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Initially, I wanted this to be a little scary. But, then I kept making her fatter, and I decided a skull wasn't what I wanted, and having her holding a corpse in her outstretched hand was also not a good idea for a pinup, and realistic blood was probably also going to turn some people off... 

So in the end this is just a very unscary wendigo with a big belly. A soft belly this time, rather than a bloated belly as in the last picture.

Maybe I'm going to expand the fur a little? This is clearly not realistic fur, I can try to make it more realistic but I'm not sure if that'll make the character more attractive... For now it's done, but if a lot of people have specific suggestions I can go back and tweak it.




Hey, we're back at deer again. Well kind of at least. Once more, interesting character design and great work on the lighting!


Thank you! Maybe I'll do a properly spooky wendigo and you'll get even more deer! I may go back and tweak the lighting on the fur a bit though, since it doesn't seem to match that of the body...