Deciding his time better used for getting himself stronger, he settled by asking Howard ten bottles share of wine to be brought to him. He got a private room according to the agreement, put a few drops of life-force infused blood in the wine barrel, and let the wine be. The wait wasn’t exactly necessary but Viers knew winemaking was a time-consuming process, the wait could be measured in years for some wine brand. Too fast of a process would invite suspicion so the time-wasting was necessary as a front.

He also wanted to know if his blood effect had a time limit or was the effect permanent. He'll experiment with it little by little. Satisfied with the arrangements, Viers left in a good mood.


A few days after the beginning of Viers’ new business, in the peak of summer’s season, a new development fell on his lap.

“We are going to rob the church.” Bernard addressed the cultists while pushing up his glasses.

Here we go, I thought it’s about time for the next battle event.

Viers and the other cultists were at the lounge, the same one when Viers got his reward, seduced by ambiguous dancers, and danced with Farley. Hearing Bernard’s words, the mook cultists murmured with each other.

“Our objective is to get the church’s faith!” Bernard made a fist with his right hand.

Now how the hell we steal faith? This should be interesting, different from stealing money or artifact. 

“As you people may know, the goddess uses the power of faith to bolster her heavenly forces. The goddess as the subject of their faith received it directly. With her permission, her faithful in the mortal realm also enjoys the benefit of faith’s benefits.”

Uh-huh, and? Come on, don’t keep me waiting.

Viers listened to the obligatory exposition.

“In every church at a sufficiently large human population there’s a tabernacle, usually in the shape of an ornate locked box. The goddess segregates a little amount of the faith and created holy water within. The holy water is infused with faith and a touch of the divine so it possesses wondrous effects. It could be used for great blessings, sanctify a cursed object, as the core of divine Artes, and so forth.”

“In this town of three thousand population, only a small bottle of holy water could be created in one year. Before they shipped the holy water to the church’s HQ at Sephoria, we’ll liberate it from the church’s hand.”

Bernard grinned savagely, provoking cheers from the other cultists.

I take that back, turns out it's just stealing some water. He could've said so instead, no need for trying to be dramatic. Oh well, it is what it is.

“We will begin the operation two days from now, be in your best condition. Squad leaders come with me, I’ll outline the strategy of this attack.”

The spectacled higher-ups of the Cult of Dumuzin left the lounge. Following him was the squad-leaders, Viers saw Wesk was among them. The rest of the cultists left at their own pace, Viers was analyzing the situation as he walked away.

Hmm, my reputation is at the bottom so normally I won’t be assigned to somewhere important. Perhaps along the lines of holding back the enemy or creating a distraction… and yet I reckon it’s not going to be that way. What’s fate got in store for me this time? At least I’m level 1 now so I won’t be totally helpless.

Viers looked at the tribal bracelet on his left hand. He’d custom-designed this when he asked the maker to make the Bracelet of Fake Perception so even other cultists shouldn’t be able to tell by the appearance that it was a magic item for masking his level 1 aura.

When Viers was busy inside his own head, he bumped with another cultist that was also exiting the room.

“Whoops, sorry.” Viers immediately offered his apology.

“…You, aren’t you Jor?” A black-haired youth of the same age spoke.

“Hmn? Who’s asking?”


“Ah, okay then. Excuse me.” Viers tried to exit the lounge normally.

“Now wait just a minute, aren’t you the coward that ran away from the tournament?”

His tone and words weren’t nice in Viers’ ears, he spoke loudly enough so most cultists could hear.

“I suppose so, got a problem?”

“I expect a person Lady Farley held in high regard to have more courage than a scurrying rat.”

Clear of Soris’ antagonistic approach, Viers responded accordingly.

“Lady Farley could misjudge people, I am not anything grand.” Viers’ voice was calm.

“…Not even going to defend your own honor, Jor?” Soris squinted his eye.

“Just minding my own business, good evening.” Viers went through the door.

“Hmph, little man.”

Viers heard Soris’ last insult because of his special hearing.

Well, well, I didn’t pay attention to how other cultists looked at me but I supposed Farley’s presence and favoritism towards me ruffled their feathers. Heh, other MCs especially Japanese shounen type make friends wherever he goes but I make enemies instead. I’m not gonna complain, this suits me just fine. 

And I reckon this Soris fellow won’t live for much longer. He already established himself as my enemy. If he threatens me, I won’t show any mercy. 

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, the day of the attack on the church had arrived.


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